
Hearing the sound of birds I was surprised as to which body I just reincarnated only to see that I was lying On a bed like I was dead at least I was alive "Xin Lan , Pavillion of souls wait for me I will avenge"


I turned my head to see that there was a woman beside me crying profusely.

I searched this body memories to remember that this woman was my mother and her name was Ling Yu

"cough, cough" I coughed to get her attention then I said weakly " Mother , Mother" she turned around to look at me with grief and excitement tears rolled down her eyes Like a river.

She hugged me tightly like I have been gone for a long period of time then she said " Ling Feng you are alive " I sat up then a maid suddenly came in and froze in shock "you are alive" the maid said

I realised that my name was Ling Feng in this body his memories started coming to me like a flood then I remembered that it was a conspiracy and I remembered who it was Zhen Yao who conspired with my fiancee Fei Tian

"Argh" I sighed inwardly " why is it that even in my second life I encountered another betrayal from a woman again!" Lin Feng turned to look at the maid who was bringing water before series of people rushed in wildly.

The first was a man whom I recognised as my father

the next was my uncle whom I hated because he was the one who orchestrated my death so that he will kill my father and ascend the throne.

Then my Grandpa came in, all of them came in at once with mixed emotions.

" Everyone leave! I want to have a word with my son" Ling Shi who was my father said then the maids and every other person left apart from my mum , my grandpa and my father.

" Thank God that idiot left" I cursed inwardly

My father was a 5 star Spirit Master then he quickly deployed a sound sealing formation then Ling Shi hurried towards him and asked "What happened to you?" I wanted to tell them the truth but I thought about it and then i reasoned that it will upset my father and he will surely go and confront him.

" I don't know, I just saw a group of men in black who came and attacked me from no where, in the process they sealed my cultivation Ling Feng said Boldly

"Well that is a problem because the Spirit Awakening ceremony is next three months and you have to show talent among everyone!" Ling Shi complained bitterly

"And besides they are changing the family name to Xiao!" Ling Shi said slowly Ling Feng looked up slowly in bewilderment looked at the heavens and sighed inwardly "Heavens Dao"

I immediately circled Spirit Qi in the environment and tried cultivating Instead of cultivating to my spirit Qi vortex, I circulated it to my brain then I saw Seven Orbs of light I stopped then I looked up smiling.

"Alas I can still cultivate!" I sighed inwardly "father I will cultivate and I won't let you down" Ling Feng said out loudly, Ling Shi looked at me and then said " I will gather resources for you to start cultivating I believe in you " His voice rang out loudly. Ling Yu looked at me still with tears in her eyes.

As they left the room, I immediately whirled spirit Qi and then used it to open the first orb which was for alchemy, I needed to enter the Spirit Condensing stage fast .

Ling Feng started to go through the memories of the maser of alchemy he wanted to start practicing alchemy but he discarded the thought since he needed two items which were Heavenly Flame and Heavenly Cauldron. Although he could use a beast flame, the difference between the two of them were like heaven and earth.

So Ling Feng decided to use the cultivation method of the Heavenly Dao to condense Qi first by passing Qi in nine cycles into his Spirit Qi vortex. As he started to pass spirit Qi he noticed something else along his Qi paths

" Purest Bloodlines" Ling Feng cried in shock

At least the Fate has not forgotten me Ling Feng thought to himself, He immediately started practicing the cultivation method of heaven's Dao.

After spending two hours cultivating, he was already in the first star of the spirit condensing stage he needed to go and get used to his power, as he left his room, with the help of the previous owner of the body he knew his way around and left for the training ground.

Somewhere in Northern continent, A man who was wearing a crimson colour robe with a stern face was seated on a throne and was listening to a group of elders who were quarrelling when the man suddenly waved his hand and said " Silence, the eastern continent has aggravated us and we will wage war against them"

The first elder stood up and said " But we will offset the balance of the lower Realms"

The man stood up in a majestic figure and said " we will send them a challenge letter first"

This man was naturally Xiao Feng's brother Xiao Li whom Xin Lan thought she had killed he had established a very great force 20 years after the betrayal he had established a very great force in the Northern continent so that he could avenge Xiao Feng.