The Coronation

The king had been absent from the castle for two weeks. Everything seemed to be going smoothly. Ezekiel was effectively managing all state-related issues. The king's disappearance had been perfectly concealed to the outside world up until this point. Ezekiel spent the majority of his time in the study because there wasn't much chaos in the state that needed to be handled. Even the blue scroll that the king had given him before he left was unopened and lying on the table. Ezekiel had the impression that everything was going too smoothly to be true, and he didn't want to be overwhelmed by any unexpected incident. He was guided through state matters by the advisor, who also explained his responsibilities. Since the day the king left, Ezekiel has felt as though every day is a training day as the advisor has continued to go over the king's responsibilities with him. Despite his confusion, he cooperated. As a new question kept emerging in his mind, his question clouds became heavier every day.

"Mr. Levin, hold on." Ezekiel exclaimed as the counselor explained the death penalty and sanctions for trespassers to him. " Why are we doing this for the nth time? In one week the king will return." Ezekiel rubbed his face, his tone of voice oozing with irritation. His veins had begun to protrude. The advisor sat across from him, huffing loudly, and kept the book he was reciting on the desk.

"Because I'm instructed to do so." The advisor talked calmly."

"But why?"

"There is a coronat-,"

"Enough, Mr. Levin. "I've had enough of hearing about the coronation." Ezekiel abruptly got out of his chair. "What precisely happened that day? What is my brother trying to hide from me?" He leaned forward to gaze at the advisor while resting his hands on the desk. The advisor rose up without being bothered by this.

"The coronation is in a week, even if the king arrives," he added as he went towards the door. Ezekiel was in a fury of rage. He had never previously felt this helpless. He didn't want the situation to continue in this way. The advisor gave the prince one more look before leaving and shutting the door behind him. "Or not." The final phrase was said in a low voice before he walked away.

Ezekiel's anger prevented him from thinking clearly. He had never been this way before. He couldn't believe what he was going through. The josen brothers were widely regarded as the country's dynamic duo. Ezekiel was renowned for his intelligence and reasoning skills, while Alaric was regarded as the most courageous and powerful of the young kings. However, nothing appeared to be the same; Alaric was gone taking care of unfinished business that no one knew about, while Ezekiel was in the castle trying his best to carry out his duties.

Ezekiel exited the study and stumbled his way to his room. The servants and guards' welcomes went unnoticed as he continued to keep his head down. The last two weeks have been busy. Despite the royal advisor standing by his side, he felt helpless because he had watched his father and brother handle everything. He had no idea where he was heading and ended himself in front of the Aura's room. When he poked his head inside, he saw his wife interacting with the baby. During these days, the only thing that kept him calm was little Aura, who had everyone wrapped around her little fingers. But as he thought of Savannah, his expression sank. He had just been married for a few weeks and was unable to care for his wife. He despised himself for putting her in this situation unintentionally. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice when the door slid open and Savannah smiled at him. When Savannah cleared her throat, he snapped out of his stupor.

"I was just passing by," Ezekiel mumbled while scratching his head. Savannah responded by arching an eyebrow and grinning slightly.

"Yes, it so happens that your room is next to the opposite corridor." Savannah commented while jokingly nodding her head and laughed. After what seemed like hours of rigid scheduling the royal advisor had established for him, the air altered once more, and Ezekiel suddenly felt light. Ezekiel set aside other thoughts as he moved quietly in their direction. "There's no need to be on tiptoe; she's not asleep." Savannah commented on how the prince was walking on his toes in order to make no sound.

"I don't want to scare her because she might cry."

They both laughed, "Reasonably enough, she can be noisy occasionally."

When Ezekiel gazed at the young girl grinning at him, he felt as though a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders, and a faint smile began to form on his lips. He softly stroked Aura's cheeks and said, "She can make anyone's pain go away.

"Being true to her name."

Ezekiel responded with a hum.

The same routine had continued for a week. The royal advisor helped the prince prepare for his partly coronation as a representative king. Ezekiel spent his days in the study, straining his brain, and his evenings in the infirmary, where he calmly watched Savannah cradle the infant like it was her own. Ezekiel suppressed his anxiety and occasionally prayed for his brother to return behind the façade of happiness. But nothing from his brother—not even a letter—arrived.

Ezekiel remained seated in his study on the last day of the month. He was sitting in the chair with his hands on the desk and his head resting on them. He didn't want this at all; in fact, all he wanted was for his brother to burst through the front door. " Prince, I suggest that you rest."

Ezekiel ran his palm over his face rather harshly as he sighed and spoke. " "What are we telling the people about the king's disappearance?" He gave the counselor a direct glance in search of an answer. "What made him decide to abdicate the throne?" Despite his best efforts, Ezekiel was unable to obtain anything from the advisor.

"It has been taken care of, prince."

The advisor's comments were just as mystifying as his expression. The words that had been hurled at Ezekiel throughout the previous two weeks had failed to make any sense to him. Why did the advisor claim that it was already resolved? No one questioned anything at all. He didn't even get any sleep because he was up all-night thinking about it.

It was fairly sunny the following morning. Ezekiel dozed off in his study. A gentle ray of sunlight flashed on his face, and he awoke, covering his eyes. Rubbing his eyes, he noticed that a blanket had been put over him the night before while he had slept in the study. He snuck toward his own chamber as it was still early in the morning and the coronation wasn't scheduled to take place until later around noon. Around the castle, everything was set up as if people had worked all night to have everything ready in time. Ezekiel opened the door slowly and entered. To his amazement, Savannah was dressed and already awake.

"You're awake."

"Good morning to you, as well, prince." Her smile was gentle.

"I should also get ready." Ezekiel walked inside his room. "And thank you," he added before slipping out of view through the doorway to the spacious bathroom. " Savannah chuckled before heading outdoors, possibly to see how the little princess Aura was doing.

No neighboring kingdoms were invited because the coronation was planned to be a minor ceremony, but the information was delivered. Everyone was astonished by the quick choice, but still, they offered their blessings in the shape of gifts, which had already come two days before. People began to question why the king was giving his younger brother the throne as the talk continued to circulate. Is it due of the queen? Is he actually broke? The speculations and assumptions kept spreading across the country. Everyone anxiously awaited the event to learn the reasons behind what was happening because no one knew why.

The courtroom was suitably decorated for the event. A throne was positioned just to the left of the king's throne on the stage, which was where the thrones of the king and queen were located. The throne could not be given to Ezekiel because he was intended to serve as a representative king. Following lunch, a few merchants and prominent citizens began to show up in the courtroom to witness the coronation.

"I, Levin, royal advisor of the Josen kingdom, greet everyone who has come to witness the coronation." The event was opened by the royal advisor, and then everyone took their places. Levin wasn't blind to their ambiguous looks.

Ezekiel was continually gazing out the door as he paced back and forth within his room. He hoped to hear anything concerning his brother. Princess Savannah put a hand on Ezekiel's shoulder after noticing the look of discomfort on his face.

"My brother had promised to return in a month." The stress inside Ezekiel's thoughts continued rising until he finally blurted out. "What would we say to the populace? They're going to be let down." He began to ramble on in his thoughts.

"We can take care of things for him." Savannah interrupted him mid-sentence and murmured softly. " We don't sure how long Brother will be gone, but the people and this kingdom need someone to look out for them." She straightened his coat and wiped the dampness from his brow. " Do it for your brother, the community, and most of all for Aura". Ezekiel nodded as he steadied his anxiety by taking a few long breaths.

There was a tap on the door, and after permitting them to enter, a guard entered, bowing before them and stating, "The royal adviser has called for you."

"It's time." Savannah smiled and held out her hand for Ezekiel to hold.

"It's time." Ezekiel whispered, intertwining his fingers with Savannah's, and stepped outside, making his way to the courthouse where everyone was waiting for them.

Savannah moved aside as he entered the courtroom to take her place close to the podium, and Ezekiel made his way through the carpet to stand in front of the advisor with his back to the throne. He stood with confidence in spite of his anxiety and worry for his brother. He wanted the time would pass more slowly as he waited for his brother to enter since all eyes were now on him. The advisor's words immediately caused him to lose his train of thinking.

"The coronation must now start. I regret to inform you that the king has to leave the castle to look for any indications of terrorism or other risks." The advisor talked while facing the witnesses. " And, to quote the king, "the throne should not remain empty." As a result, we decided to fulfill the king's request and make our prince a representative king." The witnesses kept nodding to themselves while he waited to check if anyone had any complaints. They understood that if the monarch had to make this choice, there should be a good reason. " If there are any objections, please stand up before we start the ceremony." No one objected as Ezekiel and the advisor looked about. The adviser turned to face Ezekiel after receiving approval from everyone and signaled for him to proceed to the podium.

Ezekiel nodded as he moved steadily to the podium, where he took a position to the left of the king's seat. The advisor requested the blue scroll that the king had given Ezekiel from one of the royal attendants. The adviser flipped open the scroll and started reading.

"I, Alaric Josen, emperor of the Josen realm,

direct the temporary partial coronation of my younger brother as representative king.

It was distressing to learn that there are still a few people gawking at Josen Kingdom,

our kingdom.

As king, I was forced to intervene in the situation.

I humbly submit to the coronation taking place whether or not I am present.

And until I return or until my daughter Aura Josen reaches the legal age

to manage the state on her own, my brother Ezekiel Josen will be in charge of the kingdom."

The advisor rolled back the scroll, and another servant came up to give the king's royal scepter. "Since we cannot crown the prince, I hereby deliver to the prince Ezekiel of the Josen kingdom this royal scepter that represents the power and capability to handle the country." The witnesses applauded the prince with handclaps. "Our representative king may now speak for a moment."

"My father and brother ruled this kingdom better than anybody else could," Ezekiel stated as he approached, holding the throne's scepter. " But since the king is not present right now, I pledge the kingdom and its citizens that I will do everything in my power to serve the country." Once more, the witnesses began to applaud and congratulate the prince. Savannah nodded, assuring him that he did well and that everybody was happy with him. The ritual had gone smoothly, and it was now time for the representative king to address the people waiting outside the castle for the news.

Around the castle, a sizable crowd was assembled, standing with puzzled expressions and inquiries running through their minds. Ezekiel moved toward the balcony, the same balcony where he had stood previously and a month earlier. However, he was meant to be there this time, where the king had once stood, and the thought was killing him from the inside out. He wasn't sure how the crowd would respond to him. What if they despise him?

Savannah gently grabbed his hand to calm him down because he was thinking too loudly. Savannah was standing next to him as he addressed the crowd, and the royal advisor was somewhat to their rear.

"Netizens, please welcome Ezekiel Josen of the Josen kingdom, our representative monarch."

Following that, people began to grumble among themselves, and in the midst of it, someone in the crowd shouted. "What happened to King Alaric?"

"The king is on a mission to protect the realm from invaders." After Ezekiel finished his brief remark, the crowd quieted down. After a brief period of stillness, the populace immediately began cheering the monarch and the prince. Although the situation was not exactly what he had expected, he was nonetheless pleased with how well everything went.

Ezekiel started to head back to his room to rest after the ceremony and all of that, but he suddenly halted. A big wardrobe-like structure with glass doors that reflected everything housed inside was located to his left. Ezekiel's eyes landed on the king's crown on the top shelf of the cabinet. A diamond with a vivid sunset color was put in the center of a gold dome-shaped crown. The base of the crown had tiny precious stones inlaid in it, and it was wrapped in purple velvet fabric. On the cushion, the crown was perched. His eyes were transfixed on it for a brief period of time until he heard Aura's faint cries coming from a distance; he then turned away while shaking his head.