
The monarch said nothing to anyone the following day while remaining seated on his throne. His tough demeanor worried everyone; it wasn't like him. Additionally, the king would isolate himself and spend the entire day in his study if his court was not in session. The whispered words gradually disappeared into thin air in the days that followed, and no one dared bring up that night in the kings' court. Everything eventually gets back to normal. Since the king had commanded that no words escape the realm, the citizenry remained in the dark about what had happened.

"Your Majesty," he said. Ezekiel announced his presence inside the queen's chamber.

"How is the king doing?" The queen inquired, not turning around since her gaze was fixated outside the window. "I'm worried." She went on.

"He has shut himself alone in his studies."

The queen sighed and gently turned around; her eyes expectant as she sought assistance. Ezekiel was devastated looking at the queen, who had air bags under her eyes like she hadn't slept, despite the fact that her health was deteriorating by the day.

"I'll talk to him. Please take care of yourself." Ezekiel said, looking at the food sitting on her desk untouched. The queen followed his gaze and hummed in response with a slight smile. With the last bow, Ezekiel left the room. His heavy and concerned steps marched towards where the king was. He stopped before the study, his arms extended, but he hesitated to open the door. A sigh left his mouth and he knocked on the door and waited for any type of response but was met with silence, so he knocked again but nothing. Defeated, he did what he felt was necessary, and with a light push, he opened the door.

"Brother!" Leaning over the king's sleeping form, Ezekiel spoke in a low voice.

The king groaned as he awoke and wiped his eyes before turning to face his brother. Ezekiel observed the state of the chamber, noting the abundance of books on the desk and the floor—possibly the king was dozing off while reading one of them. The king followed his look and grinned a little. "Look at the shambles."

"You were untidy all the time." Ezekiel said with a laugh.

Again, stillness engulfed the chamber as they turned away from one other, looking for anything to say. Ezekiel's eyes widened with astonishment as the monarch closed the book in front of him, since the king had never shown interest in this sort of literature before. "What's with all these books on magic?" He questioned cautiously, remembering that all of the strewn volumes were about magic and spells. "Is there something I'm not aware of?"

The king groaned and rubbed his brow. He closed his eyes for a while to ponder. The terrifying night echoed in his mind. The king shoved those thoughts away and turned to face his brother, who was patiently waiting for his response. "We have been cursed by the man." Ezekiel widened his eyes and pursed his lips into a narrow line, waiting for the king to continue. He realized that if anybody could help him, it was his brother, so the king told Ezekiel all that had happened that day.

"Does the queen-"

Ezekiel was interrupted when he noticed the king nodding and looking wounded. "She was by my side." King spoke up. Now that all was obvious, the king spent these few days searching for the answers.

Since those spells and curses can only be cast by the warlock himself, he searched for something to break the curse but was unable. "Don't mention the curse to anyone." Ezekiel's hands were taken by the king, who begged.

"Brother, if I need to sew my lips shut, you may tell me." Ezekiel stated in a kind voice. Ezekiel was horrified to see his once strong brother become vulnerable as the king broke down. "I'll take care-." The king shushed him before he could say anything.

"No," The king paused for a second. "I'll find something, please take care here." The king sniffled and got up from his chair, he picked up few books and placed them neatly on the rack.

"The queen needs you."

"I know, I'll talk to her." Ezekiel nodded.

The day flew by as the king spent the entire day looking for something that may assist. In the king's absence, Ezekiel presided over the court. Time, on the other hand, moved slowly for the queen, who continued counting hours, minutes, and seconds. Her maidens tried and failed terribly to cheer her up, as if the queen had buried her laugh somewhere. They just prayed for the queen's and her unborn child's safety. And, as the black night encircled the castle, the curse and that dreadful night replayed in her thoughts like a recorder. The incident always gave the queen the chills, and she hasn't left her room since that night. She didn't talk to anyone and spent her days looking out the window.

"I assumed you wouldn't show up." The queen talked without looking away from the window.

"How do you do it?" the king inquired as he entered the queen's chamber, embarrassed by his unsuccessful attempt to sneak in. He gazed around the room, nearly crying, remembering how alive it used to be, but now it felt dead. He approached the queen and stood behind her, his arms slithering around her waist. The monarch was taken aback when the queen stiffened beneath his touch. "I apologize, my Queen." A tear streamed down his face as he sighed.

"For what exactly?"

"Diona!" To gaze at the queen, the monarch turned to face her. He focused on the eyes that didn't stop sobbing. The once-happy gleam in her eyes was now caused by the countless tears she'd cried during the last two weeks. Yes, the incident took place two weeks ago. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here," The king talked quietly while cupping her face and studying every detail of her features.


"I'm sorry for abandoning you and the baby." The queen began to cry as soon as the king began to caress her face. As he grieved alongside her, the king wiped her tears with his thumb. "I'm also sorry for failing to safeguard our family." With his own words, the king cried uncontrollably on the queen's arms. "And I swear to do all in my power to make things right." He said it several times to reassure himself and the queen. The queen slept soundly after what seemed like two weeks; all she needed was the king's support. The queen felt pleased and glad that the king was comfortable and by her side during the night.