One's goal

Normally stories have that one start or quote that brings the readers in, but what drives those readers to even look at the book's insides, one guess, yes, that's it, it's the title.

what I am trying to explain is that we live in a nexus, nothing in this world that you encounter has no meaning and those that you think have no meaning have the most complex meaning to the point you can't understand it, reason it's complex for your understanding is that it's you for that time, it isn't meant to be understood at that time, but the more you think about it the more it's meaning shall be revealed to you, well that's if you don't forget it but that's what we all do.

So, one could ask 'what can we do now that enables us to understand it at very moment?', well in truth nothing, there's nothing that you can do to understand it as you are then and there, the reason is experience. Don't fret it's naturally and the reason is that we, as an individual amount to nothing.

I'm sure you have all heard of that, so me telling you is nothing new, What I mean by that is simple, anyone wondered why there are so many living creatures? Of course, some have, and some haven't I'm part of the latter group which have, what I came to understand and get from this is that the reason why we are so many is that we are meant to do things as one here's why I thought that.

As individuals we can accomplish something unique to us but not everything, but as one, we can do everything, right? Yeah, I originally thought so to, this theory of mine was further supported by the fact that some of us grow to be failures and some to be successful, many normal while some above average, but what brought me to realize that this theory was wrong, is the fact that heaven and hell exist. Its weird why this would bring such an almost perfect theory to an end, but when you think about it it's actually valid. Who created heaven? According to Christianity, God. Who created hell? The devil, or whoever it was. Why this brought this thought to an end was, all of heaven, earth and hell were all created by one person, not a unit like I originally thought, just one person.

How they did all that I'm not sure, but a scared man once said "some things are better left alone/unsolved" and I replied to him "Death shall come to all, regardless of one's knowledge."