What a bunch of idiots

My Pov

Because although it is pretty extensive, this shopping district makes up only a fraction of the total area in the capital dedicated to business and trade.

Therefore, a single day will not be sufficient to visit all locations.

Nevertheless, Emilia and I have been to quite a few fascinating places in this area, and the time the two of us have spent together has flown by in a flash.

I can see that the sun is already above our heads, even though the people around me appear to be suffocating and overheated due to the scorching sun hitting them.

However, neither I nor Emilia, who was standing beside me with a delighted expression on her face, felt a thing when the scorching sunlight hit our bodies. This is because we are both able to produce a layer of spells that cool our bodies using our magic.

In addition, Emilia and I are not wearing any ordinary robes because the robes we are wearing are actually magical robes that have the ability to defend against any attacks below level 50 and also have the effect of creating an illusion.

So that those who are currently looking at the two of us will only think that we are both typical nobles and nothing more or less than that.

This robe was a present from my mother, so I don't wear it that often, but I'm sure there are a lot of other perks that come along with it that I don't even know about. I think it will remain a mystery for a while.


Because I did not want to remain in the same spot for a long amount of time, I grabbed Emilia's hand once more and walked into a crowd of people that was not too far from where I had been.

As I got closer to the crowd, I could hear some of the individuals yelling at one another and arguing.

As Emilia and I got closer, the crowd parted into two distinct groups without the people in it noticing, thereby creating a large gap for us to pass through.

After that, I saw some teenage boys and girls arguing with two other people, and seeing those two caused me to raise my eyebrows slightly.

Because those two individuals were the ones who came dangerously close to losing their lives at that time as a result of blocking the carriage in which I was riding when I attempted to enter the gate leading to the capital.

I was able to determine that they belonged to the Halbmond Sect because of the clothes that both of them were wearing at the time.

Of course, I didn't give a damn about their problems, so I tried to get past them while still holding Emilia's.

After that, however, one of the boys said something which caused me to furrow my brows.

"Stop. What are you two doing, just walking right in front of me like that? Are you trying to get me angry as well?"

One of the young men who stood out due to his intimidating physique and booming voice was the source of the group's loud voice.

People who were watching and had previously shown little interest in Emilia and I are now beginning to concentrate their attention on the two of us.

Because Emilia and I continued to keep our mouths shut and didn't respond to the young man's questions, he continued to yell at us, but this time his tone conveyed his irritation.

"Hey, you guys, did you not hear what I just said?"

"After these two people from the Halbmond Sect made me angry, now there are two more peculiar people dressed in cloaks while it's daytime outside.

The robust young man made the sarcastic remark as he pointed his finger at the young women and men who belonged to the Halbmond Sect.

Moreover, I observed that the two individuals belonging to the Halbmond Sect were staring at this burly man with irritated and icy expressions.

"Hahahahaha… Will there be two more weirdos from different Sects that suddenly show up here?"

This burly man continued his chatter as if he was not bored, and it was accompanied by mocking laughter. His friends who were standing behind him also laughed at the taunts that the burly man was making.

This event turned out to be nothing more than a petty dispute between two sects who happened to run into each other at this particular location and time.

Because I can also see an emblem sewn onto the clothing of the burly teenager and his friends, and if I am not mistaken, they belong to the Runden sect.

I, however, ignored what the burly man had to say and continued to stroll leisurely in the direction of the exciting place I would visit next.

The onlookers were watching the commotion when they saw my actions; some displayed expressions of surprise while others appeared puzzled.

However, some people don't react at all because they are aware that based on the clothes that Emilia and I wear and the aura of mystery that we exude, it is sufficient evidence to demonstrate that the two of us are not ordinary people.

However, the burly man started walking toward Emilia and me while yelling in an attempt to take out his frustration on us.

"I am aware that you are not ordinary people. However, should that be enough to convince you to act stupidly in front of me?"

"Oh, I know... I'm sorry, I'm not that sensitive... it's only natural that you guys want to run away after finding out I'm from the Runden Sect."


However, before the burly man could continue his words, there was an abrupt sound of something falling.


"Next time, you practice more and less of your bullshit... oh, sorry, I'm not that sensitive... you're already dead, so just forget what I said."

I said in a bored tone, and after that, I continued walking. However, I noticed a peculiar gaze directed at me the instant that the trash died, and it was from a girl from the Halbmond sect.

But I didn't give it much thought, and it seemed as though everyone else had only recently come to grips with what had happened because they all appeared startled and terrified.

Because the burly young man who had been very talkative just moments before was now lying limply on the ground with his head separated from his body and a terrified expression plastered across his face.

People were even more convinced that the scene they were seeing was not some kind of illusion because his blood was still occasionally dripping from his neck.

"Senior Brother...Senior Brother"

"What the heck happened?"

The friends of the burly man who belonged to the Runden sect were the only ones who had the courage to approach the corpse.

They all appeared to be in a state of panic and disbelief as their senior brother suddenly fell to the ground with his head detached from the rest of his body.

One of them made an attempt to bolster his confidence by saying, "Wait a minute... you two..."

But before he could finish his sentence, the young man also collapsed to the ground next to his senior brother.

And just like his senior brother, the young man's head separated from his body while he displayed an expression of shock and fright.

All of this happened very quickly, and I didn't even turn my body to look at them as I continued to stroll leisurely while holding Emilia's hand.

Immediately, those who were present at the scene experienced an increase in their level of shock and fear; in fact, some of the bystanders had even fled the place in a hurry, while others remained still and didn't dare move from their positions.

"What a bunch of idiots."

I turned my attention to Emilia, who was standing right next to me, and I picked up on her cynical tone of voice.