Are you sure you're not here to pick a fight?

A line of letters and numbers appeared on the screen.

"What the hell?"

She couldn't even copy it before the reply failed – this damn piece of shit.

They must have blocked her.

Keep fighting if you dare!

Don't chicken out!

You wimp! You're just a little turtle!!!

As Lola Hussey was filled with resentment, some new comments slowly surfaced underneath.

[Damn, this brother's account is gone, managing to last this long isn't easy.]

[Hahaha, the account is really gone.]

[As expected of a girl, losing control at the slightest disagreement, banning accounts if the words aren't to their liking.]

[I've been watching the battlefield between Lola Hussey and that netizen, just want to say something as a neutral party - don't involve family when cursing others; talk with some virtue.]

[Me too!! Don't involve family members when cursing others, be virtuous, Amitabha.]