Xingwei Inheritance Tomb

Ling Feng was confused as he looked about, the current him was confused he needed to sort out his training schedule before two months time, so he needed to sort out his training schedule.

"Get monster core of a tier 6 spirit beast"

"Refine Pills; poison /medicine"

"Practice swordsmanship"

"Swallow Heavenly Flame"

"Breakthrough to the Spirit Refining Stage"

Thinking of his training schedule, Ling Feng felt a headache how could he achieve all this in less than two months. Ling Feng decided to venture into the city and gather information and prices of ingredients needed to refine deadly poisons, Energy recovery pills

and some other crucial pills he can use for trading when he eventually venture into the Asura Demonic Sect.

Walking in market, Ling Feng went towards after entering and ordering for the drink, Ling Feng sat down while pondering on what to do and how to handle his current training schedule.

" Did you here of the Xingwei Inheritance tomb"

"yes I heard young prodigies and young geniuses from the four continents will be gathering there"

" Yes each of them will fight to get the best treasure"

".... treasures from the primordial era are nothing to joke about"

Ling Feng approached the two men who were discussing about the the Xingwei Inheritance tomb and asked " please where can I get more information on this inheritance tomb"

One of them looked at Ling Feng and handed Ling Feng the map to the Xingwei Inheritance tomb then left.

Ling Feng was shocked because this map layout looked exactly like what was underground of the Azure Fortitude Mountain but no one could get to the Azure Fortitude Mountain without being killed. Until when Ling Feng was looked closer and saw that it was within the range of the Mountain which meant that the inheritance tomb led to the Azure Fortitude Mountain .

But in the first place Why was his clan or he not aware of this opportunity, thinking back to what his father said he reasoned it must be the work of the other clans wanting to over take the Ling Family.

Ling Feng rushed out of the restaurant after paying the attendant and went to the Azure Fortitude Mountain to set up currently he was the master of this mountain so he could kill anyone at anytime.

What did this mean? As he is the master he could decide to keep all this treasures and kill everyone from other clans this was pure luck for the Ling Clan

Ling Feng went inside the Xingwei Inheritance and checked all over everywhere, in his mind these things were all trash for an Inheritor of the Heavenly Dao; what were mere tier 6 weapons. or tier 5 pills or mere heaven ranked techniques, Ling Feng walked passed all of them and went towards a green core-like light which was shining in the distance.

As Ling Feng approached the green core light and stretched his hands to take it, the core like light suddenly started shining brightly than before the light then shrouded Ling Feng and swallowed him up.

Inside the Green core light, Ling Feng stood and was surveying his surroundings when he suddenly noticed that the green light was actually a cultivation tool so as he was breathing he was cultivating, when a spiritual figure swept out and stood in front of Ling Feng. The Spiritual Figure which was wearing a crimson colour amour like a prince heading out to battle, looked down on Ling Feng and said " Kid you are welcome to you are qualified to take my inheritance am sure you will know who I am now, I am Zheng Sen The Fifth Martial emperor of the middle Realms" Zheng Sen said in a bragging manner.

"Hmph" Ling Feng sneered.

" What is a useless Zheng Sen in front of the person who was the head of the whole three middle realms" Ling Feng said with disdain

Zheng Sen heard what Ling Feng said and was very angry and sneered " And who are you referring to as the head of the whole middle realms".Ling Feng to looked at him then said " I was referring to my self"

Zheng Sen sneered and was laughing, Ling Feng who was looking at his expression Shaked his head then released the power of the Heavenly Dao almost immediately Ling Feng's Aura had changed his eyes were now crimson red.

Under the power of the Heavenly Dao, Zheng Sen could no longer stand straight what kind of power does this kid has that can make a spiritual figure bow. Zheng Sen thought inwardly but the aura of this power....

Zheng Sen widened his eyes in shock when he was still alive he had read in books of the first martial emperor who ruled the three Realms for a Millenium,he was said to have had the power of the Heavenly Dao.

Ling Feng released his cultivation base then Zheng Sen stood up and bowed then dropped all his inheritance even his storage ring.

Ling Feng was shocked as to the amount of treasures , maps,pills and ingredients Ling Feng was happy at least he didn't need to refine pills or find ancient ingredients.

Ling Feng smiled at the spiritual figure and was about to leave when the Zheng Sen said " please master if I may ask, can you carry me out of here I need to avenge for the person who killed me".

Ling Feng looked at him and said " well what can you offer me to be able to take such a risk'

Zheng Sen was dazed I just gave you my whole life's treasures that I have accumulated all over the years of my life and now you are asking for another pay he thought inwardly.

Ling Feng continued to walk forward about to leave the light when Zheng Sen said " ok what are the conditions"

Ling Feng smiled mischievously then said " first you will protect me for five years then you will tell me location of Heavenly flames as simple as that".Zheng Sen had no choice than to accept the condition, Zheng Sen turned into a crimson colour light and flowed into Ling Feng's body and was stored in Ling Feng's Spiritual sea.

Ling Feng still cultivated and broke through to the second star of the Spirit Refining stage.

Then Ling Feng checked some of the inheritance and exchanged positions of some of them, the trial posed no challenge to Ling Feng so he cleared most of the trials in the most fastest time. By the time he was done it was night already,Ling Feng rushed back to the Ling Manor approaching the house, The council of elders were conversing with Ling Shi.

" Ling Feng cannot survive in the Mountains of the Asura Demonic sect so what is the need of accepting the challenge"

" we can't allow the face of the Ling Clan to suffer so there is no baking down to the challenge"

" what is the way forward now?"

" It is to equip Ling Feng with treasures,pills and techniques of the Ling Family"

Ling Feng walked into the manor smiling then cupped his hands then said " Greetings to the Ling head and elders of the Ling Family"

They all had worried looks on their faces and just responded to the greetings with a shallow heart.

This was a tough decision for all of the Ling Family because it could affect their position and reputation .


Sorry guys for not posting for a long time it was due to work and stress, I will appreciate your comments, reviews, gift and opinions.