The last thing I remember is sitting in that small room in the temple with the necklace but I'm definitely not where I was before. I'm lying on the softest surface I've ever felt let alone slept on and am covered by an equally soft blanket, how did I get here? I had fainted likely due to lack of food over the past few days. I only had a bit of food to bring with me when I left Stowu, and I was lucky that some of the guards would share some of theirs, but all the food was running low as we got closer to Bellit, so I had gone the past few days with barely a mouthful of bread.
Opening my eyes, I find myself in a beautifully decorated room that is bigger than the entire shack I lived in back in Stowu. Panicking slightly when I realise that I'm not holding the necklace anymore and that it's nowhere in sight, I look around frantically only to realise that I'm now wearing the necklace. With the necklace safe I get out of bed and open the curtains to find that the sun is setting over the sea, I'd been out for at least a few hours and judging by the sea outside rather than a city I'm no longer in Bellit but somewhere else entirely.
Hoping to find out what is going on I go to leave the room only for the door to open and three handsome men to enter. All three are much taller than me, the tallest has tanned skin with a few faint scars on his face, black hair, gold eyes and scatterings of black scales down his neck and along his arms. The shortest is pale and has long dark brown hair, green eyes and is clearly an elf his pointy ears giving it away while the final man has a light tan, red eyes and short brown hair.
"Your awake." The red eyed man exclaims grinning happily. He goes to run forward making me flinch at the sudden movement causing the tallest man to grab hold of his clothes to hold him back.
"Careful Bel don't scare her. We should introduce ourselves first." The elf states turning his attention to me, "It's good to see you awake. My name is Lilas, the giant behind me is Ruikor and the overexcited one if Belath. We're very glad to meet you."
"Where am I?"
"At our castle in Harno." Lilas replies to me and steps forward slightly but not as fast as Belath had, obviously trying not to scare me.
"I don't understand why I am here?" This makes no sense what three creatures would want with me.
"Because your very important to us and we hope that you will agree to stay here with us." Lilas states as he tucks his long hair behind his ear drawing my attention to an earring there, one that contains a Stone an exact copy of my Stone. He's my soulmate. To my surprise Ruikor holds up a simple cord necklace with another copy of my Stone at the end and then Belath does the same thing with a ring. We're all soulmates, surely that's not possible I've never heard of four people being bonded together.
"W-we're all s-soulmates?" I manage to stutter out the question needing to hear it out loud.
"Yes." Ruikor grunts out in a deep voice that sounds harsh, but his golden eyes are gentle and warm putting me more at ease.
"We know it sounds strange but it's true the Gods have paired us all together." Belath grins and moves towards me taking hold of my hand, "So we've introduced ourselves, but we haven't asked for yours yet, please forgive us and tell us." I pull my hand back taking hold of the necklace tightly drawing strength from holding onto it.
"I don't have a name." It comes out as a whisper but echoes in the silence of the room as they had waited silently for my answer. "I was orphaned young and don't remember what my parents named me. The villagers never told me either, they probably don't remember what it was either." Tears are gathering in my eyes; I'd never had to tell this to anyone before and had hoped never to have to. If none of this had happened and I'd have had to make up a name for myself to use in Bellit.
"Well…" Belath began seemingly not fazed, "We'll just have to give you a name then. Li, I'm sure you've got a book of names somewhere."
"Yes, there should be one on the 5th bookshelf right of the door. Perhaps on the 2nd shelf but I'm not sure. Once you've found it we'll be in the kitchen, I think we could do with some dinner." No sooner than Lilas had finished speaking Belath took off running in a blur. "Come we'll show you the way to the kitchen." He held out a hand for me to take which I quickly accepted so the three of us together headed off.
Surprisingly it doesn't take us long to reach the kitchen, we took a nearby staircase and went down a few levels before walking along the hallway past a few doors until Lilas led me through a door into the kitchen Ruikor following silently behind. Now that we were inside Lilas let go of my hand indicating for me to sit at the table with Ruikor taking a seat to my right.
"Do you have any preferences, favourite foods?" asks Lilas getting out different vegetables and knives.
"Not really." I'd already had to admit to being nameless I didn't want to have to tell them that I'd rarely been able to afford more than bread and maybe a few old vegetables that nobody else wanted to eat.
"Stew." Ruikor speaks up sharing a look with Lilas who nods, had they really been together for so long that they can understand each other with just a look.
"Yes a light stew should be good. I'll give you a smaller portion, eat what you can but don't push yourself it'll take time to adjust. If you want more just let me know." Lilas tells me, apparently I didn't need to tell them about struggling to get enough food to eat. How much are they able to tell just by looking at me?
A comfortable silence descends over us only broken by the sounds of Lilas cooking. At least until Belath bursts into the room carrying a thick book.
"Found it." He cries out happily placing the book down on the table to my left where he takes a seat, "Now we can find you a name. It has to be one that we can shorten though." Lilas turns slightly from where he is stirring the stew so he can give Belath a stern look.
"What are you on about Bel, that doesn't matter. All that matters is that she likes the name." I'm glad that I'm not the only one who is confused by Belath's statement about shortening the name.
"Come on," he whines, "we can shorten ours; Ruikor Kor, Belath Bel, Lilas Li. I just think we should be able to do the same for her as well." It is sweet in a strange sort of way, he meant it as a way to include me. Not saying anything Ruikor leans across moving the book to in front of me probably meaning for me to start looking for a name.
"I-I can't read." I whisper out looking down at my hands clenched in my lap ashamed, there is no point in me even looking the writing in the book means nothing to me.
"Swap." Ruikor says standing and taking over stirring the stew for Lilas who take Ruikor's seat next to me.
"We'll read it to you then. Just let us know when you hear one you like. And I can teach you to read in the future if that's something you would like." Together Belath and Lilas start reading off names taking it in turns leaving a small break for me to respond if I like a name, the book starts with 'A' but as they read them off I don't like any of them.
On and on they go through all the A's and B's even as Ruikor serves out some stew for me, Lilas and himself while giving Belath a drink of what can only be blood. We eat, or drink in Belath's case, slowly as they continue reading out loud Ruikor joining in so that they can eat as well. It isn't until they get to the E's that I hear a name I like.
"Emilia, I like that one." By this time, we have all finished our food and are just sat going through the book. They all smile at my declaration, three very different smiles; one just the barest hint of a smile, another a gentle smile and the last a giant smile.
"It's a lovely name."
"Yes! Emilia – Emmy." Belath cries out happy to have been able to shorten my new name. I've never felt this happy; it no longer matters that they are still strangers they've helped me find a name and have been nothing but kind since I woke up. Perhaps I can finally be happy and maybe even learn to love them.
"Perhaps you'd like a tour of the castle. It's a big place it might take some getting used to." Lilas offers.
"Yes that would be nic-" I'm cut off by a yawn, I hadn't even realised how tired I am. Ruikor lets a brief deep chuckle before standing up.
"Bed." He states holding out a hand to me taking it, I'm not surprised that his hand completely dwarfs mine. I haven't heard Ruikor say more than one word at a time since I met him, but it seems to be normal for him, Lilas and Belath don't seem bothered and are able to understand him even with just one word. Despite his larger size and obvious power Ruikor keeps hold of my hand gently as he leads me back upstairs the same way we came down earlier with Belath and Lilas following behind talking quietly.
Once we get upstairs Ruikor walks further down the corridor, past the door that led to the room I was in earlier then stops. He points to a door slightly further down the corridor to the right.
"Our room." He says, more than one word for once, then points to the one opposite, "Lilas's room."
"We all share the first room but have our own private rooms as well, for personal use. You woke up in yours, Belath's is opposite yours and as Kor pointed out that's my room although I use more as a personal library." Lilas explains.
"Yes Lilas's book collection outgrew the castle library and has spilled out into his own room. He probably has the best collection of books in the country." There's a teasing tone to Belath's statement as he pulls Lilas into a hug from behind.
"Where's Ruikor's room?" I ask it seems strange that he wouldn't have his own room on this floor, he appears to be very protective of all of us so wouldn't he want to be close.
"The shared room started as his but with his dragon instincts he prefers to have us close by, so we started sharing his. There is a massive bedroom downstairs that counts of Ruikor's though for when he wants to sleep in dragon form." Lilas says leaning back slightly into Belath's hold seemingly not bothered by his teasing about the books. Although learning more about how the castle and how they live together I can't surprise a yawn, "We should let you get some sleep. Goodnight Emilia."
"Night, Emmy." Belath says while Ruikor just nods in agreement with them.
"Goodnight." I say back as I start going back to my room, "And thank you. For everything." They look a bit surprised at me thanking them, but I feel I need to. Even though it's been less than a day they've done so much, more than anyone else has ever done. Given me a name, food and a place to stay.
"It's not a problem." Lilas tells me still resting comfortably against Belath.
"Yes, we want you to be happy here." Adds Belath reaching out a hand to pull Ruikor, who goes willingly, into a hug as well. Seeing the three of them together comfortable and in love I realise that I want to stay here with them for as long as they will let me.
"I want to stay." I say quietly, this is the first time I've asked for something that I want. In the blink of an eye Belath had let go of Lilas and Ruikor rushing forward and wrapping me in a hug.
"Yes!" he cries out spinning around with me still held tightly in his arms. He comes to a stop facing them after a few turns putting me down but keeping me wrapped up in the hug, "This is great. She's staying."
"We heard Bel and are happy about that too. Now perhaps you could let her so she can get some sleep and we can talk more in the morning." Both are smiling even Ruikor has a more noticeable smile than before although still not as big as Lilas or Belath's. I feel Belath nod before briefly hugging me tighter then letting go and returning to the duo.
Grinning happily, I go back into my room, now too excited to sleep. When I'd left Stowu for the ceremony I'd never thought that my soulmate, or soulmates in my case, would be anything like this. I'd dreamed about what my life might be like if I ever found my Stone and my soulmate, but this is better than anything I've ever dreamed about.
I'd only ever known the people of my village who hated me so had only dreamed of a soulmate who would at least tolerate me. Now though I have real hope of being loved and respected by my soulmates. Lilas is even willing to teach me to read and there had been no mocking the fact that I couldn't read despite he clearly being passionate about it. I've never met anyone as welcoming or happy as Belath and even though he hasn't said much Ruikor seems to share their feelings towards me.
Not having anything to change into I climb straight into bed. It feels wrong to sleep in such a nice place in my dirty old clothes but there is nothing else I can do, and they had let me sleep here before without changing so it shouldn't be a problem. The bed is just as comfortable as earlier and I find myself quickly drifting off to sleep thinking about tomorrow and spending more time with my soulmates.