Chapter 41 - Emilia

"He's adorable your Majesty." Tiana coos holding Nazpeh reluctant to pass him along. Having spent a week resting after the birth I've finally called my ladies to the palace to meet him and they seem to have fallen in love with him. For Lilas's peace of mind Volethe and Khidell are here as well but they're standing guard by the doors giving us some privacy although they're still in hearing distance.

"Tiana you've had your turn. Let me hold the little prince." Nimel says from her seat next to Tiana leaning towards her slightly to look at Nazeph. It's been like that since they arrived and got their first look at him. Maryam had gone first as my chief lady-in-waiting before reluctantly passing him to Holcene who was just as fascinated by the baby. Eventually she handed Nazeph to Tiana who still hasn't let him go yet despite most of my ladies still not having had a turn.

"Has the Council asked about when he'll be presented again?" Maryam asks watching as Tiana finally allows Nimel her turn to hold Nazeph. Lilas had managed three days together with us before returning to Council meetings and no sooner as he was back than they wanted to officially present Nazeph to the entire city. Sure they know that he's been born but before today the only people outside of the palace to see him were Magor and Sliske.

"Only every day." I reply with a laugh, "So far Lilas has been able to head them off with the excuse that I'm still recovering. It won't work for much longer though so perhaps in the next few weeks something can be arranged. Nothing too long or elaborate though I don't think that I could handle it."

"Well we will all be honoured to be there and will be there if you need anything." Holcene reassures me, "I'm sure the ceremony it's self won't be very long all anyone wants is to see Prince Nazeph."

"Yes, it'll be the party following the ceremony that will last for hours." Zenobia chimes in making us all laugh, "Now Nimel I do believe that it is my turn to hold the prince."

Pouting Nimel gently stands up to hand over Nazeph to her. For most of the time he's been passed around my ladies he's been asleep only waking briefly for a few minutes before falling back to sleep not bothered at all about being in unfamiliar arms. He's a very quiet baby who tends to sleep much of the time, sometimes I'll be holding him thinking he's asleep only for him to actually be awake watching me.

It's been a few hours since my ladies arrived and he was last fed so it doesn't surprise me too much when not long after Zenobia passes him over to Elssitryd that he wakes up with a small cry. Even though it's only a quiet short cry it brings the room to silence as though he'd actually screamed.

"I think he wants you, your Majesty." Elssitryd says standing and walking over to pass him back to me.

"Yes he probably needs feeding. We'll be back shortly." I tell them leaving the room for some privacy so that I can feed him. Anticipating this very thing I'd had the maids set up a small room just off the drawing room with somewhere comfortable for me to sit while feeding Nazeph.

Just like with all his feedings it doesn't take him long to fill his stomach. He's a greedy little thing and never wastes any time when it comes to feeding but Fayeth has reassured me that it's fine as he doesn't seem to over eat and make himself sick. Lilas believes that he's inherited Kor's bottomless stomach and that he probably needs the energy to support his growth.

Being Kor's son he's likely to grow to be very tall especially based on the fact that Nazeph is a large baby. Already his wings seem to be developing well growing stronger everyday with the exercises that Fayeth has encouraged us to do with him so that they develop correctly. Every evening we make sure to stretch them just as we've been instructed to before we put Nazeph down for the night. If his wings turn out anything like Volethe's wings then they should grow large enough for him to be able to fly, I just hope that he doesn't start that until he's at least a teenager because I don't want to have to try and get a screaming child to land.

With Nazeph fully, burped and back to sleep I return to the drawing room where I soon settle him happily into Victoria's arms where she and Erika begin cooing over him. Smiling I sit myself back down next to Maryam after helping myself to a slice of cake to go with another cup of tea.

"That was much quicker than I thought it would be." Maryam comments, "Some of mine took their time when it came to feedings, Gods it felt like I'd be sitting there for hours waiting for them to finish."

"I suppose I'm quite lucky he feeds so quickly. He's a greedy little thing at times managing to empty both sides although I suppose that's for the best as it means I never get too uncomfortable." That gets a few giggles from my ladies who don't have children while those who have also give me envious looks.

"He's such a good baby." Maryam says gently watching him with a fond look as he's passed to Erika's arms.

"Yes, he's absolutely perfect." Erika sighs as Nazeph is placed in her arms and she gets a proper look at him for the first time.

"Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky with my mates and now such a perfect baby. Is it wrong though that already I'm thinking of having another, a brother or sister for Nazeph?" Only a few days after giving birth I started thinking and dreaming of a sibling for him, this time the baby being biologically Lilas's. The chances of that though are incredibly small unless the Gods help again like they did with Nazeph.

"It's not wrong your Majesty. After my first child I immediately started thinking of my second wanting them to be close in age." Elssitryd replies with an understanding look. Her soulmate is another dwarf who works here in Hadlau for the Council as a treasurer and together they have three children, nearly all of them teenagers now.

"That's true. After I had Onvoar I dreamed of another but I wasn't fortunate enough to have a second child, at times I curse being an elf and the low fertility that goes with it." Holcene admits the longing clear in her voice.

"I'm sure someday that you'll be a mother again." I state trying to keep hope alive for her. I'd never mentioned to my ladies that the Gods had helped with me conceiving Nazeph especially as many of them have stories similar to Holcene's. Nimel being an elf and Zenobia has only slightly more chance of getting pregnant as a dragon although with her soulmate being another woman there wouldn't be a pregnancy. She has mentioned looking to adopt but most orphans are human and they don't want to outlive their child.

"Just think though your Majesty, with us you'll never be short of willing hands to help." Holcene says bringing the slightly sad atmosphere lift as they all nod and laugh. It's reassuring to know that I can rely on them to help not that I've had much doubt with how they are fawning over him.

"So far we've been doing well. But I'm sure once Nazeph gets a bit older and starts walking he'll be running rings around us all. Not to mention what he'll be like once his wings are strong enough to fly, already I've heard Volethe whispering to him about teaching him how to fly." I tell them speaking louder at the end to make sure that he can hear that I know what he's been doing.

"The little Prince is going to be an excellent flyer your Majesty, I just know it." He calls back over to us, "And it'll be an honour to teach and keep him safe while he learns until King Ruikor can return and take over." As much as the thought of my little baby learning to fly scares me, with everything that could go wrong, I give him a find smile. In the months that he and Khidell have been guarding me they've become like brothers to me so I've become used to their teasing as well as how protective they can be. If anyone other than Kor is going to teach Nazeph how to fly it should be Volethe.

"I'll be more than willing to help with Prince Nazeph's flying lessons." Zenobia offers, "Watching a dragon or half-dragon learn to fly is a wonderful feeling. And another pair of eyes couldn't hurt once he starts flying outside."

"Thank you Zenobia." I reply grateful to have someone else to watch over my son as he learns to fly on his own. As much as I trust Volethe when the time comes I'll still worry for my baby but having a dragon who can easily out fly him will help me.

Our conversation turns then to what clothes actually fit Nazeph and which ones are too small so need to be donated to the city orphanages. Not to mention the toys and blankets that we'll be keeping, after the birth we'd been gifted with so much that we couldn't possibly use it all. The toys will be put to better use by giving them to the young orphans who don't get enough. At least until there is a knock at the door.

"Good afternoon ladies." Lilas greets walking into the drawing room, "Could I get my mate and child back?"

"Not quite yet your Majesty. I haven't had my turn with the little prince yet." Pyzitt replies quickly motioning for Erika to hand him over to her. She stands and reluctantly lays Nazeph in Pyzitt's arms while Lilas sits down next to me with a sigh.

"Council meeting ran longer than expected." Lilas mutters to me leaning his head on my shoulder and closing his eyes, "I just want a nice quiet afternoon with you and our son. Should have known though that your ladies wouldn't be willing to give him back."

"Exactly your Majesty. I'm afraid that Prince Nazeph is ours now, at most we can allow shared custody where we can see him every day." Nimel says clearly able to hear Lilas. The other ladies laugh and nod in agreement with her statement even though it's clearly a joke.

"I believe we can work with that." I reply jokingly, "We can do this again tomorrow. And I promise that tomorrow you can hold him first Pyzitt." They all agree and soon enough Lilas has Nazeph in his arms as my ladies leave us followed by Volethe and Khidell who retire for the day now that Lilas is home.

"The Council want us to agree to his presentation. I said that I'd speak with you today but they want an answer for tomorrow." Lilas tells me as we sit together enjoying the quiet.

"We knew it was coming though. Perhaps we could do it two weeks from now that should give them enough time to organise it properly and I should be rested enough by then to be there." He nods in agreement knowing that I still tire easily at the moment but in a few weeks I should hopefully be able to manage the possibly hours long presentation that the Council will insist on.

"Sounds like a good idea. Perhaps we could organise some food for the people as well, not much just something to give them so they can celebrate." He suggests making me hum in agreement.

"Perhaps bread, maybe cured meat or cheese as well. Something that keeps well so they don't have to use it straight away, I know many of the poorer people are struggling a bit for decent food. The war is really making things harder, has there been any news?"

"They've retaken a few towns near the border recently. It's not much but it's a start in them reclaiming Nerkise and getting home." Lilas informs me and while it's true that it's only a small step it's the best news I've heard in a long time.

"That's good. I'm sure that soon there'll be even better news and before we know it Kor and Bel will be flying home." I reply smiling at him and shifting slightly closer to him and Nazeph. It's nice spending time together as a family but at times it does become obvious that two of us are missing. So knowing that it might not be long before they're back is filling my heart with the kind of joy that I thought only Nazeph could bring.