Huh, you guys are so persistent

Sascha Pov

It has been a very long time since I have been able to take the lives of so many people in a single day, and today I feel more alive because of it.

It's possible that Hadrian showered me with a lot of love the previous night and this morning, and that's why my soul became so passionate as I stabbed and sliced the body of the enemy that was in front of me.

Ahhh... hahahahaha... really, they all appeared at the right time because I thought today would be like yesterday when my enemies were just scared and helpless.

But things were different this time. It was more like, "ahhh, don't run away." So I said, as I was chasing a soldier who desperately tried to keep his distance from me, but to no avail, I stabbed him in the chest from the side with the short sword that I held in my right hand.

And to put an end to it, I thrust the short sword I was holding in my left hand into the back of his neck, and as I did so, I quickly jumped back because another enemy was attempting to slash me from the side.

I don't know if they're all idiots, but at the very least, don't scream when you want to kill someone because it makes it ridiculously simple for me to avoid their attack...


Oh, you can all just die... die at my hands so that later, I can receive a great deal of love from Hadrian.

Yes, you can all charge at me at once, but if you do, I'll be able to lop off each of your heads with just one swing of my sword.

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to bear the pain because my sword isn't long enough."

Because my sword was too short, causing some of them sustained serious injuries that did not immediately cause their deaths.

"Looks like I got some help?"

Because I could see, out of the corner of my eye, someone dashing past several enemy soldiers without them noticing, and even some of them were already dead, lying on the ground with terrible wounds.

"Ouch, as always, Sucht's claws are both lethal and aesthetically pleasing."

I said that with the commendable smile I showed for Sucht's current performance while evading the various attacks that were aimed at me. I dodged to the right and the left.

"Huh, you guys are so persistent."

I said, drawing a deep breath before launching an aggressive attack, and because Sucht was there, the enemy's focus was divided between the two of us.

I have to be honest and say that my stamina is starting to run low, and at this point, all I can do is deal out minor wounds to the opponent and avoid their attacks.

I simply dodged while parrying their weapons, which resulted in the sound of metal on metal. In addition, I could also see sparks flying off of their weapons as my short sword deflected them.

I could feel a powerful magic aura emanating from the center of the room, and I could see a blue light flashing in front of me in an instant as the atmosphere started to become more chaotic and the magic began to fall from the sky.

Although the thought of the attack being directed at me caused me to unconsciously shiver, it appeared that Sucht was the only person in this room who was capable of casting such powerful magic.

It would appear that all of this will be over very quickly.

I believe that it all transpired due to Sucht's assistance, as there were over 30 soldiers with an average level of 35 or higher, making them formidable opponents.

When I was advancing alone, many people would think that I was crazy for doing such a reckless thing. However, I also knew that I could be slashed and stabbed to death by enemies approaching from various directions.

Because Sucht was behind me, I became confident and rushed forward without thinking. As you might imagine, if Sucht is serious and casts her area magic spell, I'm sure every foe will perish instantly.

But, because Sucht isn't serious, I don't think she wants to show more than she usually does, but I'm not worried because Princess Alice also provides long-range magic assistance.

The long-range magic assistance provided by Princess Alice was also very helpful in reducing the number of enemies as quickly as possible.

Why not use the female soldiers that were brought in to help eliminate the enemy? The answer is simple, that is not required.

Because guarding Princess Alice was their primary responsibility, they did not have to waste effort fighting the enemy unless it was absolutely necessary.

Once more, I heard the sound of thunder, and a blue flash swept across the middle of the room. Not long after that, I saw Sucht standing next to Princess Alice with black claws that appeared spotless and had no blood stains on them.

Different from me, who is currently covered in blood all over my body, but despite that, I still have a big smile on my face right now.

I turned my head and looked back at Sucht, who was giving some sort of command to the female warriors who were in charge of protecting Princess Alice. After doing so, I continued to parry the enemy's sword while thrusting my short sword at the enemies to my right and left.

After I had regained my composure and was able to experience the sensation of piercing the stomach of one of the enemy's soldiers, I suddenly noticed that the female troops who had been guarding princess Alice were now fighting alongside me.

They all fought very effectively, which was exactly what I anticipated from the soldiers that the Empress had prepared. Furthermore, each individual's strength made it seem easy for them to slay enemy troops without even breaking a sweat.

"That's incredible."

I remarked as I made my way slowly to princess Alice's side so I could participate in the event as a spectator.

"Sascha, you were really going crazy just now with the way you were swinging those two short swords."

I have no idea what Princess Alice thought when she raised her eyebrows and looked at me, but I'm going to assume it was a compliment.

Therefore, I simply responded with a chuckle and asserted that "I think the most interesting thing to see is Sucht's performance, her lightning magic is really beautiful to look at."

"Oh, yes, I saw it too, but it seems true that Sucht is at a level I can't imagine."

Princess Alice said this with a downcast expression, and when Sucht heard it, she just smiled softly while slightly shaking her head.

After the last of the enemies had been eliminated, Princess Alice then turned around and walked out, closely followed by Sucht.


Even though the rest of the enemies were already disheartened and weakened, there were still some casualties on our side. This is because individuals level 35 and above couldn't be underestimated, so the end of the battle was what I expected it to be.

After that, I performed a spell in order to purify my body, which was filthy due to the blood and sweat on my body. However, not too long after I performed the spell, a wind suddenly appeared and encircled my body.

I can feel the coolness of the water like dew, which helps to clean my body as it blows through the wisps of wind surrounding me.

I walked out with the same appearance as I did when I came in, without the slightest stain of blood or sweat on my body, shortly after the wisps of wind and water that had enveloped my body vanished.

"I believe I've accomplished quite a bit, right Hadrian... hihihi..."