Forget about it, I'm full

Blume Pov

"We are here, remember Blume, pay attention to your demeanor once you're inside!"

When Grandma Baum told me that, I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was taking what she was saying very seriously.

Not long after that, Grandma Baum showed no signs of difficulty as she opened the massive door made of the mysterious and thick metal that was in front of her. It was as if her advanced years had no effect on her at all.

As soon as the door opened, Grandma Baum was the first person to enter the room. In the meantime, my anxiety level continued to rise because I had no idea who or what was hiding behind this door.

Even Grandma Baum maintained her composure and always presented a friendly and dignified appearance when she was in the presence of the other children. However, at this moment, she was acting strangely, and I could even see the sweat dripping down her forehead.

'There's absolutely no way that she's as nervous as I am right now, right?' I said to myself, but then I shook my head and tried to slow down the rapid beating of my heart.

After that, I entered the room cautiously because I didn't want to make anyone or anything that was already there annoyed with me for keeping them waiting for such a long time.

When I entered the room, the presence of three mysterious figures that I did not recognize was the first thing that drew my attention.

Because during the month that I was in this place, I never saw a stranger who came to this place, with the obvious exception of the children, because every day there were always new children who came and lived in this place.

When they noticed that I had arrived, the three mysterious people turned their attention to me and turned their eyes towards me.

"so beautiful."

When I realized what I had done, I couldn't help but hang my head in embarrassment, and I'm sure my whole face was red by now. I don't even know how it happened. I just blurted out what I was thinking without even realizing it.

I can tell that granny Baum, who is standing not too far away from me, is also taken aback by what I've said because her body is trembling ever-so-slightly. Even I can detect a hint of surprise emanating from her.

'ahhh... why do I say that... I want to find a hole to bury myself now,' I screamed in my heart while clenching my fists.

If you're wondering why I suddenly said such embarrassing things, the answer is that as soon as the three strangers turned their bodies to look at me, the very first thought that came into my head when I saw them was that the three of them were the most beautiful and handsome people that I've ever met.

Yes, the three mysterious people turned out to be two stunning women and one charming man. All three of them appeared to be young. In fact, one of the mysterious women appeared to be younger than I was. But I can't shake the feeling that I've met the man before in some other context.

But all of a sudden, I heard the voice of a man asking in a low tone, and for some reason, I felt a strange feeling when I heard his voice. Then, however, I realized that the only man in the room was the mysterious man in front of me.

"what are you calling yourself?"


My Pov

A young girl who is slightly older than Alice is now standing in front of me. This girl is currently remaining silent while lowering her head, and I can tell from the redness in her ears that she is experiencing embarrassment at the moment.

Even though I was somewhat taken aback when she suddenly exclaimed "so beautiful" while looking at not only Alice and Sucht but also at me,

But that didn't bother me because, after that, I asked something in a carefree manner to break the awkward silence that had been developing.

"what are you calling yourself?"

The girl did not respond immediately when she heard my question, and it appeared that she did not immediately understand that the question was directed at her.

But then the girl answered quickly after granny Baum coughed a little in an attempt to try to resuscitate the girl.

"Blu... my name is Blume."

I could tell she was experiencing anxiety right now by the way that she stuttered when she spoke.

"What happened to your older brother?"

This time, the young lady answered my question without any hesitation.

"Grandma Baum said that my older brother left me alone in this place over a month ago, but I don't know where he is."

After listening to the explanation from the girl called Blume, both Alice and I showed signs of mild surprise by raising our eyebrows slightly.

But then, as if coming to some kind of comprehension, I looked over at Granny Baum, who was currently looking in my direction while indicating something with her head nod.

After that, I gave Blume another look and said with a questioning expression on my face.

"Have you lost your past memories?"

When Blume heard my unexpectedly strange question, she appeared stunned at first, with her mouth slightly open. However, she then smiled wryly at me while she continued saying.

"Yeah, for whatever reason, my memories from the past are hazy at this point in time."

After hearing the girl's response, I looked at her with a fleeting smile, and then I slowly walked out of the room, but not before saying my goodbyes.

"We will meet again someday."

Alice, who appeared to be confused about the meaning of my words, could not help but sigh as she followed my footsteps out of this room.

In the meantime, Sucht, who had been silent for a long time, finally tore her gaze away from the girl named Blume and began to follow in my footsteps as she walked out of the room. I could tell that ever since Blume had arrived in front of us, Sucht had not stopped focusing her attention on Blume.

When I looked at the girl, I couldn't help but be surprised, and thinking about all of the strange things she had been through during this past month in this place made me both happy and curious. I knew, more or less, what Sucht had noticed because I couldn't help but be surprised too.

But all of that can be discussed at a later date because even though I will have plenty of time in the future to see that girl again, it appears that I will be busier over the next few days or even months.

After that, I made my way back to the carriage, and Alice, who appeared to be out of breath, came after me. In the meantime, Sucht followed behind us, appearing unperturbed while maintaining her usual warm smile.

After that, the three of us got into the carriage, and before the carriage, I was riding left this place, I was able to see the figure of granny Baum, who was already standing in front of the gate with a big smile on her face.

When I saw that, I smiled slightly and waved my hand at Grandma Blum while looking out the window.

Alice, who was sitting next to me, witnessed my peculiar behaviour. However, she could only respond with a look of complete bewilderment. Meanwhile, Sucht, who was seated in front of me, also waved her hand at Grandma Baum.

After that, my carriage continued to move further and further away from that place, and I could only sigh because I had a strange sense of melancholy after visiting that place. I don't know if it's because I met granny Baum or if it's because of something else.

Before we head back to the hotel, I've decided to show Alice around the trading area so that she can sample some of the snacks that are available there. This is because I feel sorry for Alice, who has been working hard all day.

"Do you like snacks, Alice?"

"Of course I like it, why would you ask that of me all of a sudden?"

Alice was quick to respond, but after she did, she couldn't resist inquiring further out of natural curiosity.

"All right, before we head back to the hotel, I'm going to make a quick stop to pick up a few drinks and snacks."

As soon as she heard that, I could see the excitement start to spread across Alice's face.

"It seems like you're capable of playing the role of an understanding older brother at times."

"I actually feel terrible about being such a cruel big brother by making my little sister fat due to all of the snacks that are about to be consumed by you."

I said it with an expression on my face that suggested I had no other choice, and I made sure to include the tiniest smirk possible at the corner of my mouth.

And just as I had anticipated, Alice's expression upon first hearing it was one of surprise. However, as she continued to speak, I noticed that her expression gradually shifted to annoyance.

"Forget about it, I'm full."