You perverted big brother, I'm not sweating

My Pov

After letting go of the yearning, I had for Alice, who is now occupying the bed I use.

Alice insisted on sleeping in my room, and since I was aware that she was exhausted, I allowed her to do whatever she desired.

In the meantime, I informed Sascha that she needed to get ready because tomorrow we would be traveling home with Alice.

When I told Sascha to leave the room, she appeared dismayed. Perhaps she thought I was going to discipline her by doing something sexual.

Yes, we can do that the next time, but right now, I also need a break to take a nap.

As I made my way to the bedroom, I saw that Alice was already there. She appeared sound asleep, but her face occasionally broke into a charming smile.

I have no idea what she imagines for herself, but I would love to be a small part of her dream.

I can only sigh as I sit on the bed's edge and continue looking at Alice. After a moment, I roll over and lie down on the bed to Alice's right.

I just staring at the clean white ceiling above me while I thought about something.

I have no idea how long I allowed myself to become distracted, but I soon became aware of someone pulling my left hand.

When I turned around, I could see that Alice's hands were hugging my left hand, and when I saw her behavior, I couldn't help but give a lighthearted smile.

"At least you have the decency to be able to change your clothes, you slob."

I said this in a low voice.

After arriving home just now, Alice made the impulsive decision to come to my room and fall asleep on my bed. Consequently, she did not give any thought to changing her clothes first.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Even when you sweat like this, you still manage to have a pleasant odor."

This time, I tried to tease her by making light of the fact that she hadn't changed clothes immediately, although she was still sweating from the training activity earlier.

Although I am aware that one does not need to wash their body to clean it when using magic, this is because one can cast a spell dedicated to cleaning all the dirt lodged in the body.

Even though magic may be more effective than regular water, I still choose to clean it again with warm water because doing so allows me to experience rare comfort and peace.

Taking into account that Alice had managed to stay in the wilderness for six days, it should be no surprise that all issues relating to cleanliness could be resolved through magic.

However, I still want to tease her to see her reaction because, contrary to what I initially believed, Alice has not been sleeping since earlier.

As soon as Alice heard my comment, I could see that her cheeks were beginning to turn red, and she was attempting to cover her face with the blanket.

"You perverted big brother, I'm not sweating."

I was able to make out Alice's muffled voice coming from beneath the blanket, and even though she appeared embarrassed, her hand continued to maintain a firm grip on my left hand.

I also rolled over to the side so that I was facing Alice, and with my right hand, which was free, I gently stroked Alice's head while it was covered by the blanket.

Eventually, I was able to make out Alice's head poking out from under the blanket. She was looking at me with a warm smile as we continued making silly faces and laughing.

"How are you aware that I haven't been able to sleep yet?"

Alice inquired in a soft voice as her fiery red eyes fixed on mine for the entire conversation.

"I just know."

I smiled softly in response and continued to stroke her head in a gentle manner.

"Will we see each other much less in the future?"

This time, Alice asked the question while wearing a downcast expression on her face.

"Yes, it's unavoidable, but don't you also miss mother and sister Emilia?"

I'm currently occupied with getting ready for an important event that will take place on this continent in a few years, and it goes without saying that Alice will also take part in it.

Therefore, as soon as we return to the palace the following day, I want to give Alice some kind of assignment immediately.

"Of course I miss my mother and sister Emilia too, because you... are... my... place... to... go home..."

Alice's voice was getting lower and softer, and her eyes were also starting to close little by little. And in the end, Alice was now honestly sound asleep.

"That is very reassuring to hear."

I, who was also exhausted, fell asleep next to Alice, who was wrapped in a blanket with only her head showing.

POV from the third person

The sight that other people see on this mattress will leave them in utter disbelief.

There was a brother and sister who were both sound asleep, and both of them had superior appearances. The younger sister appeared very pretty and adorable, but even though she was sleeping, she looked very majestic.

In the meantime, the older brother has a handsome and charming appearance, and any woman who sees him sleeping at this time will be instantly captivated by him.

Both of them have white hair, and their skin is a very pale white color. There is not the slightest trace of any discoloration on either of their complexions. They appear very pure, as if they are not from this world full of blood and dirt.

It appeared as though both of them were sleeping very soundly, and the atmosphere was so calm and serene that it was almost as if the rest of the world had fallen silent so as not to disrupt their enchanting dreams.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I was confronted by Alice's face, which was so close to mine, and it appeared that she was still immersed in her dream world.

When I turned to look out the window, I noticed that the sky had grown dark, and none of the maids was attempting to wake Alice and me up.

Obviously, I do not blame them, and it's possible that Sascha instructed the maids not to wake up Alice and me while we were sleeping.

After that, I attempted to get out of bed, but there was something stopping me, and it turned out to be Alice, who had not let go of my left hand the entire time we had been sleeping together.

When I think about it, all I can do is laugh wryly.

"Hey, Alice, wake up! If you don't, I'll just leave you here in this cold room by yourself."

I spoke quietly into Alice's ear using a low tone, and not long after that, I noticed that her eyes, which were closed, were twitching very slightly.

Her eyes slowly opened, revealing a brilliant ruby red color. At first, she appeared a little bewildered, but as soon as she saw me, a warm smile began to spread across her face.

"Thank you for accompanying me to sleep, brother."

Alice whispered something to me while putting on an act of spoiled behavior in front of me.

"Don't get the wrong idea the fact that you sleep in my bed causes me to feel squished, and as a result, I wake up periodically because of unpleasant dreams."

I said it in a tone that sounded annoyed, but my face did not appear to be the least bit irritated, and Alice's reaction to hearing that was simply a sweet laugh.


"Are you satisfied? quickly remove your hand from me, I'm sure there is now a mark, because you gripped it very tightly from earlier," the speaker said. "It's funny because..."

This time, Alice quickly removed her grip from my hand, a look of embarrassment appearing on her face.

After that, I got up and attempted to leave, but suddenly I heard Alice's voice, who was now rushing to get up from the bed.

"Wait for me, brother, I will first change my clothes."

After that, Alice dashed into the dressing room, and I didn't wait for her for very long before she came out. I could see that Alice was currently dressed in a gray suit, and on top of that, she had a white robe that appeared too big for her.

Alice made an attempt to demonstrate her current appearance by turning around and occasionally laughing as if she were asking whether or not she appeared adorable in this outfit.

Because this is my room, Alice is now wearing my clothes, which are a little big for her size. I can't help but sigh, even though I haven't said a word.

"whatever that is."

I spoke in a low voice as I made my way slowly towards the door.

Ignoring Alice, who was currently looking at herself in the mirror with her hand over her mouth, She was unable to control her laughter at her current appearance.