Anneliese was training with her light when she felt she could do more, so she tried, then was fascinated by how powerful she had gotten in the three days she had had her light, but it was too fast, something was wrong.

She then sensed Apollo walking to her then she turned back to him as he ran to hug her and yelled,"Happy anniversary mom!"

She smiled then hugged him back, then he asked,"Did you like my gift?"

"What gift?"She asked, regretting not realising it.

He chuckled then said,"I increased your level."

"Wait, what?"

"I imagined you were back on the level you were on when Bertha took your light away mom."

She was shocked at how powerful he'd gotten, so fast. Imagining something like that could take a monumental amount of energy.

She was about to ask if he was okay when he said,"My level increases eight times faster than normal mom, I'm fine."

She smiled then kissed him all over his face then he left.

She then realized, he was no more calling Bertha his mother, but rather her. That warmed her heart.

I was training by myself in a simulation chamber in the camp.

This place was padded with titanium enforced graphene walls, titanium for hardness, graphene for durability, only people with levels 11 and above could do damage to this room, and I was on level 12.

I was using another skill Bertha taught me, this was using Quantum Tunneling to make my Hydron Lasers more efficient.

It worked when I blasted the laser at a medium which was noticeably denser than air.

The medium refracted it, but when I went to a specific angle, something called total internal reflection happened, where, all the light or Bose Einstein Condensate will be reflected and none of it will pass through to be refracted, or at least, that is what most people think.

A little of the light will be able to pass through due to a process called frustrated total internal reflection, where a wave, called an evanescent wave was able to pass through the reflective medium.

This wave was a very small fraction of the original and only lasted a few wavelengths, but if it was able to pass through the medium, it could manifest itself on the other side.

This meant, in lame language, I could make the Hydron Laser theoretically pass through opaque and refractive objects, including Plasma Shields.

The evanescent wave on the other side was smaller than the original, but also more intense, energetic and precise, which meant, the shield actually acted somehow like a magnifying lens under the right conditions, and I was going to learn how to make them work then teach them to my children.

I also realized I got a new sense, actually it was another version of the water vision.

Water is diamagnetic, which meant it was weakly repelled by both North and South magnetic fields, I could sense this repulsion with my water vision, but it was a very weak force, that was why I couldn't sense it earlier.

It could be good for helping me find my geographic location, by using the strength of the magnetic repulsion on the water molecules, I could tell how far away I was from the poles or the equator, by sensing the climatic and biological conditions in the area, I could tell the biome and these two factors will be naturally and unconsciously be solved by my brain to tell me exactly where I was.

This skill was actually very useful and I wondered how Alex felt when he had it so strongly.

Then I got a call from Anneliese, she told me what Apollo had done for her and I fell on my knees then started shedding tears of joy, I was so proud of my son.

Anneliese sensed Lilith walking towards her then Lilith filled a cup with sugary water then raised her hand to make a clump of dirt float into the cup, then she spun her finger and a vortex stirred the mixture, which immediately turned into a white, pink, red and purple impala lily with three rows of petals.

She made sure to weigh it down using a clump of clay at the bottom of the receptacle to keep its axis in balance with the upthrust of the solution.

Anneliese gasped for joy as Lilith presented her self-made gift to her, then literally blew her a kiss, letting the minerals in her lipstick carry a layer of it in the air in a looping pathway right before plastering itself on Lilith's cheek.

Lilith giggled then smiled and hugged Anneliese, she loved both her children's gifts so much, but not half as much as she loved they themselves.

A few hours later, I was sitting down alone in the garden, when I sensed Lilith come and offer me a drink.

I looked at her and smiled since that was my favourite then I took it from her.

She then said,"I made it without my light, well except for carefully assembling the water molecules, I did everything by myself."

I was about to take a sip when she said,"Oh and one more thing, try wondering what the tattoo on Alex's neck means."

I was confused as I took a sip then immediately, several flashes appeared in my mind in reversed order.

First every moment he had it till the moment he got it, then I saw a necklace with that same symbol on a necklace I had never realised my dad wearing.

My mom also wore a similar one so I went to ask her for more details after hugging Lilith.

The symbol consisted of a circle with a four sided star cutting through its circumference.

There was also a pair of arcs between two opposite pairs of arms on the star and two diagonal lines which seemed to have been separated by the circle, running through the centres of the arcs.

I went to ask my mom about it with a picture of it and when I got into her room, she gave me a warm smile then welcomed me.

I told her my intention for coming then she said I should sit by her, I then asked,"Mom, what does this symbol mean?"

She gasped when she saw it, sighed then said,"It's our family's crest. Your father wanted to give it to you when you had your first child, but he never had the chance to, so he asked me but...I forgot, please forgive me."

She then started to cry.

I hugged her and said,"Mom, you had and have so much on your mind, it's not your fault."

I then kissed her forehead then thanked her for the information, but I left with a new question, why did Alex have it when I didn't?

I went back to the sobolo for answers and when I drank it, the flashes appeared again, but this time, from the beginning.

It showed how my grandparents regretted selling my dad and his brother off to slavery so they gave him the family crest quite early.

He wanted nothing more than to pass it on to his first child but he didn't get the chance, how Alex got it happened like this:

We were in the hospital during the time he had the cancer and the doctors said we had to leave for him to rest.

We all left but when no one was there, Alex hydroteleported back and ran to hug him then cried in his arms.

My dad weakly patted him on the back and told him it was okay.

Alex then said,"No it's not, I don't want you to die."

"...take this, with it, I will always be with you."

He took the necklace and promised never to take it off.

Fast forward a few years and the necklace was destroyed by a monster which shot a rock at him with a great enough force to shatter it into pieces, but he remained unharmed, like my father was protecting him for real.

He got crazily emotional then killed it and almost all the monsters of its kind but he was stopped.

He then decided to get the crest back, but not on something that could be destroyed, on something which will literally always be with him, that's why he got the tattoo.

I fell on my knees and yelled in sorrow as my eyes started to glow then a shockwave erupted and tore through the whole room, right before a huge rush of water with monumental pressure exploded from me and collapsed the whole building.

I was going to send another wave when I felt someone touch me, then another.

I opened my eyes to see Lilith and Apollo both hugging me, with Lilith shedding tears.

She then said,"I'm sorry dad, I thought it would've made you happy."

I smiled weakly then said,"It made me more than happy, but the two of you are the best gifts I could ever have."

They hugged me again.