Sinful Secret Thirty-Four

"So, when is the wedding, you two?" Nina asks, pulling out her chair next to Lexington, who turns his head to me, flashing me a sweet smile. 

I chuff a laugh. "We haven't really talked about it. I don't think we're in a rush to make it down the aisle, are we?"

Lex shrugs. "I could do it tomorrow, honestly. The sooner I get to call you mine the better it is for me."

Lexington's mom 'awww's' at her son and his affection toward his woman. It is sweet, yes, but I know it's a bit of spillover from his more possessive qualities. I wish I could say it was a turn-off, but that would be a lie. I'm sure the reason that I feel wholly adored by his possessive nature is something that I could blame on my daddy issues, but I don't want to. 

"I already am yours," I tease, before leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss on his lips, keeping it brief considering the company we currently have.