Since Junior's team scored, they had the ball in the next round.

It seemed like they put all their hope in him as he was given the ball again.

He was quite agile for someone as bulky as himself, and the weirdest part was, I could eat more than him.

One of the attackers from my team charged at him and tackled the ball then kicked it, but Junior increased the normal force from the ball so much so that the person's leg was flung backwards, into the air, throwing him onto his back.

The person held his foot in pain and I started running towards him.

Junior threw the ball up and when it fell, he did the same thing he did earlier, that was a big mistake...

He punched the ball and there was a loud bang then it flew then disappeared into thin air, with nothing but it's same mass of water left.

There was silence as everyone wondered where the ball was and I pointed behind him.

He looked back to see the innermost circle on his side glowing gold, we had gotten 20 points.

He dropped his jaw and looked at me then I asked,"No hard feelings?"

I left before he could answer.

We had the ball in the next round and a girl was running with it.

Two attackers from Junior's team charged at her but a stream of water circled around her then burst into boiling hot vapour. They jumped back and the girl momentarily looked at me who was casually waving at her, then kicked the ball.

It flew but started spinning in a vertical circle and I knew Junior had induced a centrifugal force into it.

It was spinning and shot back at a great speed.

It flew through the air then got caught in a dust devil when it slowed down.

I spun my hand and stopped abruptly, making the ball shoot in the other direction, then I made a wind current from the dissipated vortex, carry the ball safely to the other side.

It was flying till a stronger wind blew it down and when it was on the ground, a burst of lava exploded below it, making it fly.

I ran towards it then did a False Arc with the ball on the inside.

The goalie expected me to be attacking him and zapped the arc with radiating heat.

The water on the inside carrying the ball, swooped up before his face and flew to the centre circle.

It was an inch away from it till the goalie pumped at least a tonne of potential energy into it, making the water splash on the floating ball.

Just then, the girl from earlier shot a pebble, which flew and hit the goalie on the forehead.

He fell backwards then the boy who fell on his back made a current of wind carry the ball into the circle.

We cheered as we had scored again, needing just 10 more points to win the match.

We won the next round as well and the gym teacher was showering praises onto me for how well I did.

I also went to Junior and unwittingly ruined his day by bluffing about how well I did, when I realized I had pissed him off, I blamed it on the one person who could have caused it; my dad.

The only reason I became a show off was to make him feel bad, now I was doing it to everyone else, including those I really loved...

I was reading an H 2 Order skill almanac and started practicing a new sub skill.

I figured I could do this a while ago since it was similar to but opposite to vapour manipulation, but it was annoying to try.

The water was too rigid and stubborn to move, it didn't listen to me, so I gave up, but I was giving ice manipulation another try, with more expertise this time.

After eighteen tries, I got it! I made ice!

My mistake the last time was trying to cool the ice down. That made the heat travel to the air around the ice and made it melt in a fraction of a second, making my hard work go down the drain.

This time, I squeezed the water, causing the water to be pressurized and according to the phase diagram of water, it froze by releasing serious heat and absorbing latent heat to form hydrogen bonds.

The mistake I kept making which made me have to try more than ten times was that I tried totally freezing it, but after some more research, I found out I just had to make one hexagonal crystal and the others will follow suit, with this, I could even freeze distilled water.

After that, I kept practicing, blasting water to objects and immediately freezing it to bind them, blasting icicles from my hands and making liquid knives into ice axes.

I knew I had moved a milestone as a sub skill like this was usually unlocked by very decorated H 2 Orders.

That night, I was asleep when my eyes darted open.

I got up from my bed and stood on the floor then walked towards the balcony, lining the wall with my fingers while I walked.

When my foot was raised, it left a footprint of ice on the floor which immediately spread to make a giant snowflake.

Frost formed on the wall as my fingers touched it and it spread, then I climbed the railing of the balcony.

Junior pulled his blanket over himself, still half asleep but Cody woke up first.

He saw a sharp icicle which had grown from the wall and was an inch from his eyeball.

He got off the bed and rubbed his arms as he shivered then saw me walking to the balcony, he yelled,"Hey Felix! We're freezing here!"

I didn't respond and continued walking towards the balcony.

Jason had woken up by now and said,"Wake up."

Immediately, his mind control took effect and woke Junior from sleep.

Jason was worried and said,"Is Felix sleep walking?"

"Why?"Cody asked.

"Because he has the brain activity of a sleeping person, yet he is clearly awake."He answered.

Junior made a huge yawn and was clearly vexed that he had been awoken.

Jason went and widened his eyes when he saw me standing on the railing and ran after me but I fell down.

Even if I was sleepwalking, they had to watch over me.

He ran to the railing and looked down to see me flying by using jet propulsion.

He told the others to follow and dived down.

Cody ran and jumped on the railing then flipped off, turning into a falcon halfway through the flip.

Junior groaned then jumped off and started floating, then made an air current with great pressure to blow behind him to propel himself forward.

They didn't know why I went to the beach, but I did.

I stood on the shore while the waves crashed then took a step forward.

The water parted to make way for me then Jason realized Junior had disappeared. He sensed his mind right behind me and he yelled,"Don't wake him up!"

But it was too late, Junior had already yelled for me to wake up.

I turned back abruptly and the water at my sides shot at him, making a long, sharp and diagonal stalagmite of ice, targeted at his chest.

He increased the normal force of his chest to the extent that the tip of the block of ice shattered on contact with him then he laughed.

Suddenly, a jet of water shot at him and he did a back handspring to dodge it as it crashed on the sand, almost hitting him.

It raised up again in an arc and he yelled as he ran away from the Kick Arc Blast like movement of water.

He then turned back and stretched his arm, changing the direction of the force of the water, making it crash upon itself.

Then I stomped on the sand and many ice stalactites started charging at Jason.

He stretched his arm and they abruptly stopped with cracks at their tips, then he twisted his arm and they shattered.

The shards of ice flew at me but separated right in front of me and floated in the air, then I stretched my arm and they flew at Jason.

He used his telekinesis to bring the walls of water to collide and block the ice shards.

Cody was still pulling his foot from the block of ice that had grown on it then Jason increased the electricity in his nerve impulses so that a bolt of lightning shot from his fingertips to the ice when he twitched them.

Cody yelled,"Hey! You could have exploded my foot!"

"But I didn't."Jason simply said.

"Guys!"Junior yelled.

They looked back to see a huge wave rushing towards them.

It crashed on the sand and traveled towards them and Jason used his telekinesis to part the waters while Junior made a strong wind to blow back the water.

When it cleared, Cody made himself increase in size to be about thirteen feet tall then grabbed me.

I struggled and he was actually quite amused, then said,"Aww, he's so cute when he struggles like that."

Just then, ice started to form on his hand and crawl up his arm, then I blasted water from my feet and flew out of his grip.

"Yeouch! Cold!"Cody yelled.

He increased his body temperature and it slowly started melting.

I landed and a huge shockwave shot through the air and they covered their ears.

Just then, a swirling current of vapour circled around them and I brought my hands closer together so it started squeezing around them.

Cody placed his giant arm in it's way and it immediately dissipated.

Just then, some of the ocean's water raised up and formed a snake, then ice formed around it.

They widened their eyes as they didn't know I could do this.

I stretched my arm and it charged at them but stopped right in front of Junior, then fell down as I also did.

Jason had controlled my mind to make me sleep normally and Junior looked at him angrily then yelled,"If you could have done that, why didn't you do it earlier?! Like when we were in the room?!"

Jason shrugged his shoulders, still keeping the water around me parted.

He placed me on his shoulder then walked away from the water and it immediately poured down.

Then Jason used his telekinesis to carry himself and me into the air...