The Show-off Life of Pow Ainsley (Random Episode)

Four-year-old Pow Ainsley's favorite activity is pondering. For example, the issue occupying his mind lately is whether his mom loves him or not.

He has asked Ethan more than ten times, "Dad, Mom doesn't seem to love me at all. Why did she give birth to me?"

Ethan, flipping through the quarterly financial report in his hand and adjusting his blue light-blocking glasses, casually said, "Your mother's love is hidden deep in her heart."

"That's not right."

Pow furrows his little brow.

Ethan glances at him, "How is it not right?"

So, Pow philosophically says, "My teacher said that a mother's love is warm and great, and as babies, we should feel extremely lucky to have it."

Ethan: "So you're not happy now?"

Pow hesitates for a moment, then says, "Not really."

"Then shut up."

"Dad... "

"Shut up."

"Okay, dad."

Although Pow loves his dad and is very attached to him, he also admires and fears him.