As You Can See, I Am Not Dead

Hey Guys.

Sorry for not posting anything for the past few weeks.

This irregularity in my upload started with me getting COVID.

After I recovered, I realized I had a lot of uni stuff to catch up on. So, I reduced my upload schedule by a bit, but tried to keep a consistent upload.

However, it was a bit hard.

Then came a huge festival that my culture celebrates. I went to the festival and enjoyed myself thoroughly, however, the celebration was short-lived.

Maybe it was something I ate at the festival or something else, I'm not sure, but I came down with a severe case of food poisoning, which resulted in me getting sick once more, not being able to upload any chapters.

This not only affected my release schedule on this website, but also my uni work.

Two days after I got food poisoning, I had a oral examination due at my uni, which I had to postpone. This resulted in me having to constantly play catch up with my already overloading uni assignments.

As this semester is already halfway done, the workload has increased significantly, putting me under a constant strain.

What I am trying to say is that I will have to dedicate a significantly larger amount of time to uni work, sacrificing my time from other activities that don't have very high priorities.

This will result in me having to cut down on my writing time for a while.

However. Fear not, my friends.

You guys will read once more.

For I will always come back to my works. This I swear as a Fanfiction Writer.

I will probably pick up this fanfic after all my assignments are completed and I have finished my degree, which should be around the end of october.

In the meanwhile, I have a few dozen chapters of a few fanfictions that I tried to write in my holidays over the past two-three years that I never got around to posting anywhere.

Would you like to read them?

Naruto Fanfic:

Naruto Fanfic where the MC is a free spirit wandering around:

Harry Potter Fanfic: There's like a few of them, so I'll maybe put one up on random.

And once more. Sorry for the inconvenience.