"Okay I want you to blast that target with all you've got."Alexa said.

"Why don't I blast you with all I've got?"

"Because then I'll have no other choice than to kill you where you stand, now do it."

Curtis rolled his eyes then a blade of one dimensional iron appeared in his hand with a three dimensional handle then he threw it towards the target about thirty feet away.

Alexa caught it by the handle midair then said,"Not like that, I want you to use exotic matter, like what you used to hinder my movements and blast me back."

He smiled evilly as he stretched his arm towards the target then pointed it at Alexa who was already holding a gun, she then said,"We'll see who dies first."

He looked at her, rolled his eyes then pointed back at the target and in an instant, his hand was pushed backwards as a powerful gust of wind blew in a straight, turbulent path, right before pushing back the target with tremendous force.

"Done, now I'm leaving."He said.

The moment he took a step, a bullet hit the ground, right next to his foot.

Alexa blew the smoke off the gun then said,"You're only done when I say so."

Apollo and I stopped at Malaysia to buy some exotic food ingredients for Lilith as she loved to cook and as we were going back to the ocean, I looked at Apollo and how he smiled, it reminded me of my dad and my two brothers, he looked exactly like them.

A tear fell down my cheek as I hugged him.

He hugged me back then asked the reason, I just answered,"I just felt like hugging you."

"Okay wait, you're crying."He said.


I wiped the tear then felt him hugging me again, he then said,"It's going to be okay."

I didn't know why, but I fell to my knees then broke down and said,"I was just not able to help any of them, how will I help any of you? I am a terrible son, brother and father."

He wiped my tears with both his thumbs, smiled then said,"They were absolutely lucky to have you and, there's no one I'd rather have as a father than you, if I could bring them back which I can, I wouldn't because I know it happened for a reason, it has made us and especially you much stronger."

I smiled within my tears and hair then said,"Thank you."

We then hydroteleported back home and we went to unload everything into the kitchen but I realized Lilith was fidgeting with her fingers, I knew she did that every time something was wrong.

I went to sit besides her after making sure there was no more evidence of my tears then asked,"Hey kiddo, what's wrong?"

She looked at me and I saw the tears and faint rims around her eyes and my heart sank.

She then hiccuped and said,"It's just... nothing, it's okay."

"Darling are you..."

"It's okay! Just leave me alone, please."

She then vanished into her room.

I was hurt by her actions but decided to give her some space.

I then heard a yell coming from my bedroom and ran there to see Anneliese hyperventilating.

She then yelled,"The baby's coming!"

"Okay, let me get the keys and..."

A wall of stone blocked the door as she yelled,"No! Please don't leave!"

I looked at her then ran and propped her on my knees.

I was about to make the amniotic fluid push the baby when I realized something...there was no heartbeat.

I hesitated and Anneliese screamed for me to end the pain.

I started crying as I said,"It's not yet time."

"Please help me! The pain is too much!"She yelled.

Apollo appeared in the room but Lilith was still in her's. I told Apollo to help and when he got closer he looked at me then I nodded.

He gently placed his hands on her belly and shivered violently for a few seconds.

I shouted for him to stop but he didn't.

He then yelled in pain and immediately fainted and I immediately sensed a heartbeat from the baby as it grew slightly in size and began to force its way out.

I helped Anneliese give birth normally and she immediately lost consciousness and I held our daughter in my hands then looked at my son and wife in a helpless state then the words I had said haunted me,' will I help any of you? '

I had almost lost my daughter and got her back at the expense of my son.

I yelled as the baby started to cry and fell on my knees in tears.

Lightning flashed across the sky and it rained heavily, as the giant waves broke down the sea defense.

I stopped crying when I realized how much distress my new daughter was in and knew I had to be a better father to her.

I placed Anneliese on our bed after healing her then used my light to pump some colostrum milk for the baby after taking care of Apollo.

I sat on the floor, rocking the soft baby till she fell asleep.

I then placed her besides her mother then sat besides them, waiting for either of them to wake up.


A lot of things had happened in the camp, first off, I had placed it under someone else's authority, I felt I was too unstable and inconsistent, losing authority over it every so often.

Trevor had also started practicing new martial arts, including Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Muay Thai and Kick boxing and was a mix martial artist known all around the continent as the American Ninja.

He now had scars all over his body from his past fights with people twice his size.

There was one which cut his right eyebrow in two and another on his chest, with two making a cross on his left arm.

There were many smaller ones but those was were inconspicuous.

He also now wore earrings and an eyebrow ring and had a spiky haircut with his blonde hair dashing out in all directions in the most attractive way.

He had also gotten a new girlfriend.

She was dashingly beautiful but still, not as beautiful as Alexa and that was easy to see.

Everyone thought he was using her for something as she was way below his league but he always said, he didn't only search for good looks.

Alexa was that new owner of the camp, I had realized she was very capable since she was smart, talented, considerate and gentle when she needed too, but also strong and tough when she needed to be.

She still kept teaching just like I did for a few months after becoming principal though.

Alexa was playing a piano alone in the music room of the camp when she felt someone come behind her and play with her.

She felt his warm breath on her neck and became nervous then looked back and frowned then asked,"Curtis, why are you stalking me? I don't teach you music, it isn't possible."

He stood straight and placed his hands in his pockets as he said,"I came to spend some time to myself when I saw you, being stupid enough to play a duet on your own, I had to stop such an offense from continuing."

"Fine, but sit beside me not behind."

He smirked and asked,"Why?"

She frowned again then said,"Because your breath smells like garlic."

"Well even garlic is used to make the most aromatic stews."

"Sit down."

He shrugged then sat behind her and bothered her.

Not only did he keep changing the pitches, he also kept flirting with her, which she hated.

She stood up to leave and walked away but he grabbed her by the waist when she tripped over a stair then he spun her and pulled her closer.

The were really close and looked into each other's eyes.

They were stuck there for several seconds till Alexa woke up from her tarance and pushed Curtis back then left without a word.

He then chuckled and went back to the piano.


Our new daughter was named Jessica, after her mother's mother.

She looked like the most beautiful combination of myself and Anneliese. She looked like both of us yet like none of us from her skin, to her feet, to her multicolored eyes.