Get out of the way

Mysterious young lady Pov

Today marks the first time I have set foot in the capital of the Zeitgeist empire, which is the city of Zeit, also known as the city of the time.

I've heard a lot of rumors about this city's capital, so when I actually listened to the stories, I wasn't surprised by them. That doesn't mean I wasn't amazed or didn't care, though.

Because it is the capital of one of the seven empires that are located on this continent, it is only natural that everything revolves around this one location.

Ranging from technological advancements, health, education, magic, skills, spells, food, drinks, fashion, art, artifacts, architecture, and even slaves.

I could mention more, but it seems it is sufficient to know that everything in this capital is the best that can be found in any other part of the empire.

Consequently, as I was listening to the miraculous story that is told about the city of Zeist, I simply said in my heart.

"Isn't that something that should be obvious? What kind of thoughts is going through your tiny heads that prevent you from comprehending such an obvious fact? Do you still not get it?"


It seems as though this young girl is oblivious to the fact that not everyone has access to the same information that she does.

People today do not have the luxury of spare time to discover this world's depths or appreciate its wonders.

Because... he is just a regular person who is being harassed by landlords to pay taxes... he is a hard worker as a farmer, toiling away in the scorching heat to earn money so that he can provide for his family... but in the end, his wife and children were raped and murdered afterward.

Because... she is a slave who is being pursued by the owner of a brothel who wants her to serve guests, but then she runs away in the hopes that her life will change, but she ends up dying in a garbage dump.

Because... he is a baby who was trained to be a killer from a young age onward, he always kills... kills... kills... kills... kills... kills... kills... kills... kills... kills... kills... kills... kills... kills... kills... kills... but in the end, he is nothing more than an empty puppet.

Even a light that shines in the darkness will not be able to continue to shine in this harsh and cruel world because the ink that comes from the darkness will slowly but surely pollute it.

This resulted in the birth of hypocrites who tried to adapt to this world. Sadly, only a handful of pure light can survive in this world.

Even the people who were recorded in the history books as legendary individuals also had twisted hearts.

Therefore, only a select few people are able to appreciate this world to its fullest.


"Are you excited to visit the capital, junior sister?"

When all of a sudden, I heard a man's voice. As I was looking out the window at the scenery outside.

When I turned to look in the direction the voice was coming from, I saw a young man who was the same age as me. He had a face that was above average, and he wore plain gold-colored clothes that were devoid of any additional ornaments. However, he wore a crescent moon symbol on his chest.

He made an effort to initiate a conversation with me, but I chose to ignore him and instead concentrate on appreciating the scenery outside while maintaining my icy demeanor.

The man in front of me persisted in trying to engage me in conversation even after he realized I wasn't interested in what he had to say.

"I can't wait to get there because this is my chance to shine. At my current level, I have no more challenges in the sect because they are not comparable to me."

This man continued to talk at length, or rather wanted to brag, but then his expression changed as if he had made a mistake, he continued to say.

"I'm sorry, but even seniors are no match for junior sisters, so of course my junior sister is the only person who can beat me."

When he looked at me, his expression was tense, and he spoke in a hurried tone. At the same time, he scratched the back of his head slightly.

"At least you're aware of that."

I spoke in a calm tone while maintaining an emotionless expression and keeping my gaze locked on the man.

This guy laughed in an awkward manner after hearing my words, even though he appeared to be happy. Perhaps he thought that I was beginning to open up to him with what he said.

"In that case, please accept my apologies, and when we get to the capital, will the junior sister go..."

The man in front of me suddenly stopped talking when he was startled by a loud voice coming from the front of the carriage. The voice sounded like it had been around for a long time, but it exuded a powerful presence.

"It is time for you to get ready, as we have arrived."

"I understand, teacher."

After sitting for such a considerable amount of time during this long journey, I answered while standing up, and after that, I began walking down out of the carriage.

I am a disciple of the Halbmond sect, and the young man who has been calling me junior sister throughout this journey is my senior brother of the same sect as me.

And the old man who became the coachman was one of the Halbmond sect's elders.

In all honesty, I didn't need to get off the carriage, but I chose to do so anyway.

My first impression was of a very tall and imposing wall that seemed like it had reached the clouds. However, I was unable to determine where the wall ended because it appeared to stretch on indefinitely.

Even from where I was standing at this very moment, I could sense a magical aura enveloping the walls.

My expression, which had been indifferent the entire time, suddenly showed a trace of a smile, which was highly unusual.

In front of me, there is a line of people waiting to enter the city through this gate, and several other people can be seen disembarking from the carriages they are riding in.

It appeared as though they were looking for some fresh air while gazing in amazement at the city walls, and it wasn't just them. Nearly everyone else was making the same expression.

As we made our way closer to the gate, I could see a large number of guards standing firmly guarding the entrance, while others were checking people and their luggage one at a time as they attempted to enter the city.

This large gate is almost like two separate entrances because while I'm waiting in line to go through one of them, the other half of the gate appears to be deserted, and only the occasional magnificent carriage goes through it.

My teacher uttered some words as he approached one of the guards stationed at the gate.

"Hold on just a second, I need to briefly speak with the guards."

"I'll come too."

My senior brother responded with excitement as he hurriedly followed the teacher from behind.

The only thing I could do after seeing it was sigh while saying to myself.

What are they doing, exactly? Even though it is only a question of time before it is our turn to enter the city, there is no way that the two of them want to mess it up in any way.

Because I had no other option, I made the decision to follow them. However, based on the personality of my teacher and senior brother, it appeared that things were going to turn out badly.

"Am I allowed to use the other path, which appears to be empty?"

I can make out my teacher's voice as he asks one of the security guards a question while maintaining a polite and friendly attitude.

They proved to be both impatient and too proud to wait like the others did in the end, which was exactly what I anticipated would happen.

"You can't. This way is reserved for nobles family and matters of the utmost importance."

The guard responded quickly with a face that was unmoving and expressionless.

"Very appropriate then, we are from the Halbmond sect, and we have important business in the capital. Now, could you please allow us to enter through that path?"

My senior brother was the one who spoke this time, but everyone could clearly see the smug look on his face when he was talking about his origins.

When they heard the name of the Halbmond sect, the people waiting in line were immediately shocked, while the guards only slightly raised their eyebrows and then returned to a deadpan expression.

"Still can't, and either you'd better get out of the way, or I'll have no choice but to have to throw you out."

Remarked the guard in a commanding tone while maintaining an intimidating air.

"Wait a second, earlier you said that nobles are permitted to go this route. You are in trouble because not only are we from the Halbmond sect, but also my junior sister and I, we both come from families..."

Once more, the words that my senior brother was about to issue were interrupted as a result of the arrival of three magnificent carriages heading in this direction.

I can identify the symbol on the side of the carriage, which is a circle with a skull in the middle that indicates a time in it. However, I cannot identify the numbers or letters on it.

People at the time were startled and appeared frozen in place as if they did not know what to do.

After seeing these three carriages arrive, even my teacher and senior brother displayed signs of fear and anxiety.

But then I heard the female guard sitting in the front of the carriage, and she said something in a tone that was both icy and authoritative.

"Get out of the way, and don't make me repeat that one more time."