WebNovelOne wolf30.00%

Chapter 3

The next morning I woke up with a start realizing I woke up an hour before my alarm. Half of me didn't even want to walk through those doors again in fear that I would see that handsome boy again, or even worse he would want to talk to me. Instead of doing some more homework I decided to go for a run to let out some steam and clear my mind.

That night my mind wandered back to the boy. He walked into my dreams and even though I knew that it would go against all of my morals I wanted to feel safe and loved again but I wasn't sure if I was ready to open up to someone again. I never had to share my thoughts or feelings before, everyone around knew to just let me be because I paid my bills on time.

As I transformed into a wolf I took off running into the forest. The smells all around were delicious and the views were nothing short of breathtaking. This tranquility was the only thing that kept me sane in the world that seemed to only want to drive me crazy.

While I was passing through the regular pasture I went through I looked to see if I could find the little girl that was always happy to see me. Honestly I questioned her parents because no one in their right mind would let their young child near a wolf, but as I looked around I could smell the recently baked scones and the fried steak on the barbeque. It was like they knew I would come. I trotted over to their porched and pawed at the window and was greeted with a bright smile. Even though the world had not been the greatest to me it had let me have this bright light and warm memory to get me through the hard times.

I happily ate my food while receiving lots of pets from the girl. Her parents brought me water and patted me on the head to show their love. As weird as it was to act like I was fully a wolf around these people I did not mind the free food and feeling like I had a family somewhere.

After a while I left and ran home to get ready for another day of torture. Although after a while of running it was like someone was following me. I could feel eyes on me and hear the crunch of someone trying to be quiet. Laughing at the stealthiest of the other person I stopped and turned around only to land on a black wolf with a star on his right eye. Never in my life had I run into another wolf let alone have one following me home. I let him walk up to me and I something about his eyes seemed so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. After a while with no one speaking I gave up and ran all the way home. I had been out to late and I only had ten minutes before I had to be in my car driving back to hell.

Walking back into my school I had my guard up wondering if that boy would show up again. Every corner I turned he did not turn up though. Like he finally realized that I did not want to be found. After grabbing my books I headed into my first class with the done homework in hand. I had almost stayed up all night to get this work load done and all I wanted to do was curl up in my bed again and sleep. It was peaceful and safe there, but sadly after school I had to go back to work till 11 and then homework and sleep. Honestly I didn't know how I survived this long with how tired and exhausted I always was. I never got a day off and when I did it was mainly spent on doing homework or cleaning. I hadn't had a good holiday in years and I wouldn't for a long time, until I had the education to get a better paying life. My only goal was to be comfortable enough to let my guard down and feel at home.

Now if I gave in to my mate and let him take care of me then I would be comfortable faster and easier but I would not have worked for any of it, and after all I had been through to get where I was today I was not ready to just throw that all away for the easy way out.

After not seeing that boy yet after lunch I finally stopped looking for him. Every teacher was surprised when I gave them back all the assignments and work. As much as I needed to get it done the fact that they all gave me the looks that they didn't believe that I could do it only made me strive to prove them wrong even harder. Most of the things I had to go over I already learned in my other school so it was more of a review class for me.

After the day was done and I was getting into my car I finally saw him again. In the same spot that I had realized he was my mate. Looking right at me with those big brown eyes. The same eyes that the wolf I saw this morning. The resemblance was uncanny. A part of me did not want to believe that he found me again, that he wanted anything to do with me. But there was a pleading in his eyes, like he needed me as much as I needed him. Like he wanted me to be in his life to help him become a better version of himself, but remembering the cozy visions I saw of his nice childhood, always cared for, always content with what was happening around him. He had his path set out ahead of him and his parents would not want a person that they had kicked out 10 years ago to come waltzing back because the fates have chosen me as the alphas mate. How ironic was that.

I carefully watched as he took a step closer to me and I took a step back towards my car door, reaching for the handle I pulled it open. After seeing this he took a step back in defeat. Maybe one day I would let him come close to me but I couldn't see him the way he wants me to. The only thing I remember when he looks at me is the way his family chose to get rid of me and by now he would realize who I was and know what his family did to me. There was nothing he could say to get me to come back and feel safe in that place ever again.

Leaving the school I looked at my rear view mirror. He was still standing as people walked around him. I knew that this little thing would not go away in a few days. He wanted to make things work even if I did not want him to. He was determined but not as determined as me.