We'll meet again at the hotel

Sascha Pov

"Yes, I know the rules because they were made by young master."

As I made my way toward the Raupe family patriarch, who was currently crawling around pitifully, I said it in a sarcastic tone while maintaining a slight smile on my face.

However, because I didn't want to keep the others waiting for too long for me, I quickly swung the magical sword that I was holding.

My magic sword pierced the body of the Raupe family patriarch alongside a blinding flash of light. Then, right in his heart, he died instantly without being able to scream or make any other sound before his death.

I just stood there staring at the dead body with an expressionless face because, if I'm being completely honest, I don't bother to care about what happened to this person or his family.

But at least I can have some peace of mind knowing that I will be able to take revenge on those who have been disrespectful to Hadrian by using my own hands.

I was content after seeing the corpse's face, which still showed deep and pitiful fear, and I started walking out of this house following Princess Alice's footsteps, but before I left, I made sure of something first.

During this time, the magic sword that had been embedded in the body of the patriarch of the Raupe family, who was now a corpse, shattered into fragments of magic light. Subsequently, fire spontaneously appeared from the shattered pieces of magic light and engulfed the deceased man's body.

The residence of the Raupe family, which appeared to be deserted in the past and now appears to be looking ever more abandoned without any signs of life, and the living room, which is the final resting place of the Raupe family patriarch, now appears to be empty.

The body that was supposed to be lying in the living room had vanished, as had the blood that had been splattering everywhere. What was left behind in the living room was a mess with various ornaments and broken items scattered across the floor.

I made my way to the front door of this house lightheartedly, and as I did so, I slowly propped it open just a crack. There was no particular reason for this action other than I simply wanted to carry it out.

Taking care of the middle-aged man didn't cause me to sweat because of Sucht. I should thank her for that.

Even though the Raupe family is the lowest noble family in this city, I cannot underestimate it. Of all the noble families in this city, they are the ones with the least influence.

Thankfully, the patriarch didn't spend his last fortune on hiring an assassin or anyone else to do his bidding as a last-ditch effort.

Because I believe that with this family's last fortune, at the very least, they are able to hire three to five people who have a higher level than me.

I would rather not hear such unfavorable news, and in addition, it will take significantly more time to finish the task in this place.

There is no question that it is dangerous. However, I am confident that I will win and be able to keep princess Alice safe, although there may be casualties among the female soldiers who accompany us.

All of this, of course, is ignoring the fact that Sucht is present because even if there were more than five people who were stronger than me present, Sucht would be able to handle everything on her own.

I have already mentioned that, in the absence of Sucht's assistance, I would have been forced to spend a significant amount of time taking care of the Raupe patriarch earlier.

It turned out that the middle-aged man was on a slightly higher level than me, which was a natural one considering his status as a noble as well as a patriarch. As a result, I couldn't underestimate him.

"Are you okay Sascha?"

I was startled to hear the voice of princess Alice asking me in a concerned tone.

I responded right away by saying, "Princess, I'm fine."

After arriving at the gate's entrance, I was able to see princess Alice and Sucht standing next to the carriage.

"Even though I'm not happy with how things turned out, at least I was able to accomplish what I set out to do today."

Sucht, who was standing next to the princess, replied to what princess Alice said by nodding her head ever so slightly and saying.

"You are right, princess."

"Then, what steps will Princess Alice take after that?" Sucht asked

"This is going to be a boring activity, just like when I was with Sascha in the forest that time."

Said princess Alice as she looked at me, and I could see the disdain in her crimson eyes as she spoke.

I couldn't help but give a wry smile, but I didn't say anything else, and after seeing that I was silent, princess Alice withdrew her gaze and looked at Sucht.

"Then I will leave the rest of the matters concerning the Raupe family to you, Sucht," Alice said.

"As you wish, princess, but allow me to go first, and we'll meet again at the hotel."

Said Sucht in a soft voice as she gracefully bowed to Princess Alice.

Following that, she got to her feet, turned around, and started walking toward one of the carriages while bringing five other soldiers along with her.

After observing Sucht's departure, Princess Alice gave the remaining soldiers the order to loot the empty residence of the Raupe family and take anything of value they could find.

When the soldiers heard the unexpected order given by Princess Alice, they were initially a little confused and didn't know what to do. However, they were only able to respond in unison by saying, "As you wish, princess."

Princess Alice said something to the two female soldiers just before the soldiers entered the building as though she remembered something.

"You two come with me!"

After that, we headed straight to the hotel, with me, Alice, and the two other female soldiers serving as our "coachmen" up front.

It seemed so strange to me that if they were serious about going home and resting, all of that could be done in fewer than ten minutes, and then they would be able to go straight home.

I have no idea who came up with the idea of booking a hotel room or what prompted them to feel the need to get away from the house so badly.

I told myself as I took a deep breath and then leaned my body back, and once the carriage started moving, I closed my eyes while maintaining control of my breathing.

After we had left this area of the nobles' residence, the voice of princess Alice, who was seated in front of me, roused me from the meditation I was in even though I had just closed my eyes.

"Hey, Sascha, I was wondering if you knew where my brother and sister Emilia went."

I slowly opened my eyes and smiled mischievously at princess Alice as I looked into her eyes.

"I don't know either, princess," I replied.

My response was brief because, much like her, I had no idea where they were going or what they were doing.

However, I have a bad feeling, and that is why I haven't said much since earlier in the Raupe residence.

"huh... my brother always leaves me to take care of this mundane thing."

Princess Alice uttered those words with a frown on her face, but after she was done, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of annoyance.

When we get to the hotel, at least I'll be able to do that with the young master, and actually, over the next few days, the two of us will be doing a lot of things together.

After giving that twisted idea some thought, I started to get excited all over again, and almost immediately, the uneasy sensation I had earlier vanished, and it was immediately replaced by a warm sensation in my chest and, of course, in my crotch as well.
