You perverted dog in heat

my pov

After what seemed like an endless and exhausting journey, I could finally make out the palace gate in front of me.

Because when we left, it was still dark out, but now that the sun has come up, the temperature has risen, and the environment is much more pleasant here.

The carriage I was riding in came to a stop in front of the entrance to the palace. However, there was no one there to greet me, not even the maids.

But it makes no difference to me because my comeback was also unexpected.

"We've arrived, Alice."

I said as I got up from my seat, and without waiting for Alice and Sascha, who were still closing their eyes, I got off the carriage.

Alice, who was still not ready because she had just woken up, fell to the side as a result of the sudden disappearance of me, who was her body support.

"aww... why are you being so cruel to me..."

Alice mumbled something in a low tone as she rubbed her head and wore a frustrated expression on her face.

But, seeing that I was gone and that Sascha would also be leaving her alone, Alice quickly said.

"Wait for me, Sascha, why did you two keep quiet and didn't even wake me up?"

I turned around and could hear Alice screaming behind me, and shortly after that, the sound of hasty footsteps could be heard. Those footsteps came from Alice, who was now following along beside me, her chest rising and falling as she gasped for air.

In the meantime, Sascha trailed a little bit behind me with a grin on her face that indicated she was having fun.

Following that, the three of us walked into the palace, and at the time, I actually desired to go somewhere with Sascha.

"Alice, you are free to do whatever you please."

I said. While looking over at Alice, who was standing next to me, Alice then asked back with a questioning look.

"Would you like to go somewhere by yourself with Sascha, big brother?"

Upon hearing Alice's question, Sascha, who had remained composed up until this point, appeared embarrassed and had a flush on her cheeks.

"Yeah, I'll go take care of things with Sascha, and Emilia will come with me as well."

I replied honestly and nonchalantly, my smile indicating that I didn't care about Alice's question, which had other meanings.

"Ehh... Emilia's sister is also invited. I'd like to come as well."

When Alice found out that Emilia would also be coming along with me, she voiced her objections because she did not want to feel excluded.

"No, I will not invite you this time."

I responded decisively by dismissing Alice's feeble protest, considering that her presence at this time was unnecessary.

After listening to my words, Alice couldn't help but show her displeasure, but as soon as she heard my next words, she immediately appeared terrified.

"Since you left quietly without informing her, mother must be extremely concerned about you at this point, so you had better spend some time with her."

After saying those words, I walked away with Sascha, ignoring Alice, who appeared to be frozen in place at this point.

But after only a few steps, I could hear Alice's voice calling out to me, but I continued walking without looking back, and a small smile appeared on my face.

"Why is it that I have to be the one who has to bear it all, aren't you... the older brother who asked me to go out of city... ahhhh."


Now that Alice is gone, it is just Sascha and me. The atmosphere has a more relaxed vibe, but I can see Sascha looking anxious right next to me.

Although I was aware of what was going through Sascha's head at this very moment, I simply ignored it and carried on walking.

The path I'm taking now leads to a training ground, but rather than a place to learn magic like Alice's training ground back then, this one is a place to hone one's skills with a sword.

"So, where is the young master going to take my virginity, and shall we seek a quiet place now?"

Sascha, who had been quiet for a while now, unexpectedly asked a perverted question. Her face appeared happy with flushed cheeks, and her eyes occasionally peeked at me.

I only smiled softly as I leaned closer to Sascha in order to whisper something in her ear.

"All of that can be done later on, but for now just shut up and come with me, you perverted dog in heat."

"mmmh... mmmh... I understand young master... haahh"

Sascha let out a weird moan after hearing my words. She appeared to be panting, but the smile that was already present on her face continued to grow.

I immediately continued walking after seeing Sascha's response like that, and not long after that, Sascha also followed me, but this time her expression was back to being cheerful as it normally is.

The two of us did not have to travel very far before finding ourselves where Emilia usually practiced her swordsmanship.

It's noon, so I'm sure Emilia is still practicing with her sword, as she is a training fanatic, especially when it comes to using her weapon.

Sascha and I then proceeded to enter the building. Much like Alice's magical training ground, this location exudes an air of majesty and expansiveness, and the quality of the energy that permeates it is also exceptionally high.

It didn't take long to find Emilia, who was currently practicing sword swings in the middle of this vast field all by herself.

She was dressed in tight clothes that highlighted her curves so clearly that every time Emilia swung the sword with both hands, her large breasts swayed as well, and her expression, which was panting heavily due to her continuous training, stunned me in place.

Even though I saw Emilia quite frequently, her current appearance sparked a thought about something else that had been preoccupying my mind.

But then I woke up from my daydream, and without further ado, I approached her. However, before I could say anything, Emilia immediately said something to me without looking in my direction.

"Mom was a little worried when you two left without saying a word. Now that you're finally home, I can put her worries to rest."

But then Emilia asked, "Then why is Sascha here?" while looking warily at Sascha.

"I would really like for you to come with me right now."

My face showed a soft smile as I went straight to the point, and as for Emilia's question, I didn't pay any attention to it at all.

I didn't bother waiting for Emilia to respond before turning around and walking out the door with Sascha right by my side.

In the meantime, Emilia, who appeared even more perplexed by my words, immediately followed me in a hurry, but then she asked something.

"where? Could you please explain it to me?"

We are going to see my new friend to get some information, and I hope that by the time we get there, he is not already dead.

I responded playfully, but Emilia, who heard it, appeared even more puzzled, whereas Sascha seemed to understand what I was getting at.

After that, the three of us went to a place in the vicinity of the heavily guarded palace, and many people were unaware of its existence. This was due to the fact that the people who were being held there were dangerous and mysterious individuals.