Four years later...

Reporters took several pictures as the woman announced the launch of the Mars exploration Vehicle or the MEV.

They also asked questions about the three astronauts' backgrounds then she said,"Miguel Fernandez is a thirty-one year old single father from New Mexico, his a four year old son has the dream to be like his father one day. Alicia Jacobs is an ex Navy Seal who became an astronaut after her dream. Silas Danvers is a pilot and an astronaut, all other questions will have to wait because we are starting the launch sequence!"

The rocket had a count down from ten then launched with huge clouds of smoke coming from the bright fires below it.

The rocket had just reached the stratosphere when they saw the second sun, as we had begun calling that star whose brightness increased by the minute.

We all knew it was a hypernova blast and we were all doomed, that's why the world's most powerful countries were on a race to Mars, the second most habitable planet in the Solar system, to save the world.

We could use Teleporters or enlightened humans with teleportation skills and sub skills but the world still didn't trust enlightened people with their lives anymore, that was the cruel irony of life.

They reached the troposphere when the rocket controls started going haywire, then began to explode as the energy from the second sun caused an electric surge.

The astronauts started calling for backup and some Monster Hunters were deployed.

The five of us reached the place and I was angry he was making tardy again then was about to fly up to help the falling rocket when someone pushed past me and yelled,"I got it!"

I yelled back,"Alex! Fall back!"

He then mumbled,"I never listened to you before, why should I start now?"

He knew I sensed him say that.

The rocket was set to fall in the ocean so he raised his arms then a huge waterspout raised from the water's surface then enveloped the centre of the rocket, right before instantaneously freezing.

He then clenched a fist and the ice crushed the middle of the rocket, separating the burning fuel tanks from the astronauts.

A huge wave raised and caught the falling payload of the rocket then lay it down on the water's surface gently.

Alex then flew to the rocket and tore off the metal doors with his sheer strength then stretched his arm and said,"Take my hand."

The astronauts were shivering as he said,"I'm not going to say it again, take my hand."

Miguel reached out first then he immediately disappeared.

The others were terrified but he snapped his fingers and they disappeared.

' I probably should have done that earlier. ' He thought.

He then started to sweat as huge plumes of vapour evaporated from the was happening, but this was too early, the scientists estimated we still had a few years.

Alex looked at the star like beam of light which was battling with the sun for which would be brighter then flew up.

I dropped my jaw and yelled,"Alex, are you crazy?!"

I was about to go but the others stopped me.

I easily broke from their grip and flew after Alex.

I was quickly catching up as he made the huge wall of ice XI to block it, but he widened his eyes when the beam passed right through it.

Alex looked at me, who was still several meters away, right before the blinding light hit him.

A powerful shockwave blasted me back to the land and I yelled his name as he yelled loudly enough for me to hear from there.

I fell on my knees and tears started streaming down my cheeks as the white light was being pumped into him in pulses, with swirling currents of white light going around him.

I stayed there for the four hours he had been up there, then it stopped.

A bright white sphere fell out of the sky like a comet then fell into the ocean, making the light turn blue- green, but was still blinding.

It dimmed after a few minutes then there was a huge wave in the water, and in an instant, there was a massive explosion at the shore as something jumped out, more than ten stories into the air.

It landed with several safety rolls to disperse the force then yelled in excitement.

"Whooh! This is awesome!"

I recognized that voice.


"In the flesh, I feel like I could run around the world!"

He looked different.

He now had transparent iridescent scales on his body, which shimmered in the victorious sun's light.

He also had dorsal fin like membranes on the backs of his lower arms and thighs.

His hair had turned neon blue which changed gradually into midnight blue.

There were also glowing lines on his cheeks and lower arms,which changed from blue to green to purple every few seconds.

He had also grown about a foot in height, making me seem like a dwarf.

He was also made up of a lot more water now, my water vision indicated that by making him deeper blue.

I walked slowly to him then he grinned then said,"Where can I get a burger? I'm starving...oh yeah."

In an instant, he disappeared, two seconds before the sound barrier was broken, making a ten second late sonic boom and several small splashes on the surface of the water.

I also sensed very little wasted energy.

There wasn't any heat from the air drag which meant he had separated the air in front of him somehow like when I used Super Cavitation, the only difference was that, he was doing it in air, and the bubble was a literal vacuum, filled with nothing, that pulled him forward with a powerful force and his original running movement multiplied that velocity gotten by the pulling force by ten thousand times.

He appeared fifteen seconds later and was jogging in place then said,"I just visited every restaurant in the whole world, thrice, true fact, their pork is actually pigeon."

"Why don't we take you to a doctor?"I asked.

He shrugged then went with me.

Several scientists were studying him and running several different tests on him, making him run so fast, a treadmill overheated then exploded, throwing a punch that made a sonic boom, making waves which reached the ionosphere, being able to sense literally anything happening anywhere on the freaking planet, and more.

After that they came with the results.

"The gamma radiation has leveled him up, but there was a slight amount of it which mutated some specific genes which made him like this, it is irreversible."One of them said.

I widened my eyes then yelled,"I can't have my brother like this!"

Alex scoffed then said,"Jealous."

"Of what?!"

"My level, tell him doctor."

The doctor hesitated then gave me a file.

I looked at it and was shocked and thought it was a joke.

I then began to laugh then said,"Drop the act doctor, whatever Alex is paying you isn't worth angering me for."

The doctor then said it was the truth.

I then said,"There is no way a human being could reach level 980.96."

"That was a hypernova, capable of producing more energy in milliseconds than the sun could produce in a billion years, that could make a human being reach that level."

Alex then smirked then said,"Let's go."

The moment we walked out, we were met by an army of paparazzi and Alex was totally prepared, I knew he knew they were coming.