"You still aren't allowed to use mana? must be suck, but hey problems I don't deal with." Nobe played with my constraints as he mocked me. 'Honestly, it does suck but did you really have to add the last part?' I questioned this child's vocabulary settings.
"Get to sleep, school officially starts tomorrow. And being among the top 10 makes you a celebrity among our peers, you'll need the energy, and I won't."
"You know the only reason I believe you're not among us is because your mana is sealed."
"I have no plans on advancing in the rankings there is no need for smaller numbers."
"Mono, I have an idea. Let's just shatter those restraints."
"Dumbass, they are made of pure Nako. You can't do that with mana the only method I know of – that isn't getting the key – is using only physical strength. And last I checked neither of us has that strength to shatter these things."
"Eh, oh well. Guess I'll sleep now, I'm drained."
Apparently Nobe was caught by Jethro at the main building. He expended all his mana during what was described as his '7th gear' by the other first years, meant to refence the speed he moved at, explains why he looks extremely weak and why he's legs are shaking so much.
Entering my bed, I decided to check the forum for anything interesting. Scrolling for minutes, I found nothing really worth attention well there were somethings. Like the some of the areas I didn't know we had access too like the labs and their interiors, ranking duels and friendly duels that plagued the school.
Most of the duels were of those of lower ranks, there was only one that really caught my attention. "The rank 12 and 13 fought the rank 3 and, lost?." It was a friendly duel requested by the 12th and 13th, there was a video posted by Amelia, the rank 11. I knew that the Abner and Vincent were the fastest among the first years, so how the hell did they lose to someone who admitted that he couldn't keep up.
Clicking the video posted by Amelia, I skipped to the ending of the video. There was no need to watch the propagation stages of this fight, and truly enough I keep up with their true movements. After Abner and Vincent kindly expressing their gratitude to Julius's body, they stopped, 'Fatigue, I guess?.'
There was a huge dust cloud where Julius landed and these two just stood there tired as they stared at one spot. 'As an earth user, Julius has a high natural defense but despite that I doubt he could have come out of that barrage unscathed.'
[Abner, your faster than Vincent right? You landed one more punch than him.] Julius voice broke the silence in the field. A tall, toned, and well-muscled figure calmly walked out of the dust cloud. There was no fear on Vincent's face but on there was, relief?. Abner just sighed and Julius who had no scar or any form of damage on his body smiled kindly.
[Shame about my shirt though don't you two think?] Julius calmly joked. 'No wonder there are comments and images of his body trending right now. Bet it was the girls.'
At the sight of that I closed my watch, I really didn't have to watch further to know that those two were beaten, badly. Hopefully he was kind enough to it in one blow.
Annoyingly enough, what that huge mass of bear said to me is weighing on my mind. 'The fuck do you mean you want to help me? The hell do you gain?'
Mr. bear over there is apparently one of the 4 guardians of the forest, curtesy of Miss Alyona. He made it excessively clear that he can remove 'the restraints on me' for one condition, 'The absolute survival of the rank 7th time user.'
"The fuck does that mean?" I muttered in confusion. 'Is he gonna die soon? And how can I protect him without my element?' and which restraints? And why does Nobe's life concern you? He literally entered the school on the same day I did.
'You know what, that's a problem for later.' Closing my eyes I rested my hands on my forehead and decided to sleep.
6:45 AM
Honestly feel like I didn't even sleep. Sighing, I got out of my bed and looked at Nobe who was sleeping like a pig. Ignoring him I got ready for my new morning routine, a simple jog around the school and back then push-ups and whatever else I could squeeze in. Done changing, I left my dorm.
Since I can't use my element for however long, I plan on using what's given to me which in this case is my body, I'll utilize it to possible max that I can achieve. Starting with light stretches on my down, I decided to think through what I need to improve on first and knowing myself I decided to start with speed.
My perception of speed is an initial burst of power that translates to motion that is then accelerated, so I need to work on my explosive power and my ability to maintain it first then I'll work on increasing it. So stamina and strength and not to forget agility as well.
Taking in a deep breath and some jumping jacks, I ran out the gate of our dorms at full sprint. Jogging won't give me what I want as quick as I want it so this has to be better, luckily the constraints on my body were heavy so they naturally helped me build the strength I needed and maintain my full speed with these things on shall definitely increase my stamina.
As for the agility I decided to run straight towards obstacles and jump over them rotate or climb something to improve that. Not gonna lie, I'm horrible at this but I don't care as long as I benefit some way or another.
My form and method may both be trash but I have no one to help me so I'll make it myself. I should know what movements benefit which muscle group; I've cut enough bodies to know that. All I need is to actually make those movement's fluidly and funny enough the problem is making the motions fluid.
For around 30 mins, I was running around school like a flailing monkey trying to run, jump, roll and slide all at the same time. To say it was tiring was an understatement, I collapsed like 3 times and nearly fainted. Halfway through my body decided that it had enough and logged out, basically I fell flat. Not to break it, I decided that I won't go on any further with this crap, so I decided to stretch my entire body.
Stretching Is something that makes knowing the human anatomy another perk of life, I enjoyed stretching more than what I was doing before, and it increased my flexibility, so I did this for another 30 mins. I ended at around 7:35 AM, I then walked bac to dorm for a bath. The stretching made it a little more bearable but despite that I felt like dying with each step I took; my worst enemy was the stairs. 'Why the fuck do we live on the upper floors?.' Suffering my way up to my room, I found Nobe awake on his bed eating ice cream.
"Was it raining? You're drenched." Nobe asked while stuffing his face with ice cream, the flavor? I didn't want to know.
"There is huge glass dome above us and a giant window behind you, I'm you sure you'd know is it rained or not." I sighed - which hurt – as I pointed out the design of the room to the fool inside it. "Just a morning routine." I continued as I headed to the showers.
"Oh I Know, you're trending."