Celestia walked into the room I was in and met me standing before her.

She asked what the problem was and I said,"We have to merge into our next generational selves, I know it's crazy, risky and quite possibly dangerous but you have to trust me on this one."


"A little bird told me Darlok was about to up his game, so we need to as well."

"But the metamorphosis is unpredictable, sometimes it could destroy a city like in Kofi's and the Electro Skiffer's case, or be more subtle, like Jonita's and Vulcan's, we could even end up dying like Skylar."

"But it is our duty to protect this Multiverse from beings like Darlok, please."

She looked down then nodded, even though she didn't like the idea one bit, she held my hand and we vanished.


"Darlekka, he is back..."

Darlok then said,"So, Angel of Death, what is your status update?"

"They fell for the bait, the eldest one is foolish and gullible and will willingly merge to save their pathetic world and they would soon be ripe for the picking."

"Well done man."

"Now for my reward."


Black flames began to swirl around him and he felt the power coursing through his veins, but it quickly became too much and he yelled in pain as it burned through his flesh, then Darlok said,"You are not worthy of receiving such a form...yet."

His skin was degraded and flaking off, his eyes remained black, with pure white pupils and his wings also changed.

The feathers on his wings fell off and in their place, flesh began to grow between the extending bones with razor sharp claws coming out of them, being coloured in a stunning array of black, gray and white.

He also got the tail of a phoenix in addition to his five fox tails which increased to nine...he looked at himself then yelled in rage filled passion as he laughed...


Death looked at me then asked,"What have you done?!"

"We came to warn you about..."

"How could you be so foolish?!"She yelled,"Now Darlok knows exactly where to find us!"

We looked back to see several of the new generation of Darlok's creatures and of course, that Dumbo from before.

I frowned deeply as he slowly walked forward then I asked,"How did I ever think you were a fox chicken? You are a lying snake!"

"It isn't that unbelievable, is it? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"Then I'll kill you first!"

Death and life yelled for me to stop, my gem yelled for me to stop and my brain yelled for me to stop, but I was too filled by rage to listen to any of them.

The idiot caught me effortlessly by the neck with one of his new four arms and grinned as I struggled to break free.

He slowly started cutting my neck open with one of his razor sharp claws and I yelled in pain, till he stabbed his hand into my chest and ripped out my spine then pierced it into my eyes and threw my body to the side.

Celestia yelled my name and told life to do something, but he couldn't, he had already warned me.

She ran to my body as the chicken that had been bitten by a vampire bat one too many times, waked past me.

He then grabbed Celestia also by the neck and was about to do the same thing as she screamed and used her powers to the max, to no avail, then a gem began to glow gray and my body stood up, with glowing eyes.

The chimera bat thingy looked at me, shocked then laughed at the new challenge and made the other creatures attack and they stabbed me, burned me, froze me, electrocuted me and tore my body apart, but I still reassembled myself and stood up again then said,"I'm done holding back."

They ran at me again and my Soul stealing silk shot out and wrapped around their necks, hindering them as I threw them up and slammed them into the pure white floor, still absorbing their souls.

I felt the energy coarse through my veins s life returned to them, then I stopped when I was stabbed in the abdomen by the Cockatoo with several tails pinned on and too much access to black paint, then he pulled out his arm with a chunk of my liver as I coughed out blood, then he grinned and squished it and threw me off.

Celestia tried running to me but he grabbed her and still, life and death did nothing, they couldn't interfere.

He was slowly cutting Celestia's neck when a white ribbon held onto her hand and pulled my body to her and he swiped his claws at me, but I dodged and held Celestia's hand and this time, she didn't resist and there was a massive booming sound...


A massive booming sound echoed around the endless space of pure white as water burst through and tore through the flying fox dude's skin.

He fell down and looked at the two of us as currents of water swirled around us, then he told the beasts to attack and immediately they moved, a massive wall of ice formed over all of them, locking them inside, as the ice slowly punctured holes in their cells.

We got down and looked at him then he darted up into the white sky and I grabbed him with a whip of water and slammed him, hard, into the ground and rammed my fist into his stupid face, several times, pulling my Multiverse shattering punches so he'd suffer longer, then I eventually punched through his head and froze the contents in place and dropped the body, if that was Darlok's best, then his whole plan had failed from the beginning.

Just then, the ice exploded and we all looked at the creatures as the ice ones had freed them, I cracked my knuckles and grinned, I hoped they would...