A new gang leader!

Pyrus was less than 2 meters away from him, and in this situation it was impossible to win a one-on-one fight, let alone with 3 strong men still standing against him.

Even Indra was desperate, but he was going to hang on until his consciousness was completely gone.

His credo was: As long as I breathe, I can still fight!

This credo had allowed him to build a will far superior to his fellow man.

It was also an important element that had allowed his talent to develop like a beautiful flower revealing itself when the sun was shining!

The nearby prisoners were stunned by such a scene, and even Landers and Rikio were surprised because they knew that in Indra's place, they could at most take 3 men with them.

This meant that Indra was much stronger than they were.

Pyrus was also aware of this.

"Damn, this brat is way too strong, he's at least on the level of a corporal!" thought Pyrus as a small headache came over him.

"This guy must be a huge genius who offended a very powerful young master, ending up here. But even a crippled lion is still more dangerous than a small rabbit."

Now Pyrus just wanted to get this fight over with with some dialogue and then later try to make a friend out of it.

Who knows, from what he could see, Indra was on the mend, and could become someone very important in the future.

If that was really the case, then Pyrus could also take advantage of his shadow and become someone more important than he ever dreamed of being!

A real man is an ambitious man!

However his wishes will not be so easily fulfilled.

"What the fuck!" Looking around, Pyrus found himself surrounded by 2 men ready to fight, while his own henchmen were also surrounded by 3 men.

"Haha, that plan was pretty good too!" thought Indra as he saw this scene.

Indeed, Indra believed that a man was never better served than by himself, so in this kind of situation where he could not rely on anyone, he followed a plan that relied only on himself.

That is, to mentally break his enemies and wear them down.

But Indra was a crown prince as well as one of the best generals in 1253, naturally he understood human psychology rather well.

In two weeks, he had already understood the hierarchy of this prison.

If there were 3 chiefs, with 10 subordinates each, it meant that a total of 30 prisoners were affiliated.

That meant that there were dozens of unaffiliated prisoners!

There will always be individuals who are willing to take risks to improve their status, no matter what kind of environment a human is in.

And that was what had just happened.

5 prisoners who had already formed a small group, but had not found a leader who could match the other 3 leaders, had found in Indra the potential to fill this position.

And this potential was such that it was worth the risk of offending Pyrus, one of the three leaders!

"Miserable rat, do you really think that anyone can challenge us? I will make you feel the consequences of doing so!" threatened Pyrus coldly, looking particularly at the two men in front of him.

"Haha, you hear that Ronan! It would seem that if we lose, we'd be slightly in the sauce!"

"Shut the fuck up Jacob, I swear if you fall to the ground because you were too careless in opening your filthy mouth too much, Pyrus won't need to do anything, I'll gladly torture you myself!"

"Pff, you yourself know that I am a man who always keeps his vigilance to the maximum!" replied Jacob in a powerful voice, but at the same time he felt a powerful air current coming towards him.

Taking a step backwards, he narrowly avoided Pyrus' enraged blow.

"Ouloulou, that was right!"

However the assault was not over, because a powerful kick arrived directly arrived at the level of his chest!

He blocked it quickly, but had to move back slightly because of the powerful impact. At the same time, Ronan took the opportunity to launch a right towards the face Pyrus!

But this last one, simply stopped him by catching his fist, thus forcing Ronan to move back not to be trapped by Pyrus.

Indra wanted to go and help them, but Ronan's voice stopped him in his tracks:

"Chief, rest temporarily, with your current stamina you won't be much use!"

Indeed, Indra was already at the end of his strength, and only his will still kept him standing, so he nodded in response.

Moreover, since Ronan had dared to call him chief, then he would also dare to trust his new subordinates!

For the next few minutes, Ronan and Jacob joined forces to fight Pyrus, momentarily forming a stalemate at the cost of many injuries.

The situation of Yann, Kayl and Hatil, the 3 partners of Jacob and Ronan was much better.

They had also formed a stalemate but if the trend continued in this way, then they would win over the 3 minions of Pyrus!

However, a few men on the ground began to show signs of waking up, and Indra knew he couldn't wait any longer and had to take action!

These few minutes allowed him to regain much of his stamina, and so he was ready to make the decisive move to end this fight!

However, before he could take a single step, Pyrus anticipated him by saying:

"It's okay, I don't want to continue this fight any further, it will only make a spectacle of us for the other prisoners."

Pyrus had taken a lot on himself to say that sentence.

Jacob and Ronan were much better than he thought, and formed an excellent team game, covering each other.

So he hadn't been able to defeat them for a short time, and with Indra coming into play, he didn't have the confidence to win without suffering a serious injury himself.

On the other hand, upon hearing this sentence, Yann, Kayl and Hatil took a step back while remaining silent.

Jacob and Ronan also remained silent, letting Indra decide for them.

After thinking for a few moments, Indra nodded, ending the conflict.

After all, there was absolutely nothing to be gained by continuing to fight, instead he would simply suffer pain for the next few days and sleep badly.

Thus, it would be foolish to continue fighting, especially knowing that victory would not necessarily be on their side.

After all, Pyrus was still very much in shape, showing his excellent fighting stamina.

"What's your name?" asked Pyrus as he walked up to Indra.

"Indra Invictus," Indra replied simply.

"Indra Invictus, I'm Pyrus Joe."

"You have won by your own strength, my respect." continued Pyrus as he came within a meter of Indra.

"So let's forget about past grudges, and focus on the future, after all fighting here will get us nowhere." finished Pyrus as he reached out his fist and placed it on Indra's chest, at his heart.

Indra had learned that according to the customs of that time, this was a sign of trust.

In one go, Indra had an impulse, and wanted to put Pyrus directly on the ground.

Indeed, in this situation it was really easy for Indra to do it.

Pyrus had also threatened him and his new men several times.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Indra opened them again a moment later with a smile plastered on his face.

"Pyrus Joe, don't you dare say such words in the future," Indra finally replied while making the same gesture as Pyrus.

Indra didn't really like this gesture, Indra did the same because he didn't have the strength to change the customs, so he could only slowly get used to it.

Pyrus smiled with relief, for those words and that expression meant that their relationship could always become friendly again.

"Of course," he replied.

This scene fell before the disappointed eyes of many prisoners who had expected to see a much bloodier fight, including Landers and Rikio.

However, this disappointment did not last long because many armed soldiers led by a strong looking man arrived at the entrance of the wasteland, and thus not far from Indra and Pyrus.

When he saw him, Indra squinted because he recognized the emblem that this man was wearing.

Two red arrows followed by a yellow arrow.

It was a master corporal!

He stepped forward and announced in a loud voice:

"You human scum, rejoice! The council of the covenant to proclaim a new law today!"