Nicky reversed time then paused it when she saw the black hole growing and the sun shrinking, but what caused it?

She slowly moved her arm as trees were shaken in reverse by the reversed wind then saw something, a rocket, no comet, from the earth to the sky.

She zoomed in for a closer look then saw, it was just a puddle of water which started rising up from the floor and shot up into the sky at light speed, literally, at 83% the speed of light.

The shockwave generated was enough to burn everything in a three kilometer radius, including people, but they were fine now for some reason...time was of course reversed, but how?

The block of ice reached far past the breathable atmosphere and snuggled besides the moon, where it started compacting till it formed a singularity, and ate the satellite in a matter of minutes, causing its debris to spin around it on a horizontal axis at jaw dropping speeds, but she wasn't impressed, Curtis had already taught she and her sister how to make small and manageable black holes, this one on the other hand, seemed out of control...or meant to destroy the solar system.

She vanished and appeared closer to the black hole, where even though she had brought time near to a stop, it's rings and ' exhaust jets ' were spinning so fast she couldn't get any details, but she could still track its source.

She followed the instructions being sent to it and realized they were coming from Ghana...from me, she was confused then sped up time and saw me murmuring till I attacked Anneliese, then I looked at her and blasted her out of the time paradox and she fell out of the sky, unconscious when someone caught her, it was Indigo, wondering what she was doing all the way there and what happened to her.

The only reason no one else in my house realized the black hole was that I put them into a deep, coma like sleep, so they had no idea of what had happened, and I even wiped Anneliese's memory.

Indigo saw that she wasn't very hurt, but was in a death like sleep, and he couldn't wake her, not even Lilith, Jessica or Apollo, she was just snoozing without losing, till I tried, then she woke up with a deep breath and looked around, then at me and asked,"What happened?"


In a dark alleyway, where the lights flickered and steam rose from beneath the sewer drains, a man took out a cigar from a packet and a red beam of light shot from his eyes and burned the tip then he looked at a woman before him then asked,"Do you have it?"

She quickly fidgeted through her purse and brought out a huge bundle of money, then he signalled to another, who brought a syringe with a clear liquid in it.

He was about to inject it into her forearm when it spontaneously exploded and the woman screamed as a figure walked forward through the shadows.

"Alejandro, you fool! What did you do?!"The man yelled.

The figure threw an unconscious man to the floor and said,"Alejandro has been presently... decommissioned."

"Who are you then?"He asked.

Alex walked into the light and he widened his eyes then yelled for his men to kill him.

They used their respective lights and weapons against him but while their fastest attacks were still in the air, Alex looked to his right and a shockwave blew away everything, including the men.

He then said,"You are all under arrest for selling and purchasing illegal and experimental ' light wine '."

Light wine was basically what Principal Blythe used to temporarily give herself extra lights, it was an aqueous solution of pure enlightened genes, being more expensive with an increased number of lights or more powerful replicas.

The man then stood up as Alex stared at the shivering woman coldly, then yelled,"You people think you're better than us!"

Alex directed his gaze to the man as he continued,"It's survival of the fittest, isn't it? You and your family have the strongest lights and let us be the grass you trample on, you don't even care how many people have died in the last ten years."

Alex's gaze softened as he said,"We do and believe it or not, we are often the most hurt and targeted, but using drugs which are known to shorten your life, tricking ignorant people into buying them, you think that is right?"

The woman finally yelled,"Your family killed mine!"

He looked at her as tears streamed down her cheeks then she said,"When you were having your blue sun disco party, my family was burned before my eyes...my husband, my mother, my sisters and...my two oldest children, you think that is right?! That is why I came here, so I could at least have a chance to secure my last child's future, even if it may not be a very bright one, unlike your's."

At that moment, he remembered his son and glowing blue tears trickled down his cheeks, then he vanished, with all the vials of light wine bursting in their boxes.

Ama walked towards Alex and asked if he was alright then he looked at her and said,"This whole family has destroyed the planet."

"What?"She asked.

"We caused all this, the war from that Dragon king, the fight between Death and Deception and so much more, we are worse than all of them."

Ama asked,"This is about our son, isn't it?"

He looked away but she gently turned his handsome face to her's then said,"The past is behind us, and we could decide to dwell in it or learn from it, I hope you'll learn from it, because I will..."


The entire family had been arguing and it was making me dizzy, it's true that we caused a lot of collateral damage, but just as Death said, it had to happen, if not, Life would have brought them back and Death would have killed us, but they didn't see it that way.

I then slammed my hands on the table and yelled,"Enough!"

My mom looked at me with her eyes half closed...I knew I was a dead man for pulling that stunt, but I continued,"The people are in danger, because we couldn't keep all of them safe, then what if we brought them all to one place where we could do just that?"

Remember I said three fourths of the population was gone? I meant of those left, as the previous cataclysmic events also had their death toll, but I didn't know why it didn't affect me as much as it did the others.

They hadn't spoken fora while, till Alex stood up and said,"I'll take the Americas."

Anneliese also volunteered for Europe and Asia and Maame said she'd go to Australia, so we were set, the rest of us where to prep up the continent of Africa for their arrival, including changing the climatic condition of wherever necessary to meet the people, monsters', animals' and plants needs(we also included fungi, protists and bacteria, there was no segregation 😁).