An angel from the sky

How did I end up here? This man... seemed so new to me. Did I just meet him? Where am I? What happened to me?

I was still in the room, remembering what had happened to me. I didn't remember anything. What's going on with me? I'm confused. I feel like I am lost, and incomplete. Something's missing, and I don't know what it was.

I was deep in thought when the door suddenly opened. I saw Laurence go inside while staring at me, "Are you feeling better?" he asked me, and I nodded my head. This is the first time I saw him, and I don't know what our relationship is. Are we couples? Or an acquaintance?

I was still looking at him with confusion when he chuckled, "Don't you remember me?" he asked me, and I shook my head after he asked me. "No... This is the first time I've seen you in my entire life," I said to him, and he smiled while nodding his head.

"Alright. Eat up," he said to me, while placing the food on the table beside me. He then patted my head, "Don't worry. Doctors will do their job to help you, okay?" I nodded my head.

I was starting to eat when suddenly he stood and was about to walk out when I spoke, "Wait..."

"Yes? What is it?"

"Thank you, Laurence," I bowed my head in front of him.

"You're welcome. I'm glad that I'd help," he said with a smile.

I was all alone inside the room while eating the food he gave me. I don't know my name, I don't know where I am from. I... I don't know who I am anymore. Why? What really happened to me?

Two days later...

"You can go home now," the doctor said to me, and I bowed my head to him with a smile. "Thank you, doctor," I bowed my head in front of him.

"But... Doctor?"


"I have nowhere to go," I said to him.

"Are you sure?"


"Should I call Laurence?" I think that I really burden that man, and I don't want him to feel that I am a burden to him.

I smiled, "No, doctor. I am fine. I'll get going now," I started to walk out of the hospital while thinking about where I should go. I had no place to stay, and... I don't have any money with me. I'm peniless.

I was walking in the streets when suddenly I heard my tummy crumbling because of hunger. I was massaging my tummy while I continued to walk. While on the road, I could smell a delicious odor from a vendor on the side of the road. I gulped while chewing on my lips while imagining that I was already eating that delicious food.

I am really hungry now. I don't have any money, and I can't eat that food. I was standing in front of the vendor while looking at that food. I really want to eat that, but how? When the owner looked at me, I averted my gaze and looked in the other direction.

"Miss? Do you want to have some?" he asked me, but I shook my head.

"No... I don't have any money, Mister," I said to him, but he was just smiling at me, and started to pack some of those and put them onto a paper plate.

"Here. You can have it," he uttered while smiling.



"But, I have no money with me," I said to him.

"Ah, it's okay. You can have it for free. Eat up, okay?" he said to me, and I nodded my head. bowing my head at him, "Thank you so much, Mister."

I continued to walk while biting the foods given to me. While walking, I immediately looked in a large mirror and saw how dirty my clothes were. I bit my lower lip as I looked at myself in front of me in the large mirror. A tear was slowly forming in my eyes while looking at myself.

I am a mess. I looked like a beggar. Do I have a family? Where are they? Are they looking for me? Are they?

I continued to walk until I reached a park. I smiled when I saw the young people playing with other children. I also see their parents now just staring at them. I was smiling while looking at them, but those smiles faded away when...

"Dear, you have to study hard so you don't end up like her, understand?" a mother said to her daughter. Those words hurt me. Why did he say that to his son? They even know what my story is, but it's really easy for them to judge people. I stared down when they passed by me. I could see how filthy my shoes were.

I sniffled quietly, tears threatening to spill from my eyes, but after a few more seconds, tears of pain ran down my cheeks.

The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky. The sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun. The night sky was aglow with bright city lights. I was still in the park, all alone, while thinking about where I should sleep.

A few minutes passed and I immediately felt the cold air that passed through me. My clothes were too thin and I didn't know why I was wearing them. I embraced myself, trying to heat up. My lips and hands trembled when the breeze hit me again. I continued to give myself heat by the method of body heat.

I was still warming up when suddenly I could feel someone had laid a coat on me. My eyes widened for a moment before I stood and turned my head. I was even more shocked to see Laurence there. "L-Laurence?" I muttered. I didn't expect him to find me. Why? How?

He was just staring at me. "Why did you leave the hospital like that, huh?" he asked me, and I could sense worriedness in that tone.

"The doctor told me that I can go home-"

"But you shouldn't have left in that situation," he cut my sentence and I was a bit confused about what he was telling me. Why? Why is he acting like that?

"Let's go," he stated.


"My house."

"No... I am fine," I said to him.

"So? Are you going to let yourself freeze to death here?" he asked. I looked around, and nodded my head. "Yes. Why?"

He sighed in disbelief, "I don't understand you. I am going to help you. You can stay at my house, but... it isn't for free," he uttered, and my lips pouted.

"I don't have any money right now," I said to him.

"I know. So, you're going to work under me. And, you can live at my house while working," he said, and I nodded my head.

"Thank you, Laurence."

He then placed his palms on my head, and smiled at me. "You did a good job. Let's go."

As he started to walk away from me, my eyes were still on him. I don't know how thankful I am to him. He's the kindest man I've met right now. A single drop of grief welled up from the corner of my eyes while looking at him. I... think I am living a new life. I don't think I want to remember my past. I... just wanted to stay like this.

When we arrived at his place, my mouth opened wide as I looked at the huge and beautiful house in front of us. "This is your house?" he turned his head at me, and nodded. "Woah. Your house is so big." I was smiling while looking at the house.

We started walking around the house when I spoke, "But... What's my job?"

"Cook for me. Are you a good cook?" he asked.

"I think I am," I answered.

He nodded. "Then, cook dinner now," he said, and I went straight to the kitchen.

After looking at all the ingredients, I started to turn the stove on and started cooking. While I was cooking, I could sense that Laurence had been looking at me. When I looked at him, I smiled, but he averted his gaze on me. What was that?

It took me twenty minutes to finish. I placed the food on the table and smiled at Laurence. "Dinner is served, Sir," I said, and he glared at me.


"Yes, why? Is there any problem with that?"

"No. Nothing," he then started to taste the food I made, and I was just observing how he tasted it.

"So, how was it? Delicious, right?"

He then looked at me, and I smiled. I am really confident that I am a good cook. "You..."


"Such a bad cook," he uttered, and shook his head at the same time.

"What? Really?"

I started to take a sip of the soup, and he was right. It was too salty. "I'm sorry, Sir," I apologized while bowing my head.

"It's okay."

"You can work at the restaurant starting tomorrow," he uttered. I was about to talk when he suddenly walked away and went upstairs. I looked at the soup I made, and I ate it even though it was salty. I just feel like I don't want to waste food. I am penniless, and I realized how really valuable things are, especially food and water.

I am going to work with Laurence, enabling me to pay for my stay and all the expenses he had at the hospital. I... am going to work harder.

Thank you, Sir Laurence. You're like an angel from the sky. Thank you...

To be continued...