The Lantern Festival (Part 2)

The atmosphere inside the studio is a little too stuffy with Amelia's added security watching the outside of the building as it was Mr. Micheal's wishes that they stand guard outside and not disturb the sanctity of his dance studio. He just did not want his masterpiece to be seen by the eyes of people that have nothing to do with it referring to the men in suits of course. He put his foot down on the matter and not even the head of the security could get past him and with them guarding the outside how would it be possible for any bad guy to get near the precious lady- to-be. When we enter the studio we are being searched by the men in suits for any unauthorized weapons like a small knife or a small gun as if anyone of us would actually bring one. It felt like a small detention cell crammed with so many anxious and nervous ballerinas and danseurs jittery about the upcoming performance fueled by the heightened security.

(Dancers murmuring) "Settle down everyone!. . . We are now entering the final stages of our preparations from here on out we will be practicing and practicing and you've guessed it practicing. Tomorrow we get to practice with the Orchestra of Graceland Academy for timing and formations then after that we will do a dress rehearsal.."

"Uhmm, pardon my intrusion sir but why are we moving forward with things so fast all of a sudden?" One of the senior ballerinas asked.

"Art my dear is never rushed but we need to time things especially now that we have a limited time with mademoiselle Amelia." Mr. Michelle answers back.

(Murmuring ensues again) "Some special treatment! Why do we have to be rushed because of her."

"Clap! Clap! Now. . .now. . . We don't need that kind of attitude here. We are all working hard Amelia included." Mr. Michael retorts.

Just as the tension was simmering down, Amelia enters all glowing and happily smiling. Hmmm. . . I haven't seen her smile this much since we met not even when she was with Chase. Something good must've happened. Still, I am just happy that she's happy especially now that I know that she's one of the remaining relatives I have left no matter how distant her line is to the throne from me. I wanted to run up to her and be closer to her but like what Nana has told me, I must keep it down low.

"Hello mon cheris!" Amelia spoke up so sweetly to everyone.

"Amelia my dear, it's so nice to see you." Kisses her hand.

Is it just me or is Mr. Michael treating Amelia a little too different from before. Oh well I guess everyone does feel a little to clingy with Amelia lately, maybe this is the Royal Effect. You know when people get all nervous and dumbfounded by the presence of real royalty. I guess it's just a matter of perception and deception, people who know they are meeting real royalty in the flesh deceive themselves with their out of this world perceptions hence they feel different meeting real royalty. They don't know I'm real royalty, heck, I am even the heir to the Astorian throne and yet I don't seem to have that effect on people, so in conclusion this royal effect in Graceland is just mere perception and deception in my own opinion. Well, I wonder if people will ever warm up to me like that.

All the while we were rehearsing, everything feels a little awkward, Amelia seems to be putting some distance between her and Chase. Her smile and glow from when she entered the studio also faded. She was more serious and every now and then she would glare at Chase. Their dance practice was awful to watch. Mr. Michael picked up on this and after their turn, while Anthony and I were having a go at it, the two of them, Mr. Michael and Amelia talked privately in a corner. I wonder what they were discussing so fervently. But before I got too preoccupied with the two of them talking in the corner, I noticed Henry entering the studio quietly as usual. My face seemed to have a mind of its own because I couldn't help but secretly smile at him from the corners of my mouth. Henry's presence changes my mood instantly and I can see how I affect him as well although he is a lot better in keeping such a stoic face. As I do a spin I smile at him and he winks and smiles back at me, my knees almost gave out because of this and Anthony suddenly became worried.

"Are you okay Christie? You almost fell over." Anthony's mother hen instincts kicked in.

"I'm fine Anthony, I just felt weak all of a sudden hehehe. . ." I bashfully admitted.

"Uhmm . . Mr. Michael can we take a quick break for now?" asks Anthony.

"Sure dear, everyone you can all take 5. . " Mr. Michael announced as he was still deep in conversation with Amelia.

Anthony, Chase and I stayed in our places but Anthony urged me to sit down.

"I really am fine Anthony, you don't have to worry so much." I pleaded with him.

"Well, if you say so." Anthony aquiesced.

"I wonder what their talking about? They seem to be so serious." I mentioned to the two boys beside me.

"Beats me!" Chase said rather grumpily.

"Hey! (Soft toned) Are you okay?" I worriedly asked.

"Hmmm. . . I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice. I'm just stressed out." Chase apologizes.

"It's okay buddy, We're all getting anxious about the performance too that's just natural and since this will be your first lead role the pressure must be intense." Anthony comfortingly says to Chase.

"Yeah (reluctant tone) I'm just stressed out about the performance. . ." Chase reluctantly states.

Chase's tone tells me that there is more to his mood swings than just the pressure of performing as the lead for the Gala Night. If my hunch is correct it must've something to do with Amelia.

I was stretching out a little while the boys and I were having that small talk when I felt someone standing behind me and spoke so suddenly yet so intimidatingly.

"Hello boys! How's it been?" I heard Henry's voice from behind me.

I turn my head around and look at him eye to eye and since I have my face away from Chase and Anthony, I boldly winked and put my tongue out at Henry like a naughty child. It was so quick that I thought he didn't catch it but I was just giving back what he gave me earlier with something little extra of course. I saw a little smirk on his lips which he quickly disguised with his stoic face.

"Henry!. . . " Chase quickly interrupted as he hugged his dear friend.

"I haven't seen you in like forever buddy. Hahahaha!! (Slapping Henry's back quite harshly)

"Stop that Chase. . ." Anthony the mother hen scolded Chase. "Henry." (Anthony nods his head towards Henry and Henry nods back at him)

I know that Anthony doesn't exactly know what's between Henry and I but if I'm being honest with myself I feel like he knows something. Ever since the day of that terrible event Anthony has always been this way with Henry as if they're like two dogs sizing each other up and growling at each other and I am the chew toy caught in between them.

"So how are things with you?" Chase interrupts the secret growling contest of the two.

"Well, I just finished passing some of the work I have missed since my absence and now I am about to catch up with you guys in the GABC." Henry answers casually.

"As you can see everything is fine here without you. . ." Anthony spits out rather sarcastically.

"I can see that everything is f..i..n..e. (Henry elongates the word fine as he looks at Christie.)

What in the world is this guy thinking? Does he want to out us now by being so obvious? It appears that I wasn't the only one who noticed it as Anthony quickly went into defensive mode as he moved me behind him as if to protect me from something vile and evil and Chase simply looked at us as if catching on to some secret then to ease up the tension he takes both Anthony and Henry under his arms.

"Okay now boys, play nice. . . Hehehehe" Chase playfully scolded both Anthony and Henry.

But just as the four of us were laughing, Amelia's sweet voice echoed through my ears as she was heading towards us.

"Oh this is sweet, it's so nice to catch up with old friends, right Henry?" Amelia speaks.

"Yes indeed." Henry answers back as he straightens himself up and fixes his ruffled hair.

Amelia laughs rather untruthfully and goes closer to Henry which makes Chase and Anthony move back to my side and then Amelia fixes the collar of Henry's uniform making Chase avert his eyes while Anthony and I looked quite perplexed with her gesture. She was never like this with Henry they were so platonic that even a curved bar could be straightened in between them. But she wasn't done yet, she then links her left arm around Henry's right arm and softly says.

"Mr. Michael has something to discuss with you as well dearest." Amelia gives a little more emphasis on the term dearest."

Chase and I both looked at them and were confused. Did she just call Henry her dearest? What is going on here? Is she purposely doing this to spite Chase or something? Well it doesn't sit well with me.

Both Amelia and Henry went straight to Mr. Michael and the three of them discussed something. The atmosphere became more and more intense inside the dance studio but we managed to get through to the end of this day. Our practice was far from perfect it was awful compared to the practices we had before.

"Gather round everyone. Clap! Clap! As we all know so many things have happened this past few weeks as we are preparing for the Gala Night Performance. One of those unexpected but happy news is that we have in our presence a real royalty (he gestures towards Amelia and Amelia curtseys to everyone) and that our lady Amelia and dear Henry are engaged to be married. These following circumstances have changed our preparations thus far so Amelia and I have decided. Amelia being your Principal dancer and lead have so generously decided to give the lead in our Swan Lake production to her understudy Christie Miller. The decision was made because lady Amelia saw how uncomfortable everyone was with all the added security that comes along with Amelia so in order to have a better environment, I have opted to agree to our lady's request." Mr. Michael announced.

"What?!" Some of the senior ballerinas protested.

"But she's just a newbie, being an understudy was understandable since there was no guarantee that she'd be dancing on stage at all but making her the lead seems unfair to all of us seniors." One senior aired her grievance.

"She's right Mr. Michael. I don't think I can take the lead role. I might just fail everyone." I added not being sarcastic but sincere.

"Oh no, no, no. . . This has already been decided by us and this ballet company is not a democracy and when I say she's ready then she's ready." Mr. Michael rather forcefully spoke which silenced everyone.

I glanced directly at Henry beckoning him to say something on the matter but it was Chase who spoke up.

"What about me? What happens to me?" Chase asked with a sad and confused tone.

"You will still take the male lead Chase we just can't let lady Amelia dance anymore but since programs have already been made we will keep this as a secret." Mr. Michael explains.

"So you mean to say Christie will dance in behalf of Amelia?" Anthony joins in.

I understand the panic in Anthony's voice since the last time people thought I was Amelia, I got abducted and barely escaped with my life. But right now I don't know what to think. I have been wanting to dance as the lead since I started ballet but this is not how I wanted it to be.

"Okay, if Mr. Michael says Christie can do it then she can do it. We have all seen how good Christie is and let's admit it, if she wasn't a newbie she would be the lead in Swan Lake so technically she's just getting the break she needs. Besides, it would be too late to find a new lead from the seniors to learn all the dances of the lead. The Gala Night is just around the corner." Chase confidently spoke but it felt like his words were aimed at Amelia.

Then as crazy as this day was getting, Chase walks towards me and kneels before me like a knight to his princess and takes my hand and kissed it and said, "Christie Miller will you do me the honor of being my Swan Queen?"

But that wasn't all of it because Anthony also knelt and took my other hand and said, "You are my only Swan Queen."

I could hear a collective gasp from the other members as things have now turned into a fiasco. I was scanning the whole room and caught a glimpse of Henry's undisturbed face but Amelia was now pouting and glaring at me. Wait, this is not my fault. She did this, she insisted on me playing the lead role and now she's glaring at me. Just who is the real Amelia. Was the Amelia that I met before just a mask she wears but underneath is really someone else. Hmmm. . . Two can play that game.

"Stand both of you, I may not compare to Amelia but since she has insisted on me playing the lead role I am honored and pressured at the same time but since I am the lead's understudy I must be prepared to step in if the lead cannot perform. So I wholeheartedly accept to be your lead." I curtsey to both Anthony and Chase and then to the other members. "But the measure of a great performance is never only because of the lead roles. I believe that the lead can only do so much but together with all of us doing our best we can give everyone present in the Gala Night a performance to remember and forever etch in history the name of the Graceland Academy Ballet Company."