Chapter 107

Meixiu's eyebrows furrowed at the man. Her hand finally came untied as she secretly and skillfully untied herself.

The tattooed man smirks, sitting in front of Meixiu, who doesn't seem to care even if she's about to die in his arms.

"It's been so long since we saw each other."

Meixiu continues to be confused. Did she see this man from earlier? As far as she knows, she never went out to fight anyone. And it's been so long since she was taken to a fight, which was ages ago, long before she was kicked out of the orphanage.

And it was one time only!

"I'm sorry, but who are you?"

The man's smirking and giddy face suddenly went solemn. He quickly stands up from his chair, walking towards Meixiu with a sarcastic smile.

"You don't remember?"

"Of course, would I even care to ask?"

The man chuckled bitterly, put his hands on Meixiu's neck, and held them tightly. But the woman sat still in the chair and didn't react.

Which in turn upsets the man.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

The commotion made Suyin wake up. She felt herself tied up, her mouth duct-taped as she looked outside the window only to see the man choking Meixiu.

She couldn't help but scream through the duct tape, her eyes tearing up upon seeing how angry and red the man's face was. She saw how his eyes landed on her, causing him to smirk.

Meixiu's gaze turned cold, glancing at the man who seemed to have ill intentions toward the woman who was tied up from the ceiling. Seeing the smirk on his face only ignited the flame inside her heart.

"Oh look, your girlfriend's crying."

"Don't touch her."

The man looks back at Meixiu, his hands removed from the woman's neck before provoking her. He knew Meixiu wouldn't be able to fight him considering he has the bigger body.

And she's outnumbered by his men just outside the room.

"What will you do then?"


Meixiu swiftly stands up from her chair, her hand grabbing the loosely tied knife on the plank. She was quick to take the fight on her table, knife close to the man's neck as she put her feet up on his chest.

"I'll do this."

Suyin's gaze was blurry, but she knew Meixiu had the upper hand. She blinked quickly, her movement stopping as she saw how the taller woman held a smirk on her lips.

Is this the same Meixiu she knows?

Certainly not.

She knows how to combat, which only makes Suyin's feelings flutter. She couldn't help but wonder if Xiaohui had any idea about Meixiu's masculinity through fighting.

But she won't question it.

She just wanted to see it for herself.

The man lying on the floor laughs. He stands up, eyes looking unimpressed at the woman who manages to free herself and get the upper hand. He claps his hand, confusing Suyin, who has no idea what's going on.

"Why do you act like a girl?"

Meixiu's eyebrows raise at what the man said. Her hand lowered, situating on her side before pointing to herself. Is he really that stupid or gender-blind?

"I am a girl...?"

"I don't think the Master Song would raise a girl."

Meixiu's mouth circled. He's not talking about her gender but her mannerisms. Well, it's true, Song Changpu wouldn't raise a girl.

She remembered how the man would always go on his way, teaching Meixiu about masculine movements to make her ready for their world. And the young Meixiu would always be amazed, not minding if she was a girl.

The man smirks as his hand swiftly goes towards Meixiu's hand, which holds the knife. Suyin closes her eyes, expecting that Meixiu is already dead, lying in her pool of blood.

The sound of flesh cutting made its way to Suyin's ears; it was loud and piercing. Hearing that and thinking it was Meixiu who got stabbed, she couldn't help but sob.

Her cries grow louder, hearing footsteps and the door creaking open in her chamber. She felt arms around her face, causing her to scream at the intruder.

"Stop it! I'll give you my money!"


The woman's eyes opened, seeing Meixiu's face splashed with blood and a hand holding a blood-covered knife. She felt her eyes tearing up again.

Meixiu looks at the rope, her hand raising as she cuts the rope from the ceiling before removing it from Suyin's wrist.

"Listen up, there's more men outside, so I want you at my back, alright?"

Suyin nodded, her lips shaking as she couldn't find the voice to speak. She stands up, with the help of Meixiu, looking back at the room and seeing the man lying in his blood.

It's evident where Meixiu cut him.

On his throat.

It was quite open; Suyin could swear she could see the muscle tissue on the man's neck. She couldn't help but gulp, her eyes glancing at the woman who walked in front of her.

She couldn't help the shiver going down her spine. Meixiu cautiously walked in front of Suyin, her hand holding the woman's hands as they heard laughter from the other side of the door.

"After the boss is done with that noble lady, let's take turns."

"Nah, I'd like it if we went for two."

Laughter can be heard from behind the door. Suyin couldn't help but feel disgusted upon hearing the comments about her.

She almost gagged, her hand stopping the coming puke she was about to release. Meixiu felt even more furious at what the men said.

Her hand balled, looking at the elegant woman behind her who had teary eyes as her hand was blocking her mouth.


"Ms. Song."

Suyin couldn't help but let her tears fall, her head hanging low as she sniffed. Meixiu sighed, her arms opening as she went and engulfed the woman for a hug.

Suyin became a statue in her place; she couldn't believe it. The woman whom she has been eyeing is suddenly warm.

Could it be that Meixiu's warming up?

Are all the smiles and gentle gazes that the taller woman would throw at her have another meaning?

But she didn't know; Meixiu only saw her as a friend. It's not like she likes Suyin; she only looks at her like a sister.

She was just a naturally emotional person. 

The waves of laughter died down; Meixiu removed her embrace on the woman. Her hand grabbed Suyin's before she quietly opened the door.

She saw the men still drinking their beverages, talking about random things. Meixiu looks back at Suyin.

"Wait here, Suyin."

"Ms. Song, you might get hurt."

Meixiu looked at Suyin before she smiled; her hand patted the woman's as she shook her head in disagreement.

"I'll call you when it's safe."

"But, Ms. Song—"

Meixiu didn't hesitate to run out of the door. Suyin was left in the room, hearing the clashing of bottles outside.

She knew Meixiu had a low chance of surviving. She was outnumbered!

Suyin couldn't help but feel helpless, her back leaning on the wall as she slowly glided to sit down on the ground.

As the ruckus continued, the door suddenly opened, and one of the men went in. The horror in his eyes was visible, yet it quickly changed into a psychotic one.