The moment we got into the wasteland, I swiped my arm behind me and a curved wall of ice spikes formed and froze within them, several zombies.

Anneliese felt the ground shaking ever so slightly that we couldn't, then ran forward and was shot up by a rock pillar beneath her, spinning in the air several times before landing and causing the ground to break and crumble and advancing forward, crushing, swallowing and imprisoning the army of zombies charging at us from the East, I could tell due to my navigation sub skills.

Curtis saw a huge, rhino like beast with a war hammar on one of its two arms, charging at us then said,"Don't worry, I got this."

Then he made a powerful burst of exotic matter, which blew a wind that threw the three tonne creature high in the sky.

I gasped then a slanted wall of ice VII formed around a kitten which was, for some reason, grooming itself in the middle of nowhere, then I frowned at Curtis who chuckled nervously.

We had to find a way to get those at least three wizards to come to us and by the time I realized, they brought us to them.

I appeared in a coloseum like arena with several controlled living and dead creatures all around and even spirits between, chanting and cheering.

The ground rumbled and I had already sensed the creature coming through the gate, the wizard.

It had a black gem stone on its neck and was covered all over with chains that dragged behind it.

The ten foot tall creature walked towards me then grinned and said in Latin,"The master has been eagerly waiting to meet you."

"It's too bad I'm not very good with invitations."I said.

"Well you wouldn't have to worry after you're under my control."

"Wow, for once, they want me alive."I said sarcastically.

It puffed out smoke from its nostrils then roared...

Indigo appeared several feet in the air then blew down wind to slow his fall and saw he was in a cave full of reflective crystals.

He heard a coarse whisper say,"Your spirit is strong, and addicting."

He turned around, he couldn't sense anything weird in the whole cave and beyond, all he could see was his own reflections then he yelled,"Show yourself!"

"You really want to see me?"The voice said, getting louder,"Fine."

It walked out from through a wall of crystals and Indigo took a step back as it said,"Congratulations, you just summoned your first demon..."


Anneliese looked around, there was nothing...anywhere, but she could sense everything, it was like she was in a cloud, full of dust but lacking colour.

She looked behind her and was startled as she saw herself...

She stumbled backwards as her false reflection waked closer to her and said,"Your life is so...ironic, full of joy and love at one moment, then at the other, full of sorrow and death, and I can tell it will continue."

"Who are you and what are you doing with my face?!"She yelled.

"Oh, I am you, and your beloved husband, son and two daughters and anyone you've met who is still alive."It said.

"You didn't answer my question, I asked, who are you?!"

It just chuckled then began to laugh maniacally but Anneliese wasn't scared till it appeared right in front of her and said,"Boo..."

Curtis almost suffocated as he was underwater and no matter how hard he propelled himself, he was dragged down by an unknown force.

He then yelled as his eyes glowed dimly then an burst of Exotic matter exploded the bubble of water, shooting the liquid through every tree, rock and object around like a row of machine gun bullets.

He fell to his knees and coughed out the water till he felt a sudden pain in his chest as the water coming out of his mouth changed to blood.

He looked around as the water around him started creeping up his skin and crushing his body with brute force, his first trick didn't work again, so he just teleported out and ended up in another bubble, what was happening?


Maame blasted water at the Forbidden but it absorbed the liquid like no man's business.

Another came behind her and she back flipped over it, landing and making huge daggers of ice spread round, and causing a frigid Cold Spell which sent temperatures to the freezing point of ethanol in a second and they were immobilised...did she just find a new weakness of Forbiddens?

She was then thrown into the air by a strong wind and flipped then landed in a cat like position then looked at the creature before her, it looked graceful, like an angel, with wings made of pure light and multicoloured fire.

It had a long tail covered in colourful fur and electricity and made the most beautiful symphony anyone could hear, even Maame was a little distracted as all the forbiddens screeched then burst.

The creature came down then walked towards Maame then Maame gasped and zapped electricity at it but it didn't dodge, rather, the green gem on its chest and the lightning on its tail glowed brighter, before it shot a much bigger bolt of lightning at her, from a flower like spiral of electric charges, before a generated sphere, then the arc.


The wizard spun one of its chains then threw it at me but I dive rolled out of the way and the chain cracked through the ground.

Several chains unhinged from around it then dashed at me.

I blasted a Multi Jet at all of them and though many of them collided, one was able to dodge.

I made an ice wall to defend myself but it simply passed right through it then wrapped around my arm and I yelled as it began to burn through my skin, but it didn't feel hot...or cold.

I clenched my fist then ice started forming on it then climbed across it and froze the arm of the creature, then I whipped down the chain pulling it closer to myself, right before I kneed it hard in the chin, making a powerful shockwave.

It flew backwards but I pulled it back, with my chained arm, then kicked it, hard in the jaw when it got close enough and started spinning with the chain and the creature, as it broke through walls of ice VII, like they weren't one of the most dangerous types of ice there was.

I threw it up then a massive fist of ice formed and smashed it into the ground, severely cracking the ground.

After it was subdued, I sat down, feeling exhausted, more than I was supposed to be and the chain was still holding me, not I, it.

I tried removing it with my other hand but it just passed through.

Then I felt nauseous as a dim blue glow started moving through the chain to where the wizard had been crushed, then the ice began to be lifted as the creature stood below it, grinning at me, then licking its lips as it said,"Time for round two..."