The healing

"Coco, I appreciate your education, but we need to find a way to talk to one other." Coco frequently nodded behind the advisor, who was walking quickly. "We'll introduce you to the healers first. Let's see what they can come up with, maybe we'll get a sign language interpreter." Coco responded with a hum and continued to follow the advisor. They moved from one hallway to the next. Coco's mouth fell open as he observed the massive walls and doors. It seemed as though he would spend all of time trying to get to the healers. He was astounded by the enormous castle. "We'll start your training and other things next week. You can relax for a week to get accustomed with the surroundings." Coco was strolling without looking forward since his gaze was drawn to the exclusive items within the castle, and he didn't see when the advisor halted in front of the door and bumped on his back. Coco hurriedly clasped his hands and bowed in apology, but the advisor chuckled and patted him on the back. "It happens, it's okay. Do not worry; you will adjust. Let's enter now and meet the royal doctor and the healers. Inside, they are waiting." The advisor opened the door while smiling warmly and offering a piece of paper and a pen. "Until then, this might be useful."

There were two healers clad in an ankle-length robe, and alongside them was a man wearing a tunic with a royal crest on it, paired with slacks and a jacket. The royal physician could have been him. They stopped conversing and turned to face Coco and the advisor as soon as they entered. Throughout his time at the inn, Coco met a wide variety of people, but never had he met so many nobles in one day. He had the impression that he would face questioning on a hypothetical offense before being either sent to the dungeon or given to the lions. The adviser rubbed his shoulders, reassuring him that it's okay because he could tell he was feeling nervous.

He was questioned by the doctor and the healers about when he lost his voice and whether he experienced throat tingling. When he had to, Coco used the paper and pen while shaking his head sometimes up and down or left and right. The doctor carefully touched the throat in an attempt to feel for any type of knots. He used a small amount of force and asked him to tell him to stop if it was too much. However, he was unable to perceive any issues and was unable to sense anything. The healer nodded at the royal physician's indication and told Coco to close his eyes while they inspected his throat. They instructed him to get comfortable on the bed that was set up next to the closed window. While waiting for the healers to do their work, the adviser sat calmly to the side, remaining by Coco's side the entire time. One of the healers, who was significantly older and had a grey beard than the other, placed his fingers on Coco's head. The second healer placed his fingers over his throat. The healers then themselves closed their eyes and tried to focus on the healing.

The healer's fingers released a gentle essence that entered Coco's brain. The abrupt coldness caused Coco to jerk a little but eventually calm down. The advisor continued to stand to the side and watch everything. He noticed the healers' faces stiffened every time they attempted to examine him, indicating that they were finding it difficult. It remained thus way for a considerable amount of time, with Coco drifting off on the bed and the healers' brows furrowed throughout. Coco tightened up for a minute, but his eyes remained closed, as if the healers were struggling with something inside his mind. Coco remained tossing and turning, seemingly in discomfort, while the healers became more focused on the healing. The advisor got forward to stop them, but the royal physician grabbed his wrist and shook his head no. Then, just as the advisor was ready to speak, Coco sprang to consciousness and let out a gasp. The doctor and the advisor jerked their heads in their direction and noticed Coco coughing up blood as he was having trouble breathing. With their hands trembling in what appeared to be terror, the healers were relocating backward. Coco covered his mouth with his palm as he coughed out more blood. The counselor soon approached him while carrying a glass of water and a pail. Coco took a quick breath and quickly rinsed his mouth out with water. The advisor patted his back to calm him down.

Once Coco's breathing returned to normal, the advisor instructed him to change into clean clothing because his were covered in blood. Coco nodded. " Do you know how to get back to your chamber?" He asked, to which Coco shook his head left and right.

"Neo." The guard who was outside hurriedly entered when the advisor yelled. "Have him brought to his chamber." The guard gave a nod. Coco got to her feet and moved cautiously behind the guard before turning to face the advisor. "I'll have a little conversation with them. Everything is going to be alright." After receiving a smile from the advisor, Coco left the room. He was not aware of the odd sensation he was experiencing, which made him feel as though his mind was not in control of himself. He grimaced as he held his stained shirt in his hands. His hands instinctively reached for his throat, which he tenderly stroked. After escorting him to his chamber, the guard returned to his own task. Coco eventually dragged his feet inside his chamber and pulled out a fresh shirt. After changing into a new shirt, he sat on the side of the bed with his hands resting on his knees and his head resting on them. He had the impression that his head was about to explode. He just needed to get outside and get some air because he was feeling out of breath.

Coco moaned in agony as he limped out of the room and strolled aimlessly in any direction, he believed should lead to the garden he had seen upon arriving at the castle. And there were no guards to question about the route, so he assisted himself. He walked aimlessly for a few minutes before feeling his body becoming exhausted. He pondered if perhaps it was as a result of the healing treatment.

After a while of wandering through the quiet hallways, Coco stopped and turned to survey his surroundings. Even though he wasn't sure if he was traveling in circles or not because every path appeared the same to him, he was certain that he got lost. From the outside, the castle appeared to be rather large and stunning, but within, it was like a maze, and someone who didn't know the path could easily become lost for days. His head began to hurt even more as he futilely attempted to recall where he had begun. He bowed his head and knelt, silently pleading for assistance. "Are you the new boy with the name Coco?" At the sound, he hurriedly turned around to face the person in front of him, who was dressed as a servant. Coco stood up while having tears staining his face. Before the man in front of him called it out, he was unaware that he was crying. "Are you sobbing?" Coco glanced at the man with glassy eyes as he lifted his hand to wipe away his tears. The man was slightly shorter than he was. "Stop crying. It's a good thing I saw you because otherwise you might have spent days getting lost. Let's get you to your room right now, so hurry up." Coco quickly shook her head. "Where to then? Sorry, I didn't realize you couldn't speak." Coco lowered his head. "All right, I'll take a couple names and you nod your head."



"Courtroom?" He continued to hazard a guess, and Coco kept shaking her head. After a brief period of guessing, Coco excitedly nodded as the man said, "Garden." " Oh, you want to go outside? All right, let's go. " The man threw his arm around Coco's tall figure and guided him to the garden.

Coco shook her head in response to the question, "Are you a traveler?" Your parents, where are they? or your family?" When Coco bowed his head, the man stopped pursuing the subject of his family. He figured Coco had come here trying to find work since they might have died and that's why. They began chatting at random, and when they eventually reached a large area, Coco exhaled in relief. He took a big breath after feeling the breeze on his face. "Here we are. I must return to my job. If you need anything, I'm "Clause." Coco looked at him bewildered, as if to remind him that he was mute. "Oh, right, just do this." The man snapped his thumb repeatedly while holding his fingers straight in a horizontal fashion. At his hand motion, Coco smothered a laugh. "I know, I know, just do this and they'll take you to the kitchen." Coco nodded. "That's where I work."

Coco began to wander around the open garden when the man left him there. He examined his surroundings and stroked the garden's variously colored flowers. It was lovely outside, with clean air and a vibrant scene. Instantly, his headache subsided. Why did the healers appear afraid, despite he couldn't help but go back to the earlier incident? And why did I vomit blood? Am I ill? His thoughts were slightly clouded by these concerns as he heard faint laughter coming from nearby. Knowing who it was, he moved swiftly in the direction of the lovely chuckles he was hearing. When he noticed Aura playing with an elderly woman, he paused. The woman was attempting to chase Little Aura as she was rushing around. "Little princess, you'd get hurt." The woman exclaimed.

"Coco, come play with us." Aura yelled, shocking the man who was standing nearby. The elder woman sneered while whipping her head in Aura's direction. The woman was going to carry Aura, but she moved quickly and fled in the direction of Coco. He suddenly felt uneasy and began to scan his surroundings with confusion.

"Little Princess, come back here." In pursuit of Aura, the woman got into motion.

"Come on, come on." Aura reached her small hand and clasped Coco's large finger. She drew him over to the lady and said "This is Coco, grandma. He cannot speak." Coco trembled as the elderly woman turned her attention to him. "I'll show you around the castle, and then we can play." Aura said in a sweet voice.

"I'm sure he has other work in the castle," The woman expressed her concern at the idea of him being near the little princess. Coco understood what she was thinking, and he nodded in agreement.

"I'll just show you around then." When Aura chirped, Coco gulped in panic.

"Princess, I'll go with you too."

"Okay, let's go." The woman started to follow closely behind Aura as they made their way inside the palace. The fact that Aura never let go of Coco's hand the entire time worried Coco the most.