The unexpected friendship

I want him. I just want him for me, but ... I am risking my life for him. Is it worth it? Will it be worth it for me to risk my life for him? What if he doesn't like me anymore? What if ... my words are cut short because of the tears seeping from my eyes?

Is this the end for us?

The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky. I have just finished cooking Noah and I dinner. I was preparing the plate when he arrived. He then looked at me, and I smiled. "How's work?" I asked him but he didn't answer and the look on his face was tired.

"Alright. Let's eat dinner. I know you're tired, after dinner you can rest early," I uttered and was about to put rice on his plate when he said, "The company is in bankruptcy," I was stunned to hear about that. I stopped and looked at him, "What? Why?"

He sighed, "I don't know how that happened. The company is losing tons of money," he said. I was stunned to speak while looking at him. I don't know what I can say to him. I don't know if I am in the right position to tell him. I walked closer to him, "I know we can overcome this together, Noah. We need to work harder, we need to cooperate," I said to him, and he nodded his head.

The following day, I was at my desk while looking at Noah, stressing about the problem with the company. I sighed deeply and stood. I walked closer to him with a smile.

"Sir?" he raised his head and saw me, smiling in front of him.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, and he shook his head.

"No, I'm not," he said, honestly. I went closer to him and hugged him from behind, "We can do it, Noah. I... am still here. You can lean into me. You can tell me what's bothering you. I am here to listen," I uttered while hugging him.

Later that afternoon, they had a meeting in the conference room. I was with him as he let me go with him. I was sitting beside him. I keep on looking at him, while giving him a smile every time he looks at me.

"What's the solution to this, Mr. Brown?" Noah was about to talk when suddenly the door opened, and we were all surprised to see Noah's mom there. She was walking with confidence, and it seemed like everyone inside was scared of her. We all bowed our heads when she arrived.

"I only see one solution," she said, and Noah looked at his mother. I think I know what she's saying right now. I stared at my shoes while thinking about it. I know how hard and tired Noah is because of all this situation that was happening to him and the company. I badly wanted to help him, but how could I? I am just a poor woman, I don't have anything that can help him.

The board members leave them all alone. I walked with them, and bowed my head when I passed by Noah's mother. I went outside, even though I knew what she was going to tell him. I know she's going to tell Noah about that marriage again to save the company. And... I... will get abandoned once he gets married to that woman.

Later that night, we were inside the car, but Noah wasn't telling me about what his mother told him earlier. He was just silent while driving. He was serious and focused on the road. Until we arrived home, he was just silent and didn't even bother to look and talk to me.

We were already in bed when I asked, "Noah? What is it? Why aren't you saying a thing? What happened back there?"

"Nothing happened," he lied.

"I know there is. What is it?" I asked him again.

He looked at me, "I said nothing. Nothing!" he raged at me. My eyes widened while looking at him.

"I was just asking. Why are you angry at me all of a sudden," I said to him with a sigh and looked away.

The following day, I was still thinking about Noah. He didn't even talk or look at me. Why? Why is he acting like that to me? It's bothering me.

The day after another, and then another, Noah still acted that way. I was all alone in the street while walking. I didn't want to go home with him, as he also didn't want to talk to me. He didn't even look at me like he used to. Why? Why?

I stopped and sighed at the same time. I looked at the sky, and the pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. A deep sigh of disbelief came out of my mouth. I was about to walk when I suddenly saw Ethan in a store. I frowned while watching him from a distance.

"What happened to him? Why is he-" I stopped as my feet started to walk closer to him, and I don't know. The last thing I found out, I was right in front of him.

"Ethan?" I called his name, and when he raised his head I saw how red his cheeks were. He's drunk. He then smiled at me, "You're here," that's all he said and immediately his head fell to my shoulders. My eyes widened when that happened. I tried to push him away, but I couldn't.

I stopped and looked at him. I never thought he would get drunk alone in a public store. Is he risking his image just to vent his resentment? I was shaking my head when he suddenly raised his head and looked at me.

"You're pretty. Why?"


"Why did you end up with a man like him? He ... doesn't deserve a woman like you. You're ... too good for him," he said to me, which caused me to stop. I guess he's right. Maybe Noah didn't deserve me? Or... I didn't deserve him?

"Wait..." I started to go to a convience store to buy a hangover drink for him. After a minute, I went back and saw him, sleeping already on the bench.

"Ethan..." I woke him up.


"Drink this," I said to him as I handed him the drink for his hang over. He took it from me and then he smiled, "Thank you," he uttered to me, and I just nodded while looking at him.

He then started to drink what I gave him. After a few more minutes, he had sobered up. "I'm a bit shy now that I have sobered up," he uttered, and I looked at him.


"Just you know."

We then started to walk around the park while the moon was bright. I was just listening to what he had been telling me. He then stopped and looked at me, "Noah and I are at the same age, but... I'm a bit older in months," he said to me, and I nodded my head.

"Is it okay to ask?"

"What is it?"

"About your mother?"

"Ah... Yes. What is it?"

"Also? Why did you become an illegitimate child if your the first born son?" I asked him, and it seemed like I crossed the line. "I'm sorry," I uttered, but he shook his head and smiled at me.

"It's okay," he uttered, and then looked at the bright sky while sighing. "It is because my mother never got married to my dad," he added. I felt the sadness in his voice, and his eyes were full of sadness and pain.

"You're so tough even though you have been through a lot of struggles. How brave of you, Ethan. I wish I was that brave," I uttered.

"Why? Is Noah giving you a hard time?" he asked me, but I shook my head.

"I don't know how I can be brave just like you, Ethan. As you know, I was bashed by the people surrounding Noah, because they thought that I was not good enough for him." My shoulders lowered when I said that, but his hands were on my shoulders and when I looked at him, he gave me the broadest smile he had.

"Don't mind them. They are just jealous of you. For me... You're more than enough," he said while smiling, and as he smiled, his eyes narrowed. I never thought that I would be friends with a famous man like him. I never thought that I would encounter him, nevertheless, from thousands of his fans. I am so lucky. He doesn't even know, but... I am his fan.

"I think I'm going to quit singing and dancing," he uttered, and it caused me to look at him with a frown.

"Why? You worked hard for it. Why did you decide to quit?"

"I think I need some rest," he said to me.

"But... Is quitting really necessary? You can take a rest, but... don't quit. It's okay to get tired, but do not stop. Just rest, and continue after the next day."

He chuckled, "Thank you."

"Also... I have something to tell you," he looked at me. "What is it?"

I took a deep breath, "I... I am your fan."

He smiled at me, and after that we both chuckled together. "I guess... You want my autograph, right?"

I chuckled. "Can I?"


And just like that... Ethan and I became friends.

To be continued...