Chapter 20 - Bel

"She's really out of it." I comment as Kor finishes putting Emilia down next to Lilas, we'd thrown the soiled sheets off the bed and covered them with a blanket instead. I'm still panting relishing in the afterglow of my orgasm, the first one I've had with a woman since meeting Kor and Lilas. Gods just thinking about has my cock twitching in interest but Emmy is down for the count, she'll likely not be awake again until morning. Grunting in agreement Kor walks back over to me eyeing me pointedly as he spots my cock twitch.

"Go again?" He asks a slight smirk on his face, after watching and helping me and Emmy finish his own cock is rock hard. His eyes are almost glowing with want, his instincts still close to the surface not fully satisfied with having fucked just one of his mates. Likely that purely instinctual dragon side of him wants nothing more than to fuck Emmy, claiming her fully as his, but that's not going to happen tonight.

"Fuck yes." I cry not worrying too much about waking Emmy or Li, they're both pretty much unconscious. Despite having just fucked Emmy I'm ready to go again, a fact that's mainly been helped by Kor's solution for helping come earlier was to stick a finger up my ass so all I want now is to feel his cock filling me. Jumping at Kor I wrap my arms and legs around him as I pull him into a deep kiss. I'm holding onto him in the perfect position, I can already feel his cock against my ass so close to where I want it.

Not wanting to fuck me on the bed and disturb the others Kor walks us over to in front of the fireplace lying us down on the rug that we'd pretty much put here for this purpose. Kor lies flat down on the rug sitting me down on top of him. Sitting up from where I'd been kissing at his neck I lock eyes with him as I reach an arm around myself, sticking two fingers inside myself not caring about the slight burn.

"Three." Kor grunts giving me a stern look when I pull my fingers out and go to position his cock at my entrance, making it clear that even now in his instincts at the surface and desperate to fuck one of us he won't fuck me until I've stretched myself with at least three fingers. Pouting slightly I immediately fill myself with three fingers stretching myself open just like he wanted.

"Better?" I ask after a couple of minutes. Growling he pulls my fingers out and replaces them with his cock making me moan loudly. "Fuck, you're a brute." His only response is to grab hold of my hips to lift me up and down one his cock.

"You love it." He growls out eventually watching amused as I turn into a moaning mess. Until he stops moving all together giving me that slight smirk again. "Your turn."

"You're cruel." I tell him but gather my legs underneath me anyway so I can start moving myself. At least this way I'm in control of the pace, which with how desperate I am is hard and fast. Even being able to move however I want it's not enough and so I move a hand to my cock intending to stroke myself until I come.

"No." Kor grunts stopping me from touching myself, "From my cock, or not at all." Gods he really is being cruel this time but like he said I love it.

"Kor. Kor, please…" I beg needing him to do something other than watch me bounce on his cock. My begging has the desired effect as he grabs my hips to keep me still before he rolls us over putting himself on top. In a better position to move now he takes control fucking me harder and faster than I'd managed on my own. "Close. I'm so close." Just as I'm about to come Kor wraps his hand around the base of my cock, tight enough to prevent me from coming.

"Not until I say." He tells me as he picks up the pace fucking me even harder. If I wasn't a vampire I'd be left with deep bruises in the shape of his hands on my hips with the strength he's using. But fuck I love it.

"Please. I'll do whatever you, just let me come please." Gods I hope he'll listen if I give him whatever it is he wants.

"Use that dirty mouth of yours, tell me about earlier. You were quieter than normal" He growls out, his mind clearly going back to earlier. So that's what's got him so worked up and I guess I was quieter. I'd been so focused on Emilia and how good it felt being inside of her that I'd gone quiet for once.

"Fuck, it was so good I couldn't even think straight." I moan out turning my thoughts back. "Gods she was so tight. And wet. You'll know soon, I'm sure, that's what you want isn't it. To claim her fully as your mate. Emmy's so responsive and sensitive even the slightest touch had her clenching around me."

"Gods. Come." He growls out the command as he starts thrusting hard into me, releasing my cock he strokes me roughly a few times. That's all I needed to come, clenching around Kor's cock dragging him with me. Satisfied he falls on top of me panting to catch his breath.

After resting for a while we get up and wipe ourselves down before climbing into bed with Lilas and Emmy. They're both still fast asleep cuddled together under the blanket and don't even notice as we slide in behind them. Kor pulls Emmy close burying his face in her hair while I wrap myself around Lilas inhaling his calm content scent as I drift off to sleep.

Come morning I'm not surprised that the room is the same as we left it the night before. Somehow Nuela always knows when we've had, or are having, sex and gives us time to sort ourselves out before sending in any servants to clean up after us. For the best after we'd scared off some servants during our early years in Hadlau with our very active and passionate antics.

Knowing that she'll be sure I get up and start running a bath for Emmy so that it'll be ready once she wakes up. That should be soon judging by how her heart rate is picking up a bit and she's moving around more. Lilas has only just woken up but doesn't seem willing to move yet instead stretching out talking quietly to Kor whose also awake but trapped under Emmy who'd moved in her sleep to rest her head on his chest.

"Morning Kitten." I hear from the bed as the bath finishes filling. Returning to the bed I find Emmy just waking up blinking sleepily before blushing as she realises that she's still naked after last and probably recalling last night.

"Oh Gods." She breathes out hiding her face in a pillow unwilling to look at any of us.

"Hey, it's okay Emmy. There's nothing to be embarrassed about." Lilas reassures her stroking her hair, "So long as what we do together brings us pleasure there's nothing wrong with it. If we ever do something that you don't like just tell us and it won't happen again, we'll do the same. After all not all of us like the same things. Bel likes it when Kor forces his cock down Bel's throat but I don't so it never happens." Slowly she pulls her head out of the pillow but is still blushing.

"W-what?" She squeaks out obviously startled by the example Lilas gave her. We'd never really touched on that before when discussing sex with her instead going over the basics and mentioning some different positions but we didn't want to scare her into thinking that we'd want that from her before she was ready.

"Maybe we can show you later, I personally really enjoy sucking Lilas and Kor's cocks. But for now how about a bath? You must be sore and it'll help." I offer holding out a hand to her. Nodding she wiggles her way to the edge of the bed wincing slightly as she moves. Taking my hand she stands up and with my help walks to the bathroom and climbs into the bath, releasing a sigh as the warm water begins soothing her muscles. Leaving her to enjoy the bath I return to the bedroom climbing back into bed with Kor and Lilas.

"Planning a show?" Kor questions watching me with interest in his eyes. A quick glance between his legs more than proves his interest in having my mouth around his cock. Gods it feels good to be more open about this, over the past few months since meeting Emmy we've made do with short and quick fucks. But now it feels like we can go all out and for longer without needing to worry about neglecting her.

"Maybe. Why, you want to fuck my mouth?" I tease lightly running my fingertips over Kor's cock just once as I lean up to kiss along his jaw. He growls which is all the answer I need, so it seems that so long as she wants to Emmy will get to see what Lilas meant earlier.

"You're a monster Bel." Lilas says his voice light not meaning in a negative way, "You too Kor, I don't know how you have the energy for that so soon after last night." He's still a bit tired and likely sore as well as he stretches himself out. Last night had been a bit more intense than we'd expected it to be and with how riled up Kor was I'm not surprised that he's a bit more sore than normal.

"Don't worry Li, I'm sure that you won't be left out." I tell him as I roll over and kiss him gently. With enough time to recover I wouldn't be surprised if he's the next one to have sex with Emmy which will probably be for the best. Get her a bit more used to sex before Kor has his turn which will require more prep work giving the size difference between the two of them and Kor's massive cock.

"Yeah, yeah." He mutters before moving out of bed stretching a bit more as he stands, "I'm going to see if Emmy will let me join her." Without a care about still being naked he heads into the bathroom where I can just about hear Emmy agree to his request. There's nothing sexual about them being together in the bath, both of them are too tired and sore so they're just simply soaking together letting the water relax their aching muscles. Despite that the picture of them sitting together in the bath is making my cock twitch slightly with interest and Kor's is doing the same thing.

"Dress. Breakfast." Kor grunts standing and throwing my discarded tunic at me. He's probably right we should dress and get something to eat before we get too carried away with each other. "Council meeting later." He reminds me, it shouldn't be a long meeting though just one to go over some details about our departure. It won't even be the whole Council only those of us who are leaving for the war, namely myself, Kor, Borgan and Halmed. The rest will be staying here to help Lilas rule Rialria and co-ordinate defences from here in the capital.

The two of us journey downstairs after letting Li and Emmy know where we are going. Neither of us have bothered more than tunics on, they are long enough to cover what they need to and after breakfast we should have the energy to get dressed suitably for the Council. As we're heading back upstairs Tehlmar informs us that a message has arrived from the meeting hall, Borgan and Halmed are both there and waiting for us.

Not wanting to keep them waiting we dress quickly before leaving. Even though it's already midmorning I'd thought we'd have a bit more time before they'd be ready for the meeting. At the ball I'd spotted the two of them and Kavarthon having a drinking contest, I don't know who won but all of them seemed very drunk when I'd noticed them. They must have recovered enough for the meeting though.

"Your Majesties." They greet when we walk into the meeting hall. Both of them seem a bit rough but ready to arrange our departure.

"Let's get this sorted." Kor grunts already wanting to get back to Emmy and Lilas. Nodding we all take our seats.

"Don't mind Kor, we just want to spend as much time with our mates as possible before we leave." I tell them not wanting them to be offended by his grumpier than usual demeanour.

"Perfectly understandable your Majesties." Halmed replies, "I'm anxious to return to my own mate as well."

"Let's get this over with then." Borgan says ready to get down to business. He's the only one of us not leaving behind a mate to go off to war but he's at least understanding of need to spend what time we have left with them.

With our determination it only takes us just over an hour to finalise the details of our departure which we establish will be in the morning two days from now. We divide up the troops between us for a clear chain of command for each regiment and at the very top of the whole thing is Kor. Having the most experience with war he's the obvious choice to be the commanding general that all the others report to.

"That's everything." Borgan declares, "I'll finish up the report for the others and make sure that the troops receive their orders. You all return to your mates, enjoy your time with them." Gratefully we all stand thanking him as we leave. Hopefully he'll soon find his own mate and get the same happiness the rest of us have.

Getting back to the palace we track Emmy and Lilas down in the bedroom cuddled together sleeping lightly. Despite our efforts to be quiet and not wake them Lilas opens his eyes when we close the door.

"Meeting done already?" He asks softly so as not to wake Emmy.

"Yes, Borgan offered to get the reports and orders sent out so we could get back sooner." I tell him climbing into bed next to him pulling him close. Kor lies down next to me not risking lying down next to Emmy and disturbing her. She must need the rest if she's gone back to sleep so soon.

"That's good. We only came up about half an hour ago for another nap before you returned. Emmy was still sore so I gave her one of my healing potions before she went to sleep."

"Good. She's been okay?" Kor asks gruffly leaning on one of his arms so he can look at Lilas over the top of me.

"Yes, the potion helped a lot. She even seemed a bit curious about what we were discussing earlier." I can't help the slight smirk on my face at hearing that from Lilas. It's good news that she's expressing more interest in sex.

"Mhn. So noisy." Emmy mumbles starting to wake up, blinking tiredly she takes notice that Kor and I are back giving us a gentle tired smile in greeting.

"Sorry Kitten." Kor apologises reaching over us to stroke her hair before resting his hand on her cheek. "We didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine. I was starting to wake up anyway, Lilas's potion really helped. I just needed a bit more rest." She sits up a bit more now that she's more awake. Both her and Lilas have put on clean clothes but have still kept it simple, Lilas is only in a light robe while Emmy seems to have put on one of Kor's tunics again.

We relax quietly together for a while sharing light brief kisses. Knowing that in just two days Kor and I will have to leave them I'm happy to spend as much time with them as possible even if it's just lying together like this.

"When are you leaving?" Lilas asks not wanting to put of asking anymore. As much as we want to ignore the deadline on our time together we can't not tell talk about us leaving.

"In two days. We'll set out that morning and with the troops we're moving with we should reach the border in a couple of months, we want to be there before winter arrives. Then Gods willing we'll liberate Nerkise quickly and then return here." I answer running my hands through his hair.

"Fly back, it'll be faster." Kor grunts and I'm not surprised that he already has a return plan for us that'll get back to Hadlau as fast as possible. The march there will be bad enough so his idea of flying back is a relief. Autumn is just starting now so the accompanying weather could cause delays for us but winter will be worse.

"Just be safe." Emmy states looking at us sadly. Looking into her big sad eyes I want nothing more than to stay with her but the war can't be ignored and the last thing I want is for the danger to get close to home. At least with the current situation both Lilas and Emmy will be safe and far from danger.

"No more of that, let's enjoy the time we've got left." I say wanting to return to happier topics, "So Emmy, Lilas mentioned that you seemed interested in what we mentioned earlier." It takes her a moment to understand what I'm on about but when she does a blush rises to her cheeks and she looks down too shy to meet my eye.

"Hey, it's okay Kitten. If you're curious or interested in something you can tell us." Kor tells her gently guiding her head back up to look at us properly.

"What Lilas mentioned earlier… I don't understand. Does it really feel good?" She whispers out her blush deepening slightly as she speaks. Kor lets out a deep purr as he nods in response to her and with him pressed so close behind me I can feel him getting hard as he's thinking about it. Turning my head I'm able to draw Kor into a kiss as I press back against his cock which only gets harder at the stimulation.

"Tease." He growls out pulling back from the kiss to instead kiss along my neck and I tilt my head back in response giving him more access. I can feel Lilas and Emmy watching us but it's only turning me on more knowing that they're right there seeing everything.

"Not teasing." I protest, "Want to taste you." Moving my hand down I manage to reach slightly behind me to rub at Kor's cock through his clothes. Wanting more he moves back away from me making enough room for him to roll me onto my back and kiss me deeply as he pins me against the bed.

"On your knees." He grunts releasing me so I can move to where he wants me to. Quickly I scramble off the bed to do as he says only just noticing Lilas and Emmy re-arranging themselves on the bed so that they can still see. Kor sits at the edge of the bed his legs spread giving me room to kneel between them.

Not wanting to wait anymore I quickly undo Kor's trousers freeing his cock which isn't fully hard just yet. The sight of him though is still enough to get a quiet squeak from Emmy as she takes in the size of Kor's cock properly for the first time. Licking one of my hands I give Kor a few strokes with my hand before holding him still as I lean in and lick at his head.

It's been a few weeks since I've sucked Kor's cock and even longer since I've really been able to take my time. Once not long after we'd met and headed back to the castle I'd been bored and complaining until Kor had me kneel just staying like that with his cock in my mouth. I'd stayed that way for a couple of hours while he worked on a piece of jewellery. He'd taken control of me once he was done fucking my mouth until he came. I'd loved it that much that it had happened more often after that.

Taking him into my mouth I can't help moaning around him having missed this feeling. A gentle but firm hand on the back of my head guides me up and down his cock slowly encouraging me to take more in each time until I'm buried at the base of him. Kor keeps me there running his fingers through my hair while I get comfortable with his cock down my throat. I can feel him purring enjoying this as much as I am.

As usual I lose track of time, instead only aware of Kor's heavy cock on my tongue and down my throat. Kor doesn't let me stay still for long though. Using a grip on my hair he get me to start moving as exactly as he wants me to. He starts slowly at first giving me time to adjust to the movement but he's soon picking up the pace. Knowing he won't go all out without my consent I tap his thigh twice letting him know it's okay, that I want it. I want him all of him.

Letting out a loud pleased growl he pulls me off his cock as he stands up. I move back slightly to accommodate him standing as I open my mouth begging for him to fuck my mouth again. This time he holds my head with both hands gaining complete control as he thrusts back into my mouth. He doesn't give me time to adjust now, setting a fast and brutal pace immediately instead. I can't stop moaning as he uses me for his own pleasure, I'm achingly hard now but all I care about is the feeling of Kor's cock in my mouth. So much so that I don't even touch myself, keeping my hands behind my back and out of the way totally relying on Kor to control this.

"Fuck. Gods I'm going to come Bel." Kor growls out making me moan louder, "Swallow it." In just a few more thrusts he holds me still at the base of his cock while he comes. Not wanting to spill any I start swallowing, drinking everything just as he ordered me to.

"Oh Gods." I hear a squeak from the bed as I pull off Kor's cock slightly dazed as he helps me stand and settles me on the bed to recover. Trying to focus I realise that it was Emmy whose face is bright red but taking a deep breath I can smell her arousal. Seems that our innocent little mate enjoyed the show.