I got to my feet and yelled,"Leave her alone!"

Just then, a strong wind blew towards him and blasted him into the air before he could react, but it didn't harm Anneliese in the least.

He got up and made a bolt of lightning then shot it to me but it curved and went right into his chest, exactly where he'd hit me.

I then swiped my arm and he was thrown into the air.

He slowed down his fall but I made a bolt of lightning hit him from the sky.

He landed, unscaled, then blasted all the lightning back at me.

I made a wall of ice which blocked everything then made the grass hold him then shot a sharp sisal leaf which flew by him and cut his neck.

He yelled in pain then I said,"Oh, I'm not done yet..."

I shot the tip of the sharp leaf towards his stomach but it stopped, an inch away. He then looked to see Anneliese kissing me.

She pulled back and my eyes were no more glowing, then she said,"Please, don't hurt him anymore."

I looked at him and he burned the blades of glass and charged at me super fast.

I stretched my arm and a huge block of ice VII formed around him instantaneously.

Then I swiped Anneliese off her feet and continued kissing her.


My dad rushed to me the moment he got word then looked at me with fear and concern.

I removed my hand from my chest then said,"You're better at healing so I think it best if you did it."

He sat by me then made me lie down, placed his hand on my chest then closed his eyes.

I felt the flesh growing back in place and the blood vessels being restored, it took about fifteen minutes, when I had been at it for about two hours.

I had to be careful as I needed to grow everything back to where it was before to avoid any scars and prevent any complications.

I also had limited tissue to work with as I could only control the water in the cells, not create more cells, just like with my Green Thumb.

The tissue became thinner and more delicate after this process, but it replenished itself with time.

My dad sat me up again then asked what had happened.

"I don't know, I was just coming back from school when this guy attacked me."I answered.

He widened his eyes then said,"That wasn't just any guy, that was Fabian Dover."

"What's up with him?"I asked.

"He was the previous most powerful student in Bright Academy, before Adrian was even close, but he mysteriously disappeared."

"But what would be want from me?"

"How am I supposed to know?"He annoyingly asked.

I half closed my eyes then rolled them, then said obviously,"You could read his mind."

"I'm not comfortable with going into new minds, people tend to think of... disturbing things."

I sighed then said,"If you don't mom, the twins and I could be in danger."

He grumbled then said in a childish way,"But I don't wanna!"

"Dad, do not make me tell mom."


After a second, he said,"Rozaria..."



His eyes suddenly started glowing red and I knew at that moment, that was bad news.

He yelled and a wind blew me backwards but I was able to balance myself in the air using jet propulsion.

He then pounced on me and pinned me to the floor. I had to kick him off me.

Then I did a kip up to stand then did a dive roll away from him as he punched the floor with a sharp block of ice around his arm.

I kept my distance and said,"Dad, I don't want to hurt you."

The glow dimmed then he hesitated, right before attacking again."

He blasted a huge amount of water at me but I made a wall of ice III to block it.

Then I felt a sudden headache and by the time I opened my eyes, he punched me, flying through the air.

I fell down on the floor and massaged my aching chin.

He started running towards me then I tapped the ground and blunt blocks of ice started growing from the floor and charging at him.

He hissed then dodged all of them with great expertise then jumped over the first one that formed, which was closest to me, but in mid air, he started choking then fell on his knees.

He was coughing and gasping for breath and I felt terrible for hurting him but I had no other choice.

At that moment, a felt a sharp pain behind me and fell to my knees to see Fabian again.

It was two on one, and those two were at slightly higher levels than myself, I knew I needed help.

I disappeared and appeared in the hallway then ran and there was an explosion from the nurse's office.

All the fire alarms went off so the students were excited to finally get to use their lights to do something other than train.

One unbothered class was still having lessons when I crashed on the glass window then fell off.

He looked at the teacher and said,"Mr Miller, one of the teachers(I crashed again)is in trouble, can we help him?"

The teacher groaned then said without watching,"Raphe stop trying to prank(I crashed again) me, because, it wouldn't..."

Just then, the window exploded when I was thrown through it.

I crashed onto some students' desks and groaned in pain, black and blue.

I jumped to my feet, wiped some blood from my forehead then said,"Don't worry guys, I can handle this."

The two of them walked in and some of them dropped their jaws to see the principal attacking his son, with his eyes literally red.

I yelled,"Hey! Come get me!"

My dad blasted water and Fabian made all the stationary in the class get a jump in kinetic energy and shoot at me.

I dodged and it exploded the window then I dived out and safety rolled on the ground in the lush greenery.

I had to get them as far away from the students as possible so I made myself faster using water then started maneuvering through the dense jungle.

I held a branch to swing from it but it was blasted with lightning and broke and I fell on my butt.

' Aw, that was embarrassing. ' I thought to myself.

After a quick check to see if no one saw that, I did a backwards safety roll and pushed my hands on the floor to make a back handspring like ascent then landed on my feet and dodged my dad's punch.

His arm broke right through a tree and, I was annoyed that of all people, the tree decided to give me a splinter.

I blasted water down to fly up then used a tree to bind my dad with its super strong roots then I made a strong wind blow Fabian backwards.

When I landed, a shockwave erupted and made them cover their heads and ears.

I had to think fast so I didn't have to hurt them anymore.

I couldn't control their minds as I'd become one of them, and I didn't want to hurt them too much...at all, especially my dad. Then I remembered...

I, from the sky, made an illusion play in my dad's eyes.

He remembered me, my mom and the twins and all our good memories.

He held his head in pain and yelled but I had to continue.

I started bringing water which had experienced more emotional memories and it was working.

I also made sure to pay attention to Fabian but something happened.

The water I was shooting started bubbling up and stopped moving down so I fell.

I blasted more water but it did the same thing.

I fell on my back and was seeing stars then said,"At least, the ground broke my...fall."

I knew my dad was like that again as I was rudely interrupted during his therapy lesson.

I groaned and they both walked to me.

When the world finally stopped spinning, I saw them clearly then asked,"Wait, why are your eyes..."

Just then my dad blasted Fabian so hard he broke halfway through a tree and got stuck, unconscious.

He pulled me to my feet but I was still dizzy, so he swiped me off my feet.

It felt embarrassing, for him to be carrying me like that even though I was way passed my baby years.

He took me back to the infirmary and healed me, yet again, then took me home. I was under his protection as well.

I wasn't allowed to teach anymore as he knew my life was in danger, so I helped my mom with the twins.