Sin Thirty-Nine

I made it about halfway down the hallway from the lecture hall before finding Bradley in the hall talking with Brady and the other frat guy, the Zac Effron wannabe that I recognized from the casino party. The only one that can hold me in their vision is Bradley, who offers me a tentative smile, but it doesn't reach his eyes. The other two stand with their backs to me, Brady being the only one to turn to see what has caught Bradley's attention. There is still an apprehension within him that didn't use to be there, and despite the fact that Lexington isn't going to be president of the Bradley fan club anytime soon, I liked him. He was one of the first friends I made when I came back to LA and I'm sad that I did something to put that look in his eyes. 

Brady and I have a meet-up with Lexington, so I choose to sidle up to their conversation, fitting myself between Effron and Brady. "Hey, guys. How's it going?"