The girl was in school with Samuel, as the boy's name was, when a tear like portal opened up in the middle of the compound and a huge man with a partially armoured body huge muscles and white eyes and hair.

He roared loudly as chaos was instilled and this made the girl stronger.

He then began destroying everything and killing everyone in sight, the girl had actually intentionally brought him there, to kill all those people, without him knowing he was just a pawn on a chessboard.

Some Monster Hunters were dispatched there and fought him but with his unbreakable skin, he was able to kill all of them like they were insignificant and the girl did nothing, even when Samuel begged her, all she said was,"It was their time."

But when he lifted Samuel into the air with his telekinesis, choking him to death, it was his turn.

The girl walked forward and said,"Place him down this instant."

He laughed and said,"I came here for a real opponent and you send me a child?! This universe is pathetic!"

At that moment, a huge bolt of lightning struck him then he looked at her, unscarred then asked,"Is that all you got?"

She then said,"I'm merely postponing the inevitable."

She then stretched her arm and he stumbled to one knee when his heart throbbed painfully but he knew she couldn't know, till she said,"A supposedly immortal creature from another universe, you are pathetic because your most vital organ is your weakness."

" did you know?"He asked.

"I am Death, I know how to kill people and make it hurt."

When she finished speaking, he coughed out blood as his heart had painfully exploded in his chest and Samuel fell down, only to be levitated an inch above the ground by the girl's doing.

He couldn't breathe, but strained to say,"Please...mercy."

"Like you showed to your insignificant opponents?"She asked,"If you try to kill anyone before their time, I'll see you as a threat, and threats are destroyed, but you aren't that much of one, yet, it's your time."

She then swiped her arm and his head was twisted all the way back with a loud crack and pop, then his body fell to the side and she walked back to Samuel and kicked him as he had landed and said,"Get up."

"How did you do that?"He asked.

"I'm a Multiversal being, he is from a single universe, it was too easy."She answered flatly.

"So, do we go for ice cream?"He asked.

She glared at him then said,"You're paying."

Then walked away.


Life knew there was no way he was going to find his opposite on his own, since she was a walking dead body, with no heartbeat or breath, he could track down any living creature no matter how small from across all dimensions and anti dimensions, but as long as a body was dead, he had no power over it till he brought it to life and that was exactly what he wanted to do to Death.

The spirit of death could only reside in the dead so if he was able to bring her to life, the spirit will leave, having lost for the fourth time in a row, the same with him, if she was somehow able to kill him, the spirit will leave him, but that wouldn't couldn't.

He also had the problem with the signs of her presence, one would think you could find her where the most death and chaos were but...the genocide was happening not just over the globe, but across the whole multiverse with different living beings dying all along so he just couldn't be sure whether she was in Alaska about one thousand kilometers away or twelve universes away.

The same dilemma was bothering Death, at the ice cream parlour, she was halfway done with her first sundae while Samuel had eaten like six different ones and she then told him he'd die if he continued like that but he said,"I know you won't kill me, right?"

She smiled at him before instantaneously changing back to her original, distant expression.

Samuel asked why she was so quiet then she looked at him, his mind was surprisingly clear, no thoughts of fear or doubt, she knew this was Life's doing and it wasn't natural for someone to be in so much control of their own mind.

She sighed then said,"It's nothing."

She could sense the conversation of the children about three years older than Samuel a few seats away.

They were all talking about her and how she killed that giant without a thought, and they were calling her a witch, till one young man, Seth by name, stood up for her.

"That girl saved your butts and you're now calling her a witch? Even if she was, why are you all here when she's barely four seats away?"

When they realized she was looking at them, they fled the restaurant and she swiped her finger then one tripped and fell, pulling another by the belt and tearing his trousers off, while the last got knocked by a bike.

She then turned back but already knew Seth was walking closer.

"Hi, I'm..."He began.

"Seth, I presume?"She asked coldly.

"Y...yeah, how did you know?"

"It's my job."She said,"So what is your problem?"

"Oh I just wanted to say hi and..."

"No I mean what is wrong with you? Why did you stand up for me?"

"I just thought it was the right thing to do because..."

"I didn't save your lives I just killed that Titan, the same way I'll kill you fifteen years from now."

He started laughing hysterically then continued nervously as he saw her dead serious expression, he then smiled and said,"Well then, I have to live the best I can in the time I have."

' What is up with these humans? ' She thought.

"So, what's your name?"He asked.

Samuel tried signalling him not to finish the sentence but he was determined to get to know her better as she said,"I'm your worst nightmare."

He smiled at her and ruffled her hair then yelled and fell off the seat when he saw her change into the thing that had been haunting his dreams, and the whole ice cream parlour changed into the site of his nightmares, with all the mountains of skeletons, rivers of blood and the beast which sat before him, then he scampered away and the girl continued with her dessert while Samuel asked,"Why did you scare him away? He just wanted to be friends."

"Friends are just enemies who smile for a while."She said.

"That's not what you think of me."

"No, you are just a blood sucking parasite of whom I can't get rid no matter what my efforts were."

He looked at her and smiled, then fled and she rolled her eyes and continued, she already knew what he was going to do and stretched her arm with his inhaler which he came to retrieve then left.

A few minutes later, Samuel and Seth were back in her midst and she didn't like that one bit.

They also accompanied her to the place where her mother lay, dead and watched in awe as she revived her with just a snap of her fingers and since then, she was stuck with those two blind idiots.

Life on the other hand, had tons of friends, and loved their company and especially loved bringing Life, Joy and Order into their lives.

There was one day he went into another universe with some of them, to show them the different and magnificent arrangement of stars in the night sky.

He had the ability to create and enforce working laws, he basically made all the laws of Physics, while Death did the opposite, breaking laws and making exceptions to his perfect hard work.

Life brought his friends back home where their unnaturally loving parents waited patiently for them and praised him which he readily accepted but detected a trace of judgement in one of the parents' minds, she thought he was a narcissist and he couldn't let that happen, so he did everything in his power to break Death's influence with that woman then got it...he knew how to find Death...