The car was driving and Alexa asked where they were going then Trevor said,"It's a surprise."

She then sat down quietly and looked out the window and he looked at her from the corners of his eyes then smiled.

They got to a candle lit dinner in the park under the star filled sky and it was beautiful.

Trevor helped her sit as the music played then she tasted some of the food and asked,"Did you make it yourself?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"He asked.

"It tastes like it."She said.

He tasted it then gagged and she laughed then snorted and covered her mouth.

He smiled at her then stood and took her hand.

She asked what he was doing then he said,"I wished you'd give this ruffian the pleasure of dancing with you."

She frowned at him and said,"You aren't a ruffian and...I can't dance."

"You can't or you don't want to embarrass me?"He asked with an eyebrow arched and a smirk.

She smiled then said,"I don't want to embarrass you."

"Well there's no one here to be embarrassed in front of."

"You're not going to give up, are you?"She asked with an eyebrow arched and a smile.


Just then, he spun her round and hugged her gently from the back and they slowly danced to the music.

She turned to face him and he nibbled on her ear then she giggled which made butterflies appear in his stomach.

He then spun her again and they did an extension then he pulled her back and lifted her into the air by the waist then placed her down.

He then went forward with her and she was slowly lowered till she was a foot above the ground, then he lifted her again and they looked into each other's eyes, then shared a passionate kiss...

They were in the magical moment till the rain started to pour on them then they began to laugh together.

Trevor removed his tuxedo top and placed it over Alexa's head while he stood in the rain.

She looked at him then lifted it over both their heads and he smiled then kissed her forehead and they walked slowly towards the canopy the picnic was under.

They stayed below it till the rain softened then Trevor held Alexa's hand and said,"Come on, I want to show you something."

Alexa then asked,"In the rain?"

"Especially in the rain."He said.

She shrugged then stood up and he covered her eyes, as usual.

She walked slowly in the light drizzle till he stopped suddenly then said she should open her eyes.

She opened her eyes and gasped when she saw the meadow filled with night blooming flowers, green bioluminescent mushrooms and fireflies in the all the colours of the blue, green and gold spectrum.

Alexa gasped and covered her mouth in awe then he whispered in her ear,"I told you I'd bring down the stars just for you."

She looked at him then smacked the back of his head and ran while laughing.

He also laughed as he chased after her then he dived and caught her then they fell down a hill while laughing then they stopped at the bottom and he propped himself on one elbow then looked into her enchanting brown eyes.

They then drew closer for another kiss...


Alexa was walking hand in hand with Trevor while heads in the camp turned from all directions and angles.

They met Curtis on the way then he kissed Alexa on the hand gently then said,"Good morning mam."

She smiled but saw Trevor frown with jealousy from the corner of her eyes.

She frowned at his childish behavior till he roughly pushed Curtis backwards and stood in front of her and said,"Back off, she's with me."

Curtis tilted his head and said,"I don't see a name tag."

Trevor frowned deeply and Curtis stepped forward till they were head to head and said,"And she can easily become mine."

Then he grinned.

Trevor pulled back his fist and Curtis opened his palm, while building exotic matter and Alexa immediately came and separated the two doofuses before they hurt each other.

She yelled,"Will you guys just stop it?! Geez! That's it, I'm done..."

The two of them felt their world's crumble down as she continued,"... with your childish fights! I'm setting up a date for the both of you and you're just going to get along."

Without a thought, the both of them said,"No."

Alexa rolled her eyes then looked up into theirs and asked,"Please?"

They felt their hearts melt when she made her beautiful face like that and they fought back their sentiments till they couldn't any longer and yelled,"Fine!"

Alexa knew that within those tough and possibly scary bodies, lay sentimental and vulnerable softies.

Trevor turned to the side to wipe the tears that had formed on his handsome face then Curtis rolled his eyes and said,"Baby."

Alexa just said,"Thanks, goodbye boys."

She flickered her fingers over her shoulder as she naturally but seductively modeled away and Curtis found himself drooling which ended when Trevor sucker punched him in the belly, hard then said,"She's mine, and that's for calling me a baby."

Then he left.

The next day, Trevor walked to his balcony with his towel over his shoulders and saw the blue Bugatti Chiron parked outside his gate then chuckled and went to change.

Trevor and Curtis sat as far as they could from each other in the car as Alexa sat opposite them then said,"So I stayed up all night searching through all the places in the city which you both liked to hang out in in common and here's the result."

Trevor leaned over to see it then laughed and said,"You go to that amusement park?!"

Curtis looked at him and said,"The only reason it's here is that you go there too."

Trevor kept silent then the car parked at their first destination, my mansion.

Alexa wanted to leave them alone to settle their differences.

They got to the first place which was an amusement park called Sweet Treatopolis, it had a tacky name and mostly children and teenagers who were forced to babysit their siblings went there, not twenty year old young men.

They first went to Shoot the squirrels, where one was to shoot ping pong balls at a sequence of moving plastic squirrels.

Trevor then said,"First to ten points wins."

"Sounds like a challenge."Curtis said.

Trevor looked through the target hole on the rifle then shot and missed one squirrel, then another and yelled in frustration then looked at Curtis to see how badly he was doing and console himself a little.

Curtis closed one eye then started shooting the balls and hitting every squirrel that dared appear without even looking through the hole.

Trevor looked at him as Curtis said,"Thirteen in a row."

They went to Punch for Points which was a ride where a person had to punch a teardrop punching bag with the greatest hit they could muster and the force was measured and graded in a point system from red, through yellow to green, with green being low, yellow being intermediate and red being high.

Curtis went first then threw a straight punch at it and got it halfway through the red then gave Trevor a goofy smile.

Trevor walked forward slowly then gave the punching bag a left hook with so much force, it was broken off the suspensory chain and flew to hit the display screen, still with enough force to crack it.

It went to the top of the red as that was the highest it could read then Trevor arched a brow at Curtis, who said,"Show off."

They went through several rides and the competitive attitude they exhibited only made them hate each other more.

They next went to a humanitarian shelter where they were giving out food and ended up getting kicked out for starting a food fight, they were even farther away from friendship.

They knew this whole plan was a bust so decided just to skip all the other stressful activities and just go to a casual bar on the outskirts of the city.

Everyone in the bar looked in their direction as they walked by and even the bartender was distracted and flustered just by their presence.

Standing six seven and six nine respectively, the muscular young men attracted all eyes, one with long, raven hair and the other with short blonde hair, with their heights written in that order.

They ordered the strongest drink the woman had and she went to get some of it.

Trevor started out with three shots of whisky while Curtis took a flute of white wine.

Just then, the floors of the bar counter creaked as a handsome man stepped besides Curtis, who continued staring into nothingness.

The man then said,"Hey there, good looking."

Curtis, without looking at him said,"I'm a guy and way out of your league."

The man then said,"I don't discriminate between the two genders, besides, you two boys are far better looking than any girl I've dated."

He placed his hand on Curtis's and this time, Curtis glared at him and said,"Get your hand off mine if you don't want to lose it."

"Feisty, I like that."The man then said and moved his hand higher.

Curtis then snapped and held his wrist then turned his whole arm backwards and c

slammed his head on the counter with his arm extended backwards, then a sharp snapping sound was heard as Curtis snapped his wrist.

The man yelled in pain then Curtis threw him to the floor, causing a stir in the bar.

Trevor just said,"He warned you."

The man looked at his badly aching and twisted arm then all the men in the bar stood up abruptly and brought out weapons, it was obvious they were all his men.

Curtis looked at Trevor from the corner of his eyes then Trevor said,"You started it."

"Well they'll kill you too."Curtis answered.

Trevor rolled his eyes then stood up, drank the last shot glass on the counter, wiped his lips then said,"Let's dance..."

Alexa was sitting down on the couch, enjoying some alone time when she got a call from the driver.

She answered it and asked for an update. He said,"Well Master Trevor and Master Curtis just got into a fight."

"Of course they did."

"Not with each other mam, together."He said.

"What? Please show me."

He turned the camera towards them and Alexa smiled and asked herself,"How did I miss that?"