Having an affair...

"It's been quite a long time since you finished your busy work. We can't interfere too much in the affairs of you young people, but Ethan, even though you're busy, you should still pay more attention to and take care of Lola."

This was a rare occasion when Ethan Ainsley was interrupted while speaking.

However, Mrs. Long Robes' words were reasonable.

Ethan only wants to schedule the engagement and wedding as soon as possible, but as for Lola having a child, that can wait for a few more years. He is not in a hurry, and will respect Lola's wishes on that matter.

The only thing he's in a hurry for is to get married.

They arrived at Bailey's Old Manor.

Mr. and Mrs. Long Robes had already gone in first, leaving some space for the couple.

Lola Hussey was lost in thought about various things, absent-minded to the point that, after getting out of the car, she bumped into a wall of flesh. She stared at it for a moment, then slowly looked up at him.