Mother's good big boy


Isa Jewel's fever rose to 38.6°C. The show's crew had prepared preventive supplies, and her temperature didn't rise further after taking fever-reducing medicine; it slowly went down.

Director Pan was worried and decided to stay over with them.

But someone needed to take care of Isa Jewel, check her temperature in the middle of the night to see if it rose again.

This task was quite tiring, especially since it involved getting up at night and it was cold. It was seen as a tough, thankless job.

Moreover, since Isa Jewel was a female artist, the male guests wouldn't be asked to care for her, as it would seem improper. In the end, Suki Cunningham and Lola Hussey took on the task.

They also switched rooms, with Suki and Lola coming over to sleep in this one.

Isa Jewel was in and out of consciousness, not recognizing who was who. After taking the fever-reducing medicine, she barely opened her eyes.