He just appeared in the camera like that.

Director Pan scolded everyone not to shout randomly and to address each other politely.

Suki Cunningham said with a loud voice, "Autumn is Lola's biological grandma. Since Lola and I are sisters, her grandma is my grandma and, her grandpa is my grandpa."

Bennett raised his hand: "Suki makes sense, let's applaud."

Director Pan and the others were still clueless about the situation since Lola Hussey and her family hadn't said anything, and even the cameramen didn't mention anything. So Director Pan was very confused at the moment.

At this time, Lola Hussey called out to Autumn in front of everyone: "Grandma, you're here!"

Director Pan and the others widened their eyes, all staring at Lola Hussey.

Next to them, Mrs. Long Robes, wearing a cotton-padded jacket and gown, said: "You naughty girl, do you only recognize your grandma? What about me? Where have you put me?"