I rip my hand free of the hole in her chest as I feel the Hogyoku pulse and quickly Sonido away as her reiatsu explodes out I watch as she quickly becomes a humanoid hollow her face covered by what looks like a birds skull enormous feathered wings from her back, her eyes track across the room as they find me. I'm immediately on the defensive as her body driven by feral instinct is attacking me. laughter finds its way out of me as we fall into a dance of me deflecting her wild strikes waiting for her mind to wake back up.
Her strength growing rapidly though is mildly worrisome as I'm getting pushed back more and more with each engagement.
I bat her talons away with arrogante only to see her take to the air with her wings they flap forward and much like a nevermore from RWBY feathers shoot forward forcing me to step back as they crater the ground not from weight but just from sheer force. "Now would be a good time to wake up miss Shimura." I rapidly abuse Sonido dodging a near constant feather barrage. After a few minutes I notice the barrage weakening as her reiryoku diminishes the drain on her high speed regeneration takeing its toll. she lands out of exhaustion as I smile. cracks forming along her mask before her form chips and breaks away leaving nana shimura an approximation of her mask sitting on the top off her head. Her hollow hole migrated lower no longer on her chest but on her stomach.
I step forward catching the nude woman as she passes out and carry her out of the training room and to one of the towers to rest a stylized number one sitting proudly on the right side of her chest. I leave her on a bed in her new room a wardrobe filled with arrancar uniforms for her to dress herself in and a note on a table for her to read.
I feel the Hogyoku pulse in accordance with my will changing the way the arrancar numbers work before vanishing off to the world of the living to plunder a few more graveyards of pluses.
3rd person
Nana shoots awake alone her eyes scan the room seeing it empty she blinks feeling the changes in her body as she sits the simple cloth blanket falls away making her blink before hauling it back up. Eyes scanning the room again looking for anyone who could have seen. "where the hell are my clothes?" before her eyes land on the table next to the bed more specifically the glass of water and folded note resting atop it. She quickly snatches the note and reads, 'hello miss Shimura if your reading this it means I haven't returned for my errand before you awoke and for that I apologize. now onto important matters first somewhere on your body is a number this is your rank within the arrancar the lower the number the higher your rank with this you hold the authority to command any lower ranking hollow or arrancar. second this is your quarters the wardrobe is full of uniforms for you to choose from to dress yourself with. lastly you should find a weapon close by this is yours keep it with you I'll be available to awnser questions and help you train after I return. Signed Barragan. p.s.if any mindless lesser hollow tries attacking you it matters not if you end them or not.'
Nana sighs tierd and slips from the bed finding a mirror inside the wardrobe door letting her quickly see the one on her right breast. "great it's in a weird place." she quickly skims through the white uniforms and finds pieces to clad herself in. she searches the room finding a spear leaning against the wall she grabs it with a sigh only to stop as she realizes she knows the spears name. "reina emplumada." before she blinks. "H-how did I know that?" she grips the spear it feeling comfortable in her hands as he walks out to wonder Las Noches resolving to ask when Barragan returns.