Deadly Sin Forty-Two


Vote failed again. Went through the ballots. The holdout is Brandon. 

The text I received from Brooklyn was enough to make my blood boil. I could feel the hard edges of my phone as my hand gripped against it in frustration.  With each new sin, I'm becoming less and less a fan of sharing Genvieve with anyone else in any capacity. It's a new feeling, I admit. 

Fucking Brandon. 

I had submitted another request to have Genvieve admitted as a fully-fledged member of Sin, but Brandon seems to be the sole holdout on the vote. We have to have a unanimous agreement from the higher-ranking members in the chapter, so this means that once again, we are shit out of luck. It's fortuitous that my sister happens to be the president, otherwise, I wouldn't have any idea who was throwing a wrench into the plans.