Ahhh, my eyes

My Pov

I told myself that preparing that dish would tire out my body, so the next day, after lunch, I went straight back to my room to rest. But, of course, I lied about this.

The fact that the soul magic I practised the day before had utterly depleted the energy in my body was the primary factor that led to my decision to get an early night's sleep.

When I woke up, it felt as though something was stopping me from getting up. When I looked under the blanket, I saw Sascha sleeping with her hands on my shirt, which explained why I could not wake up any earlier.

The night before, Sascha managed to get into my room without my knowledge. After that, you can probably guess what Sascha wanted, and yes, we did end up having a lot of s*x until midnight.

After that, if my memory serves me correctly, I went outside to get some fresh air and left Sascha, who was sound asleep, in my room by herself.

While I was taking in the night air by myself on the deserted balcony of this hotel on the 10th floor, I met Sucht, who had just returned after a long day of searching for traces of the Raupe family members who were hiding, and she told me that she had killed every one of them.

I then continued my conversation with Sucht on the balcony until the early hours of the morning. I also rewarded her with a passionate kiss for her hard work and kept a promise I made to her, which resulted in Sucht returning to her room with a contented grin on her face and ready to get some rest.

Afterwards, I returned to my room and slept next to Sascha. Her hands went straight for my shirt as soon as she realized I had returned. Perhaps she was afraid that I would abandon her while she was still sleeping, so Sascha grabbed it as soon as she sensed me.


After thinking back on what took place the night before, I yawned and let out an "ahh." It seems that I was busy right up until the wee hours of the morning, even though I got up relatively early the following day.

"Wake up, Sasha." I said as I stroked Sascha's cheek while she slept soundly beside me.

"Hadrian... mmh... what are you doing..."

Sascha, who was only partially conscious, even said stupid things, which made me laugh bitterly when I heard them.

I then kissed her lips while simultaneously holding her cheek with one hand and covering her nose with the other. Unfortunately, this caused Sascha, who had initially smiled when I kissed her, to struggle because she could not breathe properly.

"mmmh... argh..." is what she said. I was able to make out Sascha's mumbled attempts to communicate with me, but I chose to ignore them and concentrate instead on covering her mouth and nose so she couldn't breathe.

As soon I saw that she was beginning to go limp and give up fighting, I stopped kissing Sascha. Released my grip on her nose, and as soon as I did that, Sascha immediately heaved a sigh of relief and gasped for air.

When I saw the amusing antics of the perverted goddess that was lying on my bed in front of me on this bright morning, all I could do was grin merrily and playfully.

After that, I got up and got ready to take a shower, and when Sascha saw me go into the bathroom, she immediately got out of bed and hurriedly followed my steps to the bathroom.

Of course, I did not miss having sex in the bathroom with Sascha, with the cool water flowing through both of us as well as the heat from each of our bodies that complemented each other when my d**k entered her warm V****a hole, and it became extremely slippery.

The two of us then got out of the bathroom, and after that, we got ready, and then we went out to Alice's room to wake her up. This happened not long after I left my white liquid three times in Sascha's body.

Because I only have a week to help Alice solve this problem, and if it takes longer than that, I don't think they deserve more than a week of my time.

After that, I made my way to Alice's room and, without further ado, I opened the door. This is because I am aware that Alice does not frequently lock her bedroom door, mainly if she is in the company of people she regards as trustworthy, which allows me to easily enter her space.

I instructed Sascha to go to Emilia and Sucht because I believed that both of them were ready earlier. The only thing I had to worry about was waiting for Alice to be prepared.

"Alice, wake up. Your business from yesterday is not finished."

"what? Is it morning now, or did it just start?"

The next thing that happened was that I walked over to the window and opened the curtain. Almost immediately, Alice let out a scream.

"Ahhh, my eyes... did someone perform some sort of light magic right before my very own eyes?


As soon as I opened the curtains, a beam of bright sunlight shot straight through Alice's face. At that precise moment, Alice turned her gaze toward the window and opened her eyes.

I moved over to sit next to Alice and gave her a light head rub while I continued.

"This afternoon, I want to go somewhere, and I promise to take you if you can finish your business quickly."

I said while softly whispering in Alice's ear, and Alice, who was listening while still rubbing her eyes and simply nodded while asking for clarification at the same time.

"Did you keep your promise?"

"Of course, and in order to make things even more exciting, we're going to do it by ourselves."

I said this as I gently kissed Alice on the forehead, and as I did so, she gradually became more interested and started to get herself ready excitedly.

Started by going to the bathroom in a hurry, then after she finished, she kicked me out of her room, and not long after that, I could see Alice was ready and smiled pleasantly as if to show that she could also get ready faster even though she had just woken up.

I could also see Sascha standing by her side with Emilia and Sucht. Earlier, I had the feeling that the two of them had been prepared from the wee hours of today morning, and now I could see that my intuition was correct.

Following that, the five of us went to the hotel lobby and prepared to go to the place of the noble family, who were still related to the Raupe family conspiracy from the previous day.

Because I heard yesterday that Alice had the female troop that came along to take over all of the treasures that the Raupes had left behind, so last night, some of them returned to the palace.

But based on the fact that they have been here since the morning, I can tell that they are doing a good job.

There were already seen to be three horse-drawn carriages parked in front of the hotel lobby, ready to take the five of us, and just like the day before, I, Emilia, and Alice were in the carriage that was located in the middle, while Sascha and Sucht were together in the other carriage.

I can also see Cleir, who escorted us out by bowing her body towards me in front of the lobby door.

Even though our departure was noticeable and garnered the attention of a great number of people, I didn't really care what other people thought, and after that, we made our way out of there.