Bring the best of the whole world to Lola Hussey's presence.

After mentioning the endorsement, Sullivan looked at Lola Hussey: "Tomorrow night at eight, I want you to..."

His gaze was shameless, staring at her with an intense sense of possession. But others couldn't see that, only the hints of indulgence.

"I want you to make time to accompany me to the Starlight Reward."

Everyone once again: "!!!!!!!!"

Ahhhh the Starlight Reward!!!

The perfect feast for a superstar!!

Upon hearing this, everyone was so shocked that they couldn't sit still, feeling their butts ache.

This new CEO's favoritism went beyond just pampering; it was as if he wanted to gift the best things in the world to Lola Hussey.

Just short of offering his heart and soul.

However, to everyone else, this was no different than giving his heart and soul, right?!

The Starlight Reward, a red carpet event, wasn't just any ordinary party. It was basically a slaughterhouse for celebrities, where lesser-known stars could be crushed in minutes, left with nothing but dust.