Chapter 8

With that, the first to move was the red head. She jumped as high as she could and used fire in bursts to ascend higher towards me, once she was close to me she covered he fist in flames and punched towards me with her right hand and created then used her left hand to send a burst of flames towards me. "Nice assault, but ariel assault isn't for you yet." I said as I created a repelling field above her head intending to send her crashing into the ground.

Immediately after thousands of water creatures appeared and begun assaulting me while a lighting user caught her before she could actually hit the ground, I raised my left arm towards the water creatures and created a spatial barrier in front of me to block them, when the made they contact the barrier they rammed it with great force but splashed on the barrier.

Soon after, red head shouted, "Earth users create a platform for us!" with that, all earth users clapped their hands and sent pillars towards me, upon those pillars I could see lightning users coated in lightning running up them, she then continued, "plant users, try restricting his movement!" she then covered her feet and hands in flames then jumped up again but this time a pillar inclined to her jump shot forth towards me, she then begun to ran along it coming after me.

The first pillar that was fired toward me was blocked by a barrier that I placed I front of it, but the lightning user running along it jumped towards me with the momentum he accumulated during his run ascending higher than me doing a front flip above me, he then descended with a hammer kick towards me, I had the intention to block but 3 more lighting users appeared from thin air.

'Quick flash?' I though as I noticed the intensifying lighting around each of them while they surrounded me, with a grin I raised my arm towards the one with a hammer kick, covering my hand with multiple layers of space to black the stun effect, I caught his leg parrying him and throwing him away, I brought both my arms to chest level and spread them creating a circular barrier around me that expanded away from me.

The lightning users were sent flying away from me, but the earth uses created platforms for them, landing on them, they rushed me again, about to fully dismantle them I sensed something coming for my legs. A passive of space we are born with increases our senses, it's called spatial awareness, we feel about 8 times the usual sensations of a normal elemental user, it increases over time but thanks to this sneaking up on a space user is very difficult. Looking down at my feet I saw several vines coming towards me, smiling, I did a backflip intending to doge and attack a certain someone, dodging the vines I extended my leg kicking thin air, but my leg hit something solid "How did you know?" I heard a voice from air, and I responded, "wind users can hide but not as good as darkness users".

Yeah it was a wind user, they are able to cover their presence with wind, coving their smell and more, they are also able to become actual wind, but it doesn't last long if they don't focus, it also takes a lot of mana. Pushing of her arms, I created a barrier around her and sealed that space with that she was able to move but not bast the barrier no matter how hard she tried.

Landing on another platform I created, I rotated to my right and performed left round house towards the red head, raising her right hand she increased the intensity of the flames surrounding the and prepared to block, creating multiple spatial layers on my leg I kicked harder towards her, when it landed, she moved towards the left of her pillar, I expected her to fall but the one controlling this pillar was efficient, they created a platform towards her left, she then steadied herself, raised her left hand and punched towards me it was hotter than before, I was about to block but the nature users sent more vines towards my legs and the lightning users finally reached me 'I really have nowhere to run this time' amused with that thought I looked towards the red head to see a smug grin on her face and that irritated me.

I returned that grin with my own and teleported to the center of the stage, once there I smiled and rushed the closest person to me, still confused she didn't know what happened and what to do, I, not caring, struck her neck to knock her out, I then moved on to the next person and kneed them in the gut then struck them on their neck. In the span of 5 seconds, I knocked out 6 students. On the 6th student, everyone regained their bearings but those in the sky needed sometime to reach down here.

Standing unfazed a blue haired student shouted "earth users create a barrier around him and seal him inside it, fire users burn him once he is in, he probably can't use teleportation again, it takes to much mana" those around him did as told, I just while I just smiled at him 'He is right by now we would not have enough mana to do it again', I was trapped in less than 3 seconds, the fire users formed a circle around the barrier and formed their flames inside it, the heat scaled up so fast that the earth barrier turned into magma but the earth users kept reinforcing it this went on for a full minute.

"Nice guess but you were wrong, I can teleport as much as I want, and it barely takes mana." I said standing behind the blue head, not waiting for a response I raised my hand to his back but this time instead of repelling him I created a rotational field on his back, I just twisted that space. I really expected blood but instead he turned into water that just followed the direction of the rotation. Knowing something is wrong I turned around to see his hand on my chest with almost all lightning users who were on ground charging up his arm that he turned to water, this would harm him but a water user and a proficient one at that he just was to sever the linkage to his body without damaging it, sounds easy but it's hard.

I was about to back up, but other water users created chains and other random bindings on my legs that begun spreading throughout my lower body, I could still brute force my way through, but the water soon turned to ice making me immobile, 'I thought there were no ice users here.' and to make it worse earth users joined in and bound my arms. Feeling the water arm extend throughout my chest and hold my entire upper body in place, I really couldn't move, but still smiling I looked at him and said, "Nice plan but I can also teleport others", horror slowly formed on his face as he shouted "NOW!" but before anything could really happen I teleported all the students on the ground to the sky, a few seconds later all the bindings on me became undone since they all lost focus on their spells.

Raising my head to the sky I could see thousands of students falling, a lot screaming, and some confused on what to do. The spectators were silent the entire fight, but me doing this really made their jaws drop, teleporting thousands of people isn't easy but the fact I just did it in front of their eyes made them more surprised than ever, I felt a lot of gazes on me some of envy, admiration, respect and…..pride? 'I bet it's the old geezer, why is he here?. Whatever, I guess it's time to remove some kids especially those who did nothing' keeping track of everyone is easy for me because of my all-purpose element so noticing a lot of bastards who were waiting for someone to do something is quite easy for me as well as keeping track of the entire arena but that's useless as of right now.

"Staff, you better keep count" I casually said, to really no one but the recipients got the message. I have mainly been using space for supportive purposes and that's not because I can't attack, I can but most of my attacks are destructive and will leave them in critical conditions. I forgot to mention this earlier but when I create barriers and or platforms and literally anything with space they are invisible to none space users, unlike other elements, space really doesn't have an actual form that can be seen or heard , the only reason why space users can see space is due to spatial awareness, it enables us feel, touch and see it, so to other elementals when I stand on a platform I'm flying cause they can't see what I am standing on, this concept also applies to attacks if I create a spatial arrow other elementals wouldn't see it but it will strike them and they will feel the pain, so that's how I plan to non-lethally attack them and also why that air user that I trapped is still yelling at me, we can also give non-space users the ability to see space like us but only when in contact with them. this rule Is deemed null with things such as portals, rifts, gates and high-level vortexes and some other things since they can be seen by all

Creating 3000 poles around me I shouted, "any spatial users in the stands please enable those around you to see what you see." A lot of people were confused on what I meant but when a spatial user explained why I requested that and offered them to see they quickly realized why spatial are a problem as an enemy. Finally locating only 1000 students who did nothing, I fired the in three bursts towards them, one for each, the reason these kids haven't won yet and why none have been disqualified is because no one has landed an actual hit, all hits directed towards me were either blocked or parried and while the blue hair did make contact with me that wasn't an attack.

When the poles launched they made no sound, so the students didn't know what I meant or what the spectators were seeing but when they made contact with them, the wails of pain made all the students realize I had attacked, the poles were meant to kill some, but I didn't want to be questioned later so I just simply impaled them one after the other random students just disappeared after the third volley, since the others knew that when disqualified your just sent out immediately some got angry for their friends while some became more serious and thought they understood why I was chosen, well to bad for the second group I was chosen on aa whim.

With such a sight earth users begun creating platforms for the rest of the students, they still had quite the distance to fall so I wasn't perfect and it couldn't stabilize in air but it was enough, blue head and red head took charge and ordered the water users to create an incline while the ice users freeze it for the close combatants, as for the air and fire users to stabilize the platform, they also told nature users to heal and help in any way they can. There were few ice and nature users as for the other elements like blood, darkness, and the rest none were here doing the test, looking to the stands I could see around 1500 more kids spectating 'probably the privileged bastards' though it annoys me of course corruption is a method of getting your child here, I'm not fully sure how it works since I have no experience in politics and oppression but if you have status and money this much is possible, most of those children are definitely the rarities and deviants but, looking closer at the stands, at the extreme back there was a girl with hair tainted black like mine but less revealing a few silver strands of hair, with a mocking smile I thought 'The princess of the house of space, Rina Granddaughter of the patriarch and only child of the main family. That's why he's here '