The Prince has a Secret Girlfriend (part 6)

"Hey Christie, I know it's not my place but you don't seem to be the type of girl to flirt, unlike what Henry said back there. . . I guess what I'm saying is why were you so bold and so aggressive with Anthony in your black swan pas de duex?"

Chase has now removed the habit of calling me 'babe' and has now started to call me by my name. It might be because he becomes shy and blushes when he remembers that time at the bathroom when he threatened me and then he sobbed like a child. Him calling me by my name feels like I now have a friend to call my own. I am not a picky person. Even if I end up with just a few number of people to call my friends then it's okay. Who needs a ton of friends who will turn their backs on you when the going gets tough. Nope, I would rather have a few that I know I can really count on and now Chase fits the bill.

"I don't know . . . maybe I was just venting out or something. I thought I portrayed the emotion of Odile really well but it turns out I was juts using her as a mask to vent out some pent up emotions of mine." I say with a sad and regretful tone.

"Hmmm. . . Don't be sad, like I said your performance was a bang up job from a dancer's perspective and if the audience saw that they would be in awe as well. It's just that have you thought of what Anthony might feel? I think what Henry meant was that you might've took it way too far with teasing Anthony."

"What do you mean?"

"Have you forgotten how insistent Anthony was with pursuing you? I know that Anthony is a little weird but Henry and I have known him since we started here in Graceland. I can tell you that he has never shown interest in any girl until you. He was always busy with his video games on his own and not socializing with others unlike Henry and I. You might have given that poor fellow some false hope with that stunt a while ago. Unless I am wrong of course and you do have the intention of getting together with Anthony then don't pay attention to what I said then."

"I . . .I didn't know that Anthony might misinterpret me."

"Hmmm.. Let's be clear. Do you like Anthony?"

"No. . I mean, I like him as a dance partner, he is stable and reliable but there's nothing more."

"Then you have to tell him, you know it's never good when you play with someone's emotions." Chase spoke with such a serious and hurt tone.

"I know. . . "

I wanted to console Chase and tell him that I know exactly how he feels but I came up with our situation, Henry and I. It was I who proposed this arrangement so why should I now be the one whining here. But one thing is for sure, I don't want to play with someone's emotions that's why I need to come clean to Anthony.

Chase and I went back inside and together with everyone we reviewed the videos taken of both our impromptu performances and it was the first time I saw myself dancing that way. Chase was right I did a great job but he was also right in his assumption that it did looked like I took it way too far. On the video I couldn't help but notice that when the camera pans to follow our movements, there by the corner Henry stood silent and contemplating. His face showed no emotion until I was an inch close to Anthony's face and I was feigning interest in Anthony, teasing him further. He furrowed his brows and pinched the bridge of his nose as if showing disappointment and then he was out of the frame as the camera focused on Anthony and I. Something tugged at my heart, I only wanted to dance freely but I ended up hurting a lot of people because instead of expressing properly my emotions I just let loose. I wish I could tell Henry right then and there that I was thinking of him when I was dancing how I wanted to tell him that I he was in my thoughts constantly but I ended up making such a huge mess. I was snapped out from drowning in my own thoughts when Mr. Michael spoke up.

"Great! Now everyone, I want you to learn from this. Christie you were incredible darling but like what Henry and I agreed on, you might just want to take it down a notch. Amelia try to put more umph into your steps. Your movements felt a little too controlled. Okay! (Clap! Clap! Clap! ) In the next few days you will be missing out on some of your classes as we are nearing the Gala Night Performance. This is not a way to skip classes mind you, the GABC is a legacy and I intend to keep that legacy going especially that our founder, Ms. Natalia Monet will be in attendance."

A collective gasp was heard all over the studio. Even I was excited to meet Ms. Natalia Monet in person. From what I heard she has not been seen in public for several years because of her failing health, I hope she feels well enough to attend the Gala Night. I would very much like to meet her even though I won't be dancing on that night, it would still be a dream come true to see her. Her portraits in the Archer Manor are all I know of her face.

"Very well, everyone. . . To your positions. ." Mr. Michael instructed.

We took about three more runs with our black swan pas de duex with each impromptu dance getting better and better as both Amelia and I receive critics with both of us having to do tweaks on our dances. In the world of dances and performances everyone must be ready to hear critics and be prepared to change certain things, there is no room for the weak willed and timid. I still remember when I was starting out with dance and I was unmoving and unwilling to compromise, in my head, I know what I want and I get what I want. That bull headedness must be from my Grandpa. Knowing who he is and what he has done. But thankfully I am also my father's daughter which means it is also in my blood, that kindness, humility and acceptance of my mistakes. That is why after practice was done and before everyone left for the changing rooms I asked some time to talk with Anthony alone.

"Uhmm. . . I'm sorry." I bashfully say towards Anthony.

"Sorry for what?" He asked.

"What I did in the first impromptu dance for the black swan's pas de duex was wrong and childish." I spoke with embarrassment showing on my face.

"Oh that. . . No problem my little lady, any attention coming from you will be most welcomed by me." He jests.

"No, I shouldn't have treated you that way. I mean yes, I was trying out the emotions of Odile as the black swan but I got carried away and I . . . I hope I didn't give you any false hopes." I was now unable to look him straight in the eyes as I realize how much I might have tormented him.

(Anthony lifts Christie's chin to meet his eyes.) "You don't have to be this sorry, it hurts even more if you apologize like that. I knew somewhat in the middle of the pas de duex that, that dance was not for me. Yes, you were looking at me but your eyes weren't really seeing me. It's as if you were seeing someone else dancing with you my little lady. It breaks my heart a little but it will break even more if you keep apologizing and saying to me what I already know. (Anthony slowly caresses Christie's cheek) I might not be able to win your heart after all." Anthony states in a somber manner that it makes me want to cry for being so childish and teasing him.

"But. . . will you allow me to pretend? Can I at least for one day pretend that I have you? You still owe that date remember?" Anthony turns things around and reminds me of that promised date.

I nod my head and listen to Anthony, I owe him this much.

"Tomorrow is our free day will you accompany me outside Graceland and have a proper date and help me burry my feelings once and for all?" Anthony heartbreakingly beckoned.

"I'm not sure. . . I don't think going outside is a good idea. I am not allowed to go beyond the vicinity of Graceland. My guardian strictly forbade me before."

As I was saying the word guardian, I remembered that Henry is now my legal guardian within Graceland but outside the Academy then I would be back to becoming an Orphan with no one to stand for as my guardian as Nana is missing.

"Why? Are you hiding from someone?" He jokingly said.

"Ahehehehe. . . Sort of. . ." I awkwardly answer.

"Well we just have to put you in a disguise then. I know some people from the drama department they have some pretty convincing costumes you might be able to use. Come now, are you going back on your word, my little lady?"

"Uhm. . .It's not like that but. . . (Anthony begs down on his knees) Oh . . .okay, but you have to go get me those disguises."

"You got it! It's a date then. I will see you here tomorrow and I'll personally hand you the disguise." Anthony excitedly says.

"Wait! What will we do with the outside passes? Aren't students supposed to get outside passes from the Student Affairs?" I asked still hoping that he might reconsider.

"Oh right! No biggie, I know someone." Anthony confidently states.

Will this really be okay? I mean, don't I need permission from Henry who is acting as my guardian here in Graceland to be able to go out? I don't know if he is back home at the Manor. Will he even talk to me he didn't even look at me when he left the studio a while ago. This is such a mess.