I was sitting on the roof, holding the gem in my hand, then yelled as I threw it and it vanished over the horizon, then reappeared in my hand.

I was just so agitated, it was tearing me and my family apart.

I sensed Apollo appear as he said,"I figured you'd be here."

I looked at him then said,"I'm so..."

"Don't worry dad..."He said,"...we know you didn't mean it, but I have a feeling that wasn't the whole story you told us."

I looked at him, sighed then said,"It is powerful, that's true, possibly much more than those who gave us our lights to begin with, but it isn't evil, Darlok on the other hand is, I don't know why it was with one of his subordinates, but if I gave it back to him, not only would I be trapped, he'd also have the ability to wreck even more havoc across all realities."

"Well, maybe it bonded to you."He suggested.


"You said it was with some wizard like monster, but none of us have seen any like that so maybe when you cracked it, it saw a worthy wielder in you and came to you, that would explain why it gave you different abilities."He said.

"And changed colour."I replied.

I thought for a split second the said,"You are a wise one son."

"I got the cheat code from my mom."He said.

I smiled and ruffled his hair as we watched the people settle into their homes, then a multicoloured coloured display of moonbows, unnatural tropical Aurora, red Sprites, Halos and blue Jets formed in the star lit sky, then Apollo looked at me as I pulled back my arm, having already set off the Hex then said,"I love you dad."

"I love you too, son."I said.


Lilith and Jessica were taking a walk through the new Asian bamboo forests of Africa, when Jessica screamed and startled her older sister till she yelled,"Panda!"

She dashed to the cub but Lilith said,"Approach with caution, mother pandas don't take people messing with their cubs...lightly."

A huge mother bear came from the bushes and growled at Jessica then she looked at it without moving for several seconds, then threw it over her shoulder and onto its back then scratched its belly as it kicked its legs playfully, Jessica didn't remind Lilith of herself, she was an entirely unique individual...


The ocean drew back by up to a mile and the land below the surface arose with a rigid crumbling and cracking sound.

Maame froze the extra water at the polar ice caps and Anneliese made the extra land mass.

She then made a land bridge to a place where a massive volcano just erupted, covering itself in molten magma which Anneliese cooled instantaneously and made the volcanic glass formed from the spontaneous freezing of the lava, to break down into the fertile soil well associated with volcanoes.

Maame stretched her arm behind her and all the animals known to be found in Papua New Guinea moved there over the bridge, carrying the seeds and vegetative parts of plants and distributing them and actually planting them with great precision.

The people of the half Asian, half Australian island, slowly walked into their new but temporary home,after we were able to deal with this Darlok guy, the people could move back to their original island if they willed it.

Water vapour rose from my hands and water droplets spun around them as ice began to freeze my arm with them outstretched.

All the creatures were stuck on the ground and roaring, then I opened my arms and a sound burst through the entire army, leaving only people and creatures from other planets and universes.

The creatures looked at each other, confused as to how they got there, then I told them everything telepathically then swiped my arm and they all vanished to their original homes...

I didn't want to kill the creatures anymore, it wasn't their fault but I then realized three portals open and only three creatures walked out before they were closed...wizards.


One of them had a purple gem on its staff, like the previous one.

Another had a silvery clear one with smoke coming from and slowly spinning around it.

The last had one which changed colours, even shades and tints.

The creature with the grey jewel pointed at me...oh boy.

Before I realized, one of them with the most colourful personality had blasted a green laser at me, the silver one had turned into thick black smoke which shot at me and the last started shooting huge, purple daggers at me.

I did a b aerial and dodged the laser but axe kicked the ground, throwing a monstrous wind which blew all the smoke away and even sent the other two airborne.

The laser one then stretched its staff at me then cute, colourful, glowing spheres appeared around me and I found myself mooning over them, till one burned my shoulder with a laser, rude.

They all started shooting intense monochromatic (really hot, one coloured) lasers at me but I dodged all of them, intentionally not getting out to see my skills, till the purple one came in and swiped a huge purple sword at me.

I back flipped and it scraped the ground with the lasers still firing, then I landed and asked,"How do you like me now?"

I then blasted three huge jets of water, two of which blasted the force field of the purple one, pushing it into the sky, and the last which went for the laser one.

It tried blasting lasers at it from all over its body, including going nuclear, but the water either evaded its attacks, hydroteleported out of the way, or used the attacks to its own advantage.

Boiling hot vapour was burning the flesh of the monster's legs, while a huge current of water struck at it and froze into ice VII and it made a force field.

A loud booming sound was heard as the force field finally broke, leaving the beast unconscious.

The laser one blasted a laser at me but it disappeared right in front of me and I said,"Back at you, ugly."

Then a purple flash occurred, right before my meter diameter laser was blasted at it.

It blasted a laser back but was immediately over came and the laser with much decreased intensity(really much) burned it and it fell backwards.

I was actually kinda enjoying this as I hopped twice then asked,"Who's next?"

I immediately regretted asking that question as thunder boomed and I looked back to see massive black clouds, which descended to the ground in a massive, cone like tornado.

It tore several trees from behind it and threw them at me but I stretched my arm as they were sent back to their original places and cages of ice VII formed around them, using magical jewels to summon cataclysmic weather patterns which tore trees out of the ground and flung them as a target as projectiles wasn't the best thing for the environment.

It started throwing rocks at me then I ran and super jumped into the air, hydroteleporting from one rock to the other at shocking speed, then I super jumped off of one of them and pulled back my fist then threw it at the literal eyes of the storm.

But, like air basically always does, it diffused then the massive bolt of lightning shot through the cloud, without harming it and destroying half all my hard gardening work...poosh.

I fell then used jet propulsion to get myself slowly down then shook my fist at it, that was really annoying.

Then a massive black of hail fell exactly towards my head...

Alex woke up from sleeping then yelled,"Felix!"