Chapter 6

He threw the napkin on the table in animosity and looked up at her. "I changed my mind, Jessica. I can't deal with you. Is this how you are going to repay me for all these years of being good to you?" He asked. "Was it Taylor?" he asked again. "I told you to let her go, Jessica!" he yelled. "Fuck!" he banged on the table, which took Jessie aback and made her gasp loudly.

Jessie saw a new side of Marco. He had never been this furious in front of her before. Maybe not in her presence but for the eight years they have spent together, she had never seen that side of him before.

He stood up, frowning as he took the chair away from him. He rested both his hands on the table and looked at Jessie. "I really loved you, Jessica. I really do and if only you had listened to me and done as I advised, we wouldn't have been in this tight situation we are in now." He took his finger up and pointed at her. "Let's see how far you will go without me. Let's see if you will ever find a man that will love you as much as I do. Remember, you are from the slums. No one would ever love a girl who didn't graduate. If you can't do things my way, then you are useless to me." He threw his hand into the air and scoffed. "This is ridiculous!"

Jessie's life flashed before her as she watched Mark walk away. The tears hidden in her eyes rushed down in a flash. She tried to catch her breath, but she felt suffocated. It was hard to breathe.

Jessie held her neck with her hand, trying to wait till the feelings hit. What had just happened? That wasn't how she expected it to go. She had expected him to be an understanding man. Maybe all these years, he had lied to her about who he was. Maybe all these years, he had kept his real feelings for this day so he could pour everything out on her. Maybe just!

She couldn't think of anything else to defend his actions after what had just happened.

Jessie picked up her purse instantly and searched for her phone. When she found it, she wasn't thinking straight. She dialled Taylor's number, and in one ring, Taylor's voice was heard over the phone.

Concerned, she asked. "What is wrong, Jessie?"

Jessie's trembling voice spoke. "He left Taylor. He left just like that." She continued to cry over the phone.

Taylor took the hint that the date didn't go well. "Calm down, Jessica. Wait for me there. I am on my way." She hung up the phone and laid it on the table. She felt numb. Her eyes were inactive. They were fixed on the floor. The perfect woman was gone. All that was left was a pitiful person who was trying to take in what had just happened.

"Jessica!" She heard Taylor's voice as Taylor ran to her. When she looked at her friend running to her, Jessie felt as if she was going to die. "Taylor," she called with her shaky voice as the tears continued to climb down her face.

Taylor ran her arms around her. "You are fine. I am here." She released Jessie and looked at her face. Mucus has already stained Taylor's outfit. "Ugh, babe, now you have ruined your makeup and my dress." She began to laugh, and so did Jessie. Taylor took a chair and sat next to her. She took Jessie's hands into hers. "What exactly happened?" she asked. She released Jessie's hands when she saw more mucus around her nose. She picked up the tissue from her bag and handed it over to Jessie.

Jessie sniffed as she measured the amount she needed. She used it to clean her nose and glanced back at Taylor, who was seated in front of her.

"Take your time, hun," Taylor said. Jessie wanted to cry again but kept it in. "You can let it out, Jessica. Gosh! You don't have to be perfect in front of me. Okay? It is okay to cry when you feel sad."

Jessie nodded. "I told him everything, but he blamed you and didn't want that. I didn't know he had that anger within him. He was really angry, Taylor. You should have seen it yourself."

Taylor sighed. "I told you he wasn't the one if he didn't support you."

"Eight years are gone just like that."

Taylor felt sad for her friend. She stood to her feet and helped Jessie up. "I know what will cheer you up. Let's get you home first."