We breathed out a sigh of relief when we saw the concerned principal walk in behind them.

She said,"What happened? I came the moment we got word."

I told her everything that happened then she scanned around the room.

I thought she was looking at the damage till she briskly walked in the direction the shredded book was in then picked some of its pieces up.

I heard her whisper calmly but I could sense her brain throb in anger.

She stood up and said,"I'm really sorry for all the trauma you must have gone through, you will be compensated, temporarily relocated and the whole building would be renovated, with tightened security."

We were escorted out and were given reservations in the remaining houses.

Cody was taken to Eve house, Jason to Adam and Junior and I to Frannie house, but to different rooms.

I was taken to a new room with two roommates.

There was a girl and a boy. They looked alike, but we're of different ages, probably were siblings.

They were silver eyed blondies with orange skin any person with pheomelanin dominated skin would kill for.

I didn't like having to meet new people very well so I lay on my new bed without talking to them and they made no effort either.

There was a yell as the man held his stomach in pain with bruises all over his face.

Fingers were snapped and a woman walked forward, she said,"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I warned you."

Andrew coughed and said without looking at her,"You said you wouldn't hurt him or any of his friends, and after you did, you expected me to stay away?"

She said,"You know I can do much more than just ' hurt ' (air quotes) him, besides, you healed them so they weren't hurt."

He asked,"What did you even want his book for? You've already sold the most powerful student."

She kicked him in the side of the ribs and he was thrown across the dark room with his back to a wall.

He knew he had broken several bones as he coughed out blood.

Then she said,"You think one student will be enough?! Your son is proving to be more useful than even Adrian at his young age, that's why I'm nurturing him and giving him the best teachers and ' friends ', he'll soon serve his purpose."

Andrew lost it and charged at her while yelling,"You stay away from him!"

Her men held him down.

He grunted and struggled but they were too many, not all holding him directly, but some making him immobile from a distance.

She chuckled then said,"If you challenge me again, I will hurt those dearest to you, regardless of how important your son is. I know your weak spots."

He stopped struggling then looked down and she pinched his cheek and said,"Good Andrew, now I want you to do something for me, make that kid forget he ever saw you..."

Jason was reading when he sensed someone appear. He knew exactly who it was and turned excitedly to my dad then said,"Mr Oppong, I wanted to thank you for saving us, but I never got the chance, what happened to you? You look..."

He raised his hand for him to stop talking then said,"None of that matters."

Then Jason started feeling dizzy and everything blurred out and the moment it cleared, he was alone.

I walked into the room and met Jason then said,"Jason, you wanted to tell me something earlier, before we were separated, you were asking of someone."

"Oh yeah, it was Junior, he almost died then I got emotional and made an explosion of telekinesis which cleared them off."He said.

I then frowned and asked,"So why did you shred my book and tell me to stop writing?"

He scratched his head nervously and said,"Sorry, I was kinda jealous that you had invented all these skills and wanted you to stop writing, but you actually should continue, don't mind me."

I frowned at how he could do that then asked,"So you were jealous? That's why you sent those people to kidnap me?! And hurt Cody and even more; Junior half to death?! How could you?!"

"...What? No! I didn't..."He began.

"I think I've heard enough of your lies."I said then stormed off.

I wasn't ever going to talk to that jerk again.

He kept trying to apologize to me but I didn't listen, neither did the others after they found out what he did, or at least, supposedly did.

Andrew felt terrible but had no other choice, this was for the best...

I continued training, probably even harder, that was to get my mind off that traitor and what he did.

My new roommates barely ever saw me in my room and I almost never saw them, but I kept writing my book and started from the basics, writing the tutorials on all the skills in the order that I learned them.

I invented a new sub skill in the passing years which allowed me to manipulate lightning.

I found out I could split water molecules into ions. Hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions to be specific.

I could move them to act like electrons and protons, but actually found out making oxygen ions with two negative charges and more hydrogen ions made even greater currents, but to make it the most powerful, I cooled down the air, to make less water in the air to conduct the ions in the wrong direction, making them weaker.

This made it almost as powerful as my most powerful water attack.

I named it my Hydrion attack, it wasn't the best name, but it was better than nothing.

My Green Thumb skill became a lot stronger as well and a lot more useful, growing plants was a breeze now.

I had patched things up with Jason by the time I was fifteen and around level 3, though our relationship wasn't as strong as it used to be.

On the bright side, the four of us were brought back to the same room.

The principal also started paying me a lot more visits and encouraging me on how good I was, that made me like her a lot more than my own dad who had been discouraging me.

The best part was, I didn't see much of him in the seven years that passed.

But the Principal's high praise went higher as the days went by...

"You want me to be a Monster Hunter?"I asked.

"Yes Felix, these passing years I realized you had the potential to do it, but it's your choice."She said,"You have an amazing gift Felix, and that's saying something since you live in a school with only gifted students... I'll give you as much time as you need to think about it."

I left in a split mind.

Being a Monster Hunter meant using your light to protect civilians all around the world, not just from monster attacks but from all kinds of danger, somehow like a superhero, just more realistic.

It was a great honour to be a Monster Hunter, though it was still dangerous and I wanted to meet my family alive.

I thought about it for a while and settled on a decision; No. I couldn't take that risk.

I was leaving the room to tell the principal my answer when Jason called me.

"What?"I asked coldly.

He stopped walking and said,"Felix, I know you're still mad at me but hear me out... you shouldn't say no to an opportunity like this..."

"Why? So I could die and relieve you of your headache?"I said.

"No, I mean, you have a great opportunity, in all my time in this school, I've never been asked to be a Monster Hunter, you've been here for less than half that time, yet you have..."

"Oh, more jealousy eh?"I asked.

He shook his hands, head and said,"No, that's not what I'm saying, I mean, if you want to meet your family alive, how would they feel if you used your light to help people?"

I hated the fact that he was right, but assumed it was because his intellectual capacity was at least ten times least.

I changed my mind.

Principal Phyllis knew exactly what I was going to say when I walked in.

"Principal Blythe...I think I've made up my mind..."I began.

She smiled warmly at me, hiding her true evil smile...